


Phone: ______Cell Phone: ______

Email: ______Website:______

Medium: ______

Number of Items: ______

Display Choice (circle one): Wall Mounted Store CasePersonal

This form plus DIGITAL photographs or slides of your work must be emailed or mailed to, or dropped off at 200 N. Main St, Waupaca. Presently hours are Tuesday – Saturday (10 – 4:30). You may also drop things through the mail slot if they fit. If you cannot provide slides or digitals and need to bring your work in, please contact Anita at 715-258-3741. She will be able to answer any questions. You will get a response within 10 days. Contracts are: June through May or part thereof through May. The arrangement for consignment should be chosen from ONE of the following.

  1. $100/yr (can be paid semi-annually at $60 or quarterly at $35) and 40% commission
  1. General Rules that apply to artists and will be on your agreement form:
  2. WCAC Gift certificates are available to customers and will be treated same as cash.
  3. Sales tax will be collected by WCAC but artists are responsible for paying sales tax.
  4. WCAC will allow use of a credit card for payments.
  5. An inventory of all items will be required and you must tag pieces according to WCAC directives.
  6. Commission is paid by the 20th of the month following the month sales were made.
  7. Must commit to the entire cycle of June 1 thru May 31 or whenever you enter thru May 31.
  8. Your display of work on Main St, Waupaca, should be exclusive to WCAC.
  9. Your work, if insured, must be insured through yourself. WCAC does not carry insurance for artwork.
  1. $50-$75/month (paid at least monthly by the 1st of the month) for a space for your work of approximately 25 to 50 sq ft for which you are responsible. No commission is taken but you are expected to volunteer at the center one dayper week. Businesses are juried to meet the quality of other artwork in the gallery. You pay a portion of the liability insurance for the entire art center.

I understand that I will have to insure my own articles andI acknowledge that neither WCAC, nor its volunteers nor board of directors will be responsible for any damage or losses of items during display or left at WCAC before or after display.

Artist Submission Signature: Date:


WCAC Jury Approval Signature:Date:


A formal agreement for the display must be signed after clearance with jury committee. Rent, if applicable, is due the 1st of the month your display starts. Rent is due each month if that is your option. You many pay rent by check made out to WCAC or with a VISA or MASTERCARD. Once you are approved as a business renter, you must give one month notice prior to leaving the gallery. No articles may be displayed for more than six months unless approved. Jury has the right to refuse individual pieces. No pieces may be taken out for shows without prior approval.
