Student: ______Hour: 2-4 6-7 8-9

Meets the standard / 2
Approaching the standard / 1
Needs help with the standard
Shows control and skill in the main requirements for this trait; many strengths are present. / Strengths and the need for revision are about equal; about half-way home. Revision is needed. / A bare beginning; writer not yet showing any control or mastery of this trait.

Read each section below and pay attention to what is expected.

Check box 1 when you have addressed and shown evidence for the expectation.

When your writing is finished, put a score in the Student Evaluation column.

Score yourself a 3 if you feel you have fully met the standard and a 2 if your work is approaching.

If you score yourself a 1, ASK for help and GO BACKto correct what you see as missing.

6 + 1 Traits / General Description
of Trait / Specific Expectations for This Assignment
Key: box1-student; box2-teacher
 = Addressed and Evidence apparent
 = Not addressed or finished completely / Student
Evaluation / Teacher
Evaluation / Standards
Process and Presentation / The construction of the words and ideas
Awareness of the rubric and expectations
Care and pride in the publication of the piece / PreWriting /  / Filled in the prewriting sheet (back) / W4. Students will use a process to write for a variety of purposes and audiences.
Working Draft / 
 / Font size 14-20
Double Spaced
Revision / 

 / Reviewed by a friend, ______
Circledfirst word of each sentence
Highlighted and Added Adjectives
Edit / 

 / Circled possible spelling errors, correct if needed
Checked for capitalization.
Marked where to indent paragraphs
Final copy / 

 / Greeting appears at the top
Clean font, final free of markings
Closing appears at the end
 / Why did you choose to write a letter to Harris?
W5. Students will write for a variety of purposes and audiences
Ideas / The main point or storyline
Awareness of details
Knowing what’s interesting/important
Clarity, Focus, and Purpose / Focus / 
 / Sticks to the events of the story and shares thoughts
Is writer’s own thoughts and words
Details / 
 / Describes memories of Harris and ‘me’ actions
Addssomething new to the story
 / How did you come up with your Harris & Me idea?
Conventions / The mechanical correctness of the piece
Awareness of expected writing conventions: spelling, punctuation, grammar and usage, paragraphing and capitalization / Spelling / 
 / Confusable words: their/there, our/are
Common words / L7. Students will understand and use grade level language, vocabulary, and conventions.
Capitalization / 
 / Expected areas-proper nouns
First letter of sentences
Punctuation / 
 / Commas
 / Why is it important for you to carefully edit your writing?

Letter Greeting: ______

Memory 1: ______


Memory 2: ______


New Idea: ______


Closing: ______


Dear Harris,

Moving away from the farm has been tough. I have to go to school every day, and I sit in a desk and listen to my teacher, Mr. Garner. He is really strict and doesn’t see the fun in things like you do.

Some of your thinking must have rubbed off on me though since I talked some of my classmates into playing Tarzan at recess. We took some jump ropes and tied them to the big elm tree near the slide. I knew we could swing from the slide to the teeter-totter. My mistake was not remembering how much force was used in the landing. Back at the farm, pig crap flew 20 feet into the air. Here on the playground, I shot this girl named Sally up into the air. She was sitting on the other side of the teeter-totter when I landed! Man, she can scream!

She reminded me of the time when you hit Buzzer with the arrow when we were playing ‘red indian’. You made that great shot, and he screeched and yowled. Sally did the same thing when she found herself 10 feet in the air. She didn’t break anything but was all scraped all over. Mr. Garner gave me a week of detentions, but it was worth it.

I hope the farm is doing well. Say ‘hey’ to Knute and Claire. I don’t want you to get too close to Glennis, but tell her I miss her too.

Take care,

Your favorite gooner