The Pre-registration Nursing Programme

BSc (Hons) Nursing

Adult, Mental Health, Child

Pathway Handbook:

September 2011 Cohort

School of Health and Social Sciences

Programme Leader:

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Section 1- Purpose of your handbook......

Section 2 - Welcome to the School......

Welcome from The Dean......

Welcome to your programme pathway – BSc (Hons) Nursing Adult, Mental Health, Child......

Philosophy of the programme......

Section 3 - Programme Staff......

Section 4 - Programme specifications......

BSc (Hons) Nursing Adult Field Pathway......

BSc (Hons) Nursing Mental Health Field Pathway......

BSc (Hons) Nursing – Child Pathway......

Section 5 – Calendar......

Section 6 - Accreditation of Prior Learning (APL)......

Section 7 - Learning, Teaching and Assessment within your programme......

Learning and Teaching Methods......

Interprofessional Learning

Monitoring and enhancing the practice learning environment

Assessment Strategy......

Marking and moderation......

Assessment Feedback......



Extenuating Circumstances......

Assessment Officer Support

Academic Dishonesty and Plagiarism......

Assessment MapBSc (Hons) Nursing......

Adult Nursing Years 1-3......

Mental Health Nursing Years 1-3......

Children’s Nursing Years 1-3......


Mapping of Years 1-3 against NMC Standards......

Progression criteria......

Employability Skills......

Section 8 - Student Support......

Communication processes......

MISIS - Accessing your own records......

Middlesex E-Mail – Your Account for Life......

Letter Requests......

Learner Development Unit......


Student Portal 24/7......

Academic Support......

Specialist advice and support......


Disability Support Service......

Money and welfare advice......

The Careers Service......

Section 9 - Professional requirements for Pre-registration Nursing Programmes......

The NMC Code......

Criminal Records Bureau (CRB) clearance......

Occupational Health Clearance......

Fitness for Practice......

Completion of your programme......

Good health and character declaration......

Confidentiality in written work......


Mandatory Training......

Leave Entitlements......

Recording attendance to meet practice learning hours

Implications of Sickness and Absence......

Support for Ill Health......

Management of Repeated Non-attendance......

Recording and Reporting Sickness and Absence......

Retrieval of Missed Programme Hours......

Stepping off your programme......

Stepping back onto your programme

Students Undertaking Paid Work in Addition to Programme Hours

Change of field of practice......

Section 10 - Quality Assurance and Enhancement of Your Programme......

Student Representatives......

Boards of Study......

School Board of Study......

Programme Evaluation Forms......

National Student Survey (NSS)......

Other surveys

Suggestions and Complaints......

Health, Safety and Welfare......

Personal Evacuation Plans......

Middlesex University Students Union......

Section 11 - Your Modules years 1- 3......

Colour Index for Module Narratives in each year:


Appendix 1 - NMC Standards for Pre-registration Nursing Education 2010......

Appendix 2 - Accessing University IT systems......

Appendix 3 – Health and Disability Panel Pre-Registration Nursing and Midwifery......

Appendix 4 - Disclosure of Criminal Record......

Appendix 5 - Fitness to Practice Panel......

Appendix 6 - Students Undertaking Paid Work In Addition to Programme Hours......

Appendix 7 - Policy for movement between fields of practice and pathways

Section 1- Purpose of your handbook

The purpose of this handbook is to provide you with information about your Programme of study and to direct you to other general information about studying at Middlesex University.

This handbook must be read in conjunction with the University Regulations at The material in this handbook is as accurate as possible at the date of production.

Your comments on any improvements to this handbook are welcome - please put them in writing (with name of handbook) to:

Programme Leaders:

Adult Nursing

Georgina Cox

Mental Health Nursing

Justin McDermott

David Price

Children’s Nursing

Dee Anderson

Section 2 - Welcome to the School

Welcome from The Dean

Welcome to the University and to the School of Health and Social Sciences. This pathway handbook should be treated as though it is our contract with you – keep it safely so that you may refer to it throughout your time here at Middlesex. It contains an overview of the framework of your programme and the content of its modules. It signposts key contacts and information you need to progress your studies and to get the most out of student life.

From our side we will deliver the best student experience we can,so that you can build on your skills and knowledge and reach your full potential. that you can.In return, we expect you to engage actively in the learning process, to be fully committed to your studies and determined to succeed.

In your early weeks, this includes reading through this handbook and consulting the other information sources flagged here. You are not expected to absorb everything in detail, but to be aware of the main resource documents and their contents. In particular as an enrolled Middlesex student, you have certain rights but also specific responsibilities. See the full University Regulations in particular ‘University Membership’, and if you have not already done so, explore the student portal which contains detailed advice and support to assist you further.

We know it takes time to settle in to University life. If you still have questions to ask, your first port of call should be your Student Office. Staff there will be pleased to help and direct you. We wish you well in your future studies. Here at Middlesex we are very proud of our academic programmes and students, and we look forward to working with you over the next 3 years of your programme.

Jan Williams

Hendon Campus
Introduction to the Pre-Registration Nursing Programme

Yourpathway is one of three within the Pre-registration Nursing Programme and prepares you for admission to a chosen part of the Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC) Register, and to achieve the academic award for which you are enrolled.

You will be facilitated to become a competent nurse, who is able to deliver high quality, safe, essential care to everyone, and more complex care within your own field of practice. You will work with a range of other professionals and service users/carers and families within the context of a range of settings where health care is delivered. You will become a professional nurse, who will learn to work with and lead teams within agreed professional, ethical and legal frameworks and processes, to maintain and improve standards of care. Your care will be evidence based and reflect contemporary knowledge, practice, research and technology.

The programme is guided by the NMC Standards for Pre-registration Nursing Education (NMC 2010) which focuses on safe-guarding the public.

It is a competency based approach which prepares you for safe and effective practice at the point of registration. The competencies are set out under four domains and support the development of learning outcomes.

The four domains are;

Professional Values

Communication and Inter-personal Skills

Nursing Practice and Decision Making

Leadership, Management and Team Working.

These domains are reflected within theory and practice in your programme.



Welcome to your programme pathway– BSc (Hons) Nursing Adult, Mental Health, Child

We would like to welcome you to Middlesex University and to your career as a nurse!

You will have come to the start of this programme from a variety of backgrounds, and with a wide range of useful life experiences. We want to help you build upon your experiences so far, and make these contribute to the successful completion of your programme, thereby ensuring you have developed the appropriate employability skills.

The programme will provide you with a strong foundation on which to build the rest of your nursing and academic career. We will assist you in developing vital skills to do this, i.e. skills to learn, and skills to care for others.Your skills for caring will commence from the start of the programme. Caring for patients / clients is central to nursing. In order to do that effectively we need you to be healthy and prepared for this. A number of measures will be introduced throughout your programme to enable this to be achieved.

The programme is three years in length and prepares you for your chosen field of nursing, Adult, Mental Health or Child. The programme and the programme team will support your learning needs, which will change through the three years as you progress to becoming a more independent learner. The programme is developed and delivered, both within the University and in the NHS and independent sector. It comprises 50% theory and 50% practice learning in terms of programme hours required for registration. However theory and practice are integrated throughout your programme and there is equal weighting in the assessment of practice and theory in contributing to your final award. With our Placement provider partners we will ensure that your programme meets the competencies at each Progression point (i.e. end of Year 1 and end of Year 2) and at the point of registration, within both theory and practice.

Fields of Practice

All students share learning within Year 1 of the programme irrespective of your fields of practice. There are both generic and field components in this first year that areis studied by all students. Theory and practice are integrated through all modules within each year of the programme pathways.

Adult Nursing

This field of nursing leading to registration as an Adult nurse, will help you to acquire the knowledge, skills, and attitudes to be able to practice autonomously, compassionately, skilfully and safely whilst maintaining dignity and promoting health. It will enable you to meet the essential physical and mental health needs of people of all ages and abilities who come into your care.

The ethos of Adult nursing is patient-centred, acknowledging the differing needs, values and beliefs of people from ethnically diverse communities and an age group ranging from young adulthood to the older person. You will be working in partnership with other health and social care professionals and agencies, and service users and carers in a range of community and hospital based settings.

In addition to the NMC competencies (2010) all Adult nursing students will be required to meet specific EC directives (European Directive 2005/36/EC) and these are incorporated into your programme pathway.

Mental Health Nursing

This field of nursing leading to registration as a Mental Health nurse, will help you to acquire the knowledge, skills and attitudes to be able to practice autonomously, compassionately, skilfully and safely whilst maintaining dignity and human rights. It will enable you to work with people of all ages using a values-based mental health framework. This is to promote positive relationships focusing on social inclusion, human rights and recovery. The programme pathway will help you develop your work in partnership with other health and social care professionals and agencies, service users and their carers, fostering decisions about care that are shared.

Children’s Nursing

This field of nursing leading to registration as a Children’s nurse, will help you to acquire the knowledge, skills and attitudes to be able to practice autonomously, compassionately, skilfully and safely whilst maintaining dignity and human rights within the context of the child and family. The programme pathway will help you understand the role of the Children’s nurse as an advocate for children, young people and their families, who work in partnership with other health and social care professionals and agencies, to promote health and well-being, and to plan and deliver child and family centred care, education and support.

The academic and professional requirements are detailed within this handbook and you are strongly advised to read this from the start of your programme.

It is important to the programme team that you enjoy your student experience at Middlesex University, whilst ensuring you become competent and safe practitioners.

We will seek feedback from you and make every effort to support and guide you in your achievement of this.

We wish you well for the next three years and your future nursing career.

The Pre-registration Nursing Programme Team 2011

Philosophy of the programme

Our philosophy of this nursing programme was developed in partnership with academic staff, clinicians, service users / carers and students. This is reflected below:

Our aim is to produce a nurse who is able to provide safe and effective care,is self aware and willingly takes responsibility for self and others. This nurse will tailor care to the individual but will always consider the social context of care and be able to assess andmanage risks in that environment. She/he will demonstrate warmth and empathy and will develop emotional intelligence and cultural competence. She/he will be committed to working in partnership with service users and colleagues and demonstrate a personal commitment to life-long learning.

The curriculum will place the highest value on learning in practice and relate every aspect of the student experience to this goal. From recruitment to graduation our processes intend to role model the professional behaviours and values we seek to develop in our students and all our interactions will be considered learning opportunities for building the knowledge, skills and attitudes for safe practice.

On completion of the programme the student nurse will be able to integrate their learning in theory and practice and demonstrate the competence and confidence required of a registered nurse. They will possessthe ability to make an equal contribution in a dialogue with other health and social careprofessionals and use their critical thinking skills to support decisions which are made in the best interest of the patient/client/service user.

Section 3 - Programme Staff

Your programme is delivered by a team of enthusiastic, experienced academic and clinical practitioners across various campuses. Their details are listed below;

TitleDirector of Programmes for Pre-qualifying and Undergraduate Nursing Programme

NameCharmagne Barnes

CampusArchway Campus, Room 612

Telephone020 8411 6725


TitleHead of Practice based Learning

NameKathy Wilson

CampusArchway Campus, Room 201

Telephone020 8411 6676


Year 1 of the programme:

TitleDirector of Programmes Initial Nursing and CPD

NameMarion Taylor

CampusHendon Campus, Town Hall/Annex/3rd floor

Telephone020 8411 4320


Years 2 and 3 of the programme:

Adult Nursing

TitleDirector of Programmes

NameLynne Henshaw

CampusArchway Campus, Room 607

Telephone020 8411 6474


Programme Leader – Georgina Cox

Mental Health Nursing

TitleActingDirector of Programmes

NameJanet Holmshaw

CampusArchway Campus,Clerkenwell Building, 2nd Floor

Room C

Telephone020 8411 4507


Programme Leader – Justin McDermott David Price

Children’s Nursing

TitleDirector of Programmes

NameVenetia Brown

CampusArchway Campus, Room 507

Telephone020 8411 6732


Programme Leader – Dee Anderson

Departmental Administrators:

Premila Kara, Pre-qualifying Nursing Programme Assessment & Review Officer

, 0208 411 4461, Furnival Building, Room 538, Archway Campus

Russell Freedman, Department and Programme Administrator,

0208 411 6261, Town Hall, AnnexT304, Hendon Campus

Colin Allison, Department and Programme Administrator

, 0208 411 6261, Town Hall, AnnexT303, Hendon Campus

Athena Bradley, Department and Programme Administrator

, 0208 411 6756, Furnival Building, Room 538, Archway Campus

Section 4 - Programme specifications

The following programme specifications (Adult, Mental Health, Child) give you the necessary detail to understand how the 3 years of your programme are structured. The curriculum map allows you to understand the programme outcomes you are required to achieve and how these are assessed within the modules of study. You will also see a diagrammatic representation of your programme, which will make the 3 years easier to understand.

BSc (Hons) Nursing Adult Field Pathway

1. Programme title / BSc(Hons) Nursing - Adult
2. Awarding institution / Middlesex University
3. Teaching institution / Middlesex University
4. Programme accredited by / The Nursing andMidwifery Council
5. Final qualification / BSc(Hons) with NMC Professional Registration – RN Adult
6. Academic year / 2011 – 2012
7. Language of study / English
8. Mode of study / Full Time
9. Criteria for admission to the programme
5 GCSEs including Maths and English Language grade A-C, plus 2 A-levels at grade C or above.
Access to Health and Social Care (or similar) Diploma with the maximum award of 60 credits overall (45 at Level 3 and 15 at Level 2).
10. Aims of the programme
The BSc (Hons) Nursing programme pathwayaims to produce the graduate nurse who is able to provide safe and effective care, is self aware and willingly takes responsibility for self and others. This nurse will tailor care to the individual but will always consider the social context of care context in which she/he is providing personalised care and will demonstrate the ability to assess and manage risks in diverse healthcare settings. She/he will demonstrate warmth and empathy and will develop emotional intelligence and cultural competence; be committed to working in partnership with service users and colleagues and demonstrate a personal commitment to life-long learning.