Domestic Abuse Training Framework

Enter Level 1 at either Group 1 or Group 2 depending on job role.

Level 2 requires awareness of Level 1.

Level 3 requires awareness of Level 2.

Level 4 can stand alone if required.

Target Group to include members of all voluntary and statutory organisations / Training Content / Suggested Training Methods / KMDASG Member Agencies That Will Deliver Training At this Level
Level 1
Group 1 / Staff who need awareness of DA but don’t have client casework responsibilities –
e.g. library staff, reception staff, call centres, community centres, faith groups, community wardens, schools support staff / ·  What is DA – challenging stereotypes
·  Types of abuse/Signs, Indicators/ Behaviours, Risk Factors
·  Organisational procedures – managing disclosures, reporting, confidentiality, information sharing, roles/responsibilities
·  Who can help – local services and referral processes. / ½ day course content.
Part of induction process for new staff.
Should be refreshed every 3 years. / ·  Home Start Shepway
·  Oasis Domestic Abuse Services
·  Rising Sun Domestic Abuse Service
·  KCA
·  CXK
·  Kent Fire and Rescue Service
·  CRI
·  Kent Police
·  Kent and Medway NHS
Level 1
Group 2 / Staff who have roles that also involve safeguarding responsibilities for clients they work with –
e.g. housing staff, KFRS, A&E staff, Home Start, Victim Support, CP Conference Chairs, YOS/YOT, Teachers, CAMHS / Pre –course: completion of SCB DA e-learning tool
·  What is DA – challenging stereotypes
·  Domestic abuse dynamics
·  Effects of DA on children
·  High risk factors – basic understanding of DASH and MARAC processes
·  Crisis and safety planning
·  Awareness of other support available and signposting routes, key contacts / 1 day course content.
Part of induction process for new staff.
Should be refreshed every 3 years. / KSCB and MSCB have both indicated willingness to also deliver this part of the DA training framework.
·  Home Start Shepway
·  Oasis Domestic Abuse Services
·  Rising Sun Domestic Abuse Service
·  KCA
·  CXK
·  Kent Fire and Rescue Service
·  CRI
·  Kent Police
·  Kent and Medway NHS
Level 2 / Follows on from Level 1
Specialist staff who have roles that involve assessing, supporting or providing interventions to clients they work with –
e.g. Health Visitors, Social Workers, Probation Staff, Specialist Housing Officers, Substance Misuse workers, Practice Nurses, Police Officers / ·  DASH assessment training
·  Roles/responsibilities/ participation in MARAC
·  Awareness of specialist DA agencies and communication routes
·  Overview:
1.  Safety planning
2.  Housing Options
3.  Civil and Criminal Law
4.  No Recourse to Public Funds
5.  Record Keeping and Information Sharing
6.  Multi – agency structures and partnerships / 1 day course content. / ·  Home Start Shepway
·  Oasis Domestic Abuse Services
·  Rising Sun Domestic Abuse Service
·  KCA
·  CXK
·  Kent Fire and Rescue Service
·  CRI
·  Kent Police
Level 3 / Follows on from Level 2
For staff who have lead professional roles in DA, CP or AP for their organisations –
e.g. DA Health Visitors, DCPCs, Named Nurses, Policy Officers / ·  Legislation updates - current context and practice issues
·  Understanding of Multi-agency partnerships roles and responsibilities
·  Awareness of best practice DA working models
·  Needs assessment tools and analysis
·  Case file audit, monitoring and supervision
·  Implementing lessons learned from Domestic Homicide Reviews / Serious Case Reviews. / 1 day course content. / ·  Oasis Domestic Abuse Services
·  Rising Sun Domestic Abuse Service
Level 4 / For those who have strategic and/or organisation lead roles /reponsibilities -
e.g. Service Managers, Policy Leads, DA champions / ·  Overview of current national and local DA context:
1.  Legislation
2.  Statutory responsibilities
3.  Organisational responsibilities
4.  DA as a workplace issue
·  DA interaction with organisational monitoring responsibilities e.g. CQC, Ofsted, Home Office
·  Domestic Homicide Reviews:
1.  Responsibilities
2.  Change process / ½ day course content. / ·  Oasis Domestic Abuse Services
·  Rising Sun Domestic Abuse Service