(School name)______agrees to strictly adhere to all safety protocols outlined in the School Garden Food Safety Manual for Chicago Public Schools, and to document all steps outlined therein in this Food Safety Plan. A staff member will contact the Office of Student Health and Wellness in the event of a change in Principal, or if any questions arise.

Principal: ______Signature: ______Date: ______

Garden Manager: ______Signature: ______Date: ______

Kitchen Manager: ______Signature: ______Date: ______

Identify: garden, kitchen, tool storage, toilets, first aid, hand washing, water source, compost bin, dumpsters, and potential sources of contamination

The Food Safety Team consists of:

Considerations made in siting:

Materials (composition, partner/contractor, date):


Harvesting tools: Food grade plastic containers with lids + scissors

Personal Health & Hygiene Protocol (locations and procedures):

Illness: utilizing forms provided at food safety training that are read to students prior to harvest.

Hand washing: utilizing forms provided at food safety training that are read to students prior to harvest, students will sing ______while washing under running water. Students have practiced hand washing in the classroom prior to harvest days. Staff will observe hand washing.

Harvesting container labeling system: (bed # + item + amount + date)

Vegetables will be harvested into individual containers that are designated only for that produce item.

Tool/Equipment cleaning schedule:

Tools will be cleaned the day before use.

The Kitchen staff is notified ______days before harvest.

Harvesting Day Protocol:

1.  The day before harvest, notify kitchen and drop off tools that the kitchen will sanitize

2.  Students will be read personal health sheet to ensure no illness

3.  Students will wash hands, class roster will indicate who has and has not washed hands

4.  Pick up harvesting equipment from the kitchen

5.  Harvest in the garden

6.  Weigh harvest

7.  Fill out harvest log + make label (label unwashed!)

8.  Deliver harvest to kitchen for washing and storage