World History Projects selections

  1. Architecture of Greece-

You can build a miniature model of the following buildings from wood, Styrofoam, paper or what ever materials you can find at home or at the hobby store. This could be a lot of fun if you like to build things. Here is a great website to find the architecture. Make sure to make it as neat and clean as possible.

  1. Parthenon
  2. Acropolis
  3. Place of Knossos
  4. Zappeion Hall
  5. Erectheion
  6. Temple of Zeus
  7. Temple of Poseidon
  8. Epidaurus: theater
  9. Or another selection of your choice-must be ancient Greece
  1. Go to Google and research the building and its history. (search under the theme “Ancient Greek Architecture and buildings”)
  2. After research and construction, you must write a one page report on the history of the building and its significance to Greek history to go along with the model.
  1. Greek Mythology and Gods
  1. Zeus
  2. Achilles
  3. Hercules
  4. Tantalus
  5. Poseidon
  6. Apollo
  7. Venus/Aphrodite
  8. Ares/Mars
  9. Artemis
  10. Athena
  11. Bacchus
  12. Pluto/Hades
  13. Hermes
  14. Eros
  15. Dionysus

You can find the gods on the following websites:

  1. After finding these gods or goddesses on these webpage’s choose ten of these to research, you complete the following task for your report;
  1. A summary of who these gods are. Two paragraphs.
  2. A visual of what the god looked like, through drawing, internet images, or library books.
  3. Describe the gods and their purpose.
  4. Prepare this report in portfolio or journal format that is organized and neat.
  5. Must have a title page included.
  1. Greek Art (Sculpture and Painting) Parts I and II
  1. Locate and research the two types of Greek Art.

Search on the following websites to locate these genres.

Locate ten sculptures and describe each in detail. Two paragraph summary describing

Them in detail: Origin, date of creation, and current location.

Part II

  1. List and describe in detail the 23 types of Greek pottery. Go to images of Greek Pottery and locate the 23 types of Greek pottery, describe each on one page and provide an image for each. A summary of each should be two paragraphs describing the purpose of each and its origin.

Here are some choices for you:

/ The "Agamemnon" Mask
/ Athena
/ Belvedere Apollo
/ Discobolos (Discus Thrower)
/ Head of a Blond Youth
/ Laocoon and his sons
/ Man with Helmet
/ Venus de Milo
/ Winged Victory of Samothrace
Make your selection by Thursday and let me know if you have any questions about a particuler part or section.
Rubrics will be discussed on Thursday. October 18th. Good luck……