/ California Community Colleges
Chancellor’s Office

Getting Started: Suggestions for New Transfer Center Directors

People to Contact:

  • The former Transfer Center Director at your college for an orientation, if possible
  • Your immediate supervisor regarding the expectations of your new role
  • The CCC Chancellor’s Office Transfer & Articulation Specialist and introduce yourself
  • Your transfer center director regional representative and introduce yourself. Your regional representative is a great resource for questions, and can keep you in the loop regarding upcoming regional meetings to attend
  • If you are responsible for your college’s Transfer Days event, contact the Transfer Days / College Nights state wide coordinator to introduce yourself, and identify yourself as your college's contact person to ensure you are on the list to receive the draft schedule and other important announcements

Professional Organizations to Join:

  • The alias email list. Ask your college’s email administrator to add your name to receive CCC transfer colleague related list emails
  • The CCC Transfer Counselor web site, built for CCC Transfer Counselors by CCC Transfer Counselors. Be sure to add yourself to the listserv, and also select the training link to take advantage of the self tutorial or webinar training session
  • The CCC Counselor listserv provides general counseling information and is helpful keeping you informed on many counseling related issues and announcements. Subscribe to this listserv by sending an e-mail to from the email account you want subscribed and in the body of the e-mail message write SUBSCRIBE CCC-COUNSELORS.
  • Join WACAC (Western Association of College Admissions Counselors) and participate in WACAC's Transfer Advocacy Committee events. This committee provides transfer-specific professional development opportunities and supports special projects and initiatives that serve transfer students.

Materials to Review:

  • The Transfer Recommended Guidelines, published by experienced transfer center directors to communicate important transfer roles and responsibilities within the center, the college, and baccalaureate colleges and universities
  • The training material from past New TCD training events. Find examples of program plans and program reviews, calendars of events, transfer day tips, and more
  • The Transfer Center Calendar of Events example, so you have an idea of to do’s coming up
  • Familiarize yourself regarding where your college stands regarding transfer volumes and rates. Visit the Chancellor's Office Transfer & Articulation Unit's Transfer Data Resources web page for links to transfer volumes and rates by college, district, state wide, and special cohorts

Compliance Requirements:

  • The status of your college’s Transfer Center Plan, a Title 5 (sec 51027) regulatory requirement. Begin the process of evaluating compliance to the plan’s goals, and resolving any found deviations. Transfer plan examples are available on the New Transfer Center Director training web page
  • The status of your college’s Transfer Advisory Committee, also a title 5 (sec 51027) regulation

Reports to Prepare:

  • The annual transfer center report submitted to the CCC Chancellor’s Office by each transfer center director. This is a Title 5 regulatory requirement (sec 51027) and due by October 31 each year. Please contact the CCC Chancellor’s Office for more information, or visit the Chancellor's Office Transfer & Articulation Unit's Reporting web page

Professional Events to Attend:

  • CCC New Transfer Center Director training, sponsored by the CCC Chancellor’s Office and held annually, typically in December
  • State wide annual counselor conferences, such as Ensuring Transfer Success (spring), the CSU Counselor Conference (fall), the UC Counselor Conference (fall), and the WACAC conference (spring). WACAC also provides Share, Learn & Connect professional development workshops regionally throughout the year. Enrolling on the distribution lists above will ensure you receive notification of these events

For any questions regarding the above list please contact Bob Quinn at

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Updated August 2013