Of Mice and Men By: John Steinbeck Vocabulary

Word / Definition / Own Words / Picture
Bindle / a pack
Brusquely / gruffly
Contemplated / thought about
Debris / leftovers, garbage
Dejectedly / sadly
Imperiously / like a dictator, arrogantly
Junctures / joints
Lumbered / moved heavily
Morosely / glumly, gloomily
Mottled / spotted
Quivered / shook, trembled
Recumbent / reclining
Resignedly / In a surrendering manner
Skittering / moving rapidly; skipping
Word / Definition / Own Words / Picture
Abruptly / suddenly
Apprehensive / anxious, uneasy, fearful
Archly / mischievously, slyly
Bridled / drew back scornfully or angrily; took offense
Complacently / in a self-satisfied way, contentedly
Contorted / twisted
Derogatory / deliberately offensive, negative
Dousing / soaking
Flounced / moved impatiently
Gravity / seriousness
Grizzled / streaked with gray
Intently / firmly, focused
Laden / burdened
Liniment / soothing balm
Mollified / soothed
Ominously / threateningly, in a way that bodes evil
Plaintively / mournfully, pleadingly
Precede / go before
Pugnacious / warlike, inclined to fight, combative
Scoff / to mock
Scowled / frowned angrily
Scrappy / quarrelsome
Skeptically / doubtfully
Slough / to cast
Word / Definition / Own Words / Pictures
Bemused / preoccupied, slightly dazed, deep in thought
Derision / scorn, disapproval
Hoosegow / jail
Raptly / intently
Reprehensible / blameworthy
Reverently / worshipfully
Scuttled / moved very quickly
Subdued / dominated, forced down
Subsided / slowed, then stopped
Wryly / dryly, ironically
Word / Definition / Own Words / Picture
Aloof / distant
Averted / turned away
Crestfallen / depressed, dejected
Disarming / endearing
Fawning / flattering, doting, attempting to please
Indignation / anger at something unjust
Mauled / roughly handled
Sullenly / morosely, gloomily
Wisps / small bunches
Word / Definition / Own Words / Picture
Consoled / comforted
Contorted / twisted, misshapen
Mules / slippers without a heel
Sniveled / whimpered
Writhed / squirmed, twisted
Belligerently / aggressively, angrily
Haunches / back legs
Lanced / pierced
Mottled / spotted; speckled
Scudded / driven swiftly by the wind

Kuczek-GHS-English II-2013