System Access Procedures for CIMS and NRMS


All personnel responsible for accessing sensitive government information and Privacy Act data, are required to complete an OPNAV 5239/14 System Authorization Access Request Navy (SAAR-N) form with a digital signature along with completing the online Navy Standard Integrated Personnel System (NSIPS) SAAR form to gain access to Career Information Management System (CIMS) and Navy Retention Monitoring System (NRMS).

Access Requirements

To gain access to CIMS/NRMS is a two-step procedure.

  1. Complete OPNAV 5239/14 System Authorization Access Request Navy (SAAR-N). You will receive an email response with the status with approved or resubmit. If approved then you proceed to step 2. If not resubmit your SAAR-N as per the email response.
  2. Complete the on line SAAR.

Steps to complete the SAAR-N

  1. It’s imperative that the official SAAR is used to request access. NSIPS will not allow us to upload and attach it to your online SAAR if any other version is used. Copies can be downloaded from the following websites.
  2. NSIPS homepage under the Menu- System Access Authorization Request (SAAR) and click on the SAAR-N Form link


-The SAAR-N OPNAV Form 5239/14 (Rev 9/2011)must be completed through Part III.

-Do not cut and paste information in the blocks. Type it in manually to ensure that the size of the file remains under 1 MB.

-ALL signature blocks (16a, 24, 29, and 18) must be digitally signed.

-Leave block 17, a, and b, blank and unsigned. This will be signed by CIMS Admin.

-Type of Request: Initial


-System Name: Navy Standard Integrated Personnel System (NSIPS)

-Location: Norfolk, VA

-Blocks 1-9 (self-explanatory)

-Block 10:Check that you have completed annual IA training with completion date

-Block 11: Justification for access

  • For CIMS: “Request access to the NSIPS environment to perform duties as (insert request type here). “ Examples are Command Career Counselor, Unit Career Counselor, Dept/Div Career Counselor, Sponsor Coordinator, Command View Only, and Corporate User.
  • For NRMS: example Fleet/Command, CNO, OCNO. CNO and OCNO require approval from BUPERS-34 prior to submission.

-Block 12: check AUTHORIZED

-Block 13: check UNCLASSIFIED

-Block 14: need to know checked

-Block 14a: Put your current PRD

-Blocks 15 and 16 –

  • If you are requesting Departmental CC access, we recommend the Command Career Counselor to sign as the supervisor.
  • If you are requesting Command Career Counselor access, then the Executive Officer, Command Master Chief or designated representative can sign as your supervisor.

-Block 18 is filled in and digitally signedby your ISC/IAM

-Block 24 is requesting member’s digital signature.

-PART III: Blocks 26-30will be filled in and digitally signed by your security manager. Access to CIMS or NRMS requires at least an IT LEVEL II. No requests will be approved for IT LEVEL III.

SAAR Integrity Validation

* Before you send the file you need to check the properties to ensure that it’s not over 1MB and that the SAAR is valid.

To review the properties click “control key and D” (control-D) which will open the properties box.

Title is not blank

Author is not blank

File size is less than 1MB

If 1 or 2 are blank or if 3 is larger than 1MB then you will need to redo the SAAR-N.

SAAR Signature Validation

  1. To validate the signature open the SAAR-N

  2. Enable JavaSript bar at the top of the document. The bar will turn blue when enabled.

  1. Signed and all signatures are valid: SUBMIT your SAAR-N

  1. At least one signature is invalid: REDO your SAAR-N and revalidate.

Submission of the SAAR-N

  1. SAAR-N can be submitted via encrypted email or via the secure website AMRDEC SAFE.
  2. If you are sending your request from a ship or from an email domain where your email contains .FE or .ME or .EU then you will need to submit your request via AMERDEC SAFE. Email from these domains is stripping out the properties of the form which prevents us from processing your SAAR-N.

Submission of the SAAR-N via encrypted email

  1. Submit the completed SAAR-N to CIMS_Admin. This mailbox can receive encrypted email.
  2. If you can’t encrypt email please submit your SAAR-N via AMRDEC SAFE.
  3. When in doubt submit via AMERDEC SAFE.

Submission of the SAAR-N via AMERDEC SAFE

Steps to upload your SAAR-N via AMRDEC SAFE

  1. Ensure your SAAR-N is complete
  2. Navigate to
  3. Choose CAC as primary option
  4. Fill out your Personal Information Section
  5. Upload the SAAR-N in the File Information Section, check the Privacy Act Data box, and place short description in the box.
  6. Recipient Information
  7. In Email Settings
  8. Notify me when file(s) downloads are STARTED.
  9. Notify me when file(s) downloads are COMPLETED.
  10. Require CAC for Pick-up.
  11. Select FOUO and the in the drop down PROTECTED BY PRIVACY ACT.
  12. Select Upload.

Final Steps

  1. After your submit your validSAAR-N:

You will receive an email instructing you to complete your online SAAR. If you need assistance in completing your online SAAR please see your command career counselor or navigate to the NPC Website.


OPNAV 5239/14 SAAR-N

CIMS Online Procedures.