Round 4


1. In Robbins versus this entity, the Court ruled that a closed piece of luggage in a car was constitutionally protected from being searched. The Court first extended fourteenth amendment protection to first amendment issues at the state level in a case stemming from this entity's ban of red flags, Stromberg versus this state. Justice Harlan claimed that "One man's vulgarity is another's lyric" in an opinion that overturned this state's conviction of a man wearing a jacket containing the words "Fuck the Draft," Cohen versus this state. Potter Stewart struck down his "I know it when I see it" doctrine put forth in Roth v. U.S. in Miller versus this state. FTP, name this state whose namesake university regents were sued by Bakke.

ANSWER: California

2. When the queue in this algorithm is implemented with a linear array, it can be shown to run in Big O of V squared, so a Fibonacci heap is sometimes used instead to reduce its running time to Big O of quantity E plus V log V. By relaxing all entities at each step, the Bellman-Ford algorithm handles the case of negative weights where this algorithm breaks down. A generalization of this algorithm using a distance heuristic is called A [A Star], and this algorithm initially sets the distance to all vertexes to be infinity. It functions in a greedy manner by selecting the edge with the smallest known weight to a node that has not yet been visited. FTP, identify this algorithm that finds the single source shortest paths in a graph, named for its Dutch formulator.

ANSWER: Dijkstra's Algorithm

3. The protagonist explains away his wishy-washiness by claiming that "life is a dream," and he spills his drink into his friend's lap when he sees his love interest. Near the beginning of this work, an old gentleman proves using a syllogism that because Socrates is dead and has four paws, he is a cat. Mr. Beouf is a minor character in this work who is supposedly home sick from work, and Papillon is the protagonist's boss. Botard is a stuffy traditionalist in this work, while Dudard is a rival for the protagonist's love interest. Daisy leaves the protagonist, who claims "I will not capitulate!" at the end of, FTP, what absurdist work of Eugene Ionesco in which most characters transform into the titular animal?

ANSWER: Rhinoceros

4. The rock varnish named for these regions consists of clay with manganese and iron oxides. Streamlined ridges known as yardangs and mountain remnants next to low-relief surfaces known as pediments are two of the erosional features associated with these environments. Layers of gravel comprise their namesake pavements, formed by deflation. They sometimes contain playas [PLIGH-uz], which can be important sources for evaporite minerals. Often found near the descending portions of the polar and Hadley cells, or near mountain ranges that produce rain shadows, FTP name these arid environments.

ANSWER: deserts

5. This character is referred to by the kenning "fadir logseims," and one myth holds that Hymir cut a fishing line that held this character hooked on the other end. The mischievous giant Utgard-Loki dares Thor to lift this character in the form of a cat, but Thor can only lift a paw. His siblings by Angrboda and Loki include Hel and Fenrir, and along with Nidhogg he enjoys gnawing on the roots of Yggdrasil. He is fated to poison the sky at Ragnarok, after which he will be killed by Thor, who will walk nine paces before falling victim to his poison. FTP, name this Midgard Serpent from Norse myth.

ANSWER: Jormungandr [accept "World Serpent" or "Midgard Serpent" before it is read]

6. This man was pulled over for a DUI in 2006 driving a Lincoln Navigator in Cape Coral, Florida. Despite posting 33 strikeouts in just over 23 innings in his first season of work, he had a 5.70 ERA. He won the AL Rookie of the Month two consecutive months in 2006, and he outdueled Roger Clemens in Houston during that man's first start of the 2006 year. He lost the All Star Game's final vote to a player he was traded for, A.J. Pierzynski, and that trade also involved Boof Bonser. After a successful rehab stint with Rochester, this pitcher was shut down against the Oakland Athletics and underwent Tommy John Surgery, missing the entire 2007 year. FTP, name this Twins left-handed starting pitcher.

ANSWER: Francisco Casillas Liriano

7. Barry Allen wrote about this work "Post-Analytic," and adherents of the "new" school of its author interpret this work in a "resolute reading." Its frontispiece contains a quote about "everything we say" by Kurnburger. This work claims that the existence of "atomic states of affairs" constitutes fact, and that a thought is a logical picture of a fact. This work is broken down into seven propositions, the first of which states that "The world is everything that is the case." FTP, name this work that claims "That which we cannot speak of we must pass over in silence," a book-length work of Ludwig Wittgenstein.

ANSWER: Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus or Logisch-Philosophische Abhandlung

8. One character in this story has a "cow to pluck" with the protagonist over his semi-anonymous newspaper column, and the protagonist begs out of a trip to his wife's homeland because of a cycling trip to France, Belgium, or Germany. Miss Ivors calls the protagonist a "West Briton" during a dance, and he questions whether he should quote Shakespeare instead of Robert Browning. This story is set during the Misses Morkan's annual dance, where aunts Kate and Julia host a Christmas party and the protagonist gives a dinner speech. FTP, name this story in which the faintly falling snow calls up memories of Gretta's first love Michael Furey, a work featuring Gabriel Conroy that is the last story in James Joyce's Dubliners.

ANSWER: "The Dead"

9. This state is home to the Flaming Gorges Dam, and the NiobraraRiver rises in this state. The California Trail's South Pass, the cutoff to the Mormon Trail, was located in this state. The lowest point in this state is along the Belle FourcheRiver, and its highest point is Gannett Peak in the Wind River Range. A large reservoir in this state is known as JacksonLake, and Gillette and Rock Springs are some of its largest cities. With its northern neighbor, this state shares the Big Horn range of the Rockies, and it is the site of the first national monument in the U.S. FTP, name this state that is home to Devil's Tower and most of YellowstoneNational Park, with capital at Cheyenne.

ANSWER: Wyoming

10. Before this battle, a man named Half King convinced the victorious commander to ambush a war party at Jumonville Glen, and though the commanding officer was taken prisoner, Half King killed him during interrogation. CaptainJames McKay refused to take orders from the victorious commander in the leadup to this battle. The battle here is also known as the battle of the Great Meadows, and one commander was on orders from Robert Dinwiddie. Prior to it, a log palisade structure was built. FTP, name this battle between the French under Louis de Villiers and the British under George Washington that took place at a makeshift stronghold near FortDuquesne.

ANSWER: The Battle of FortNecessity (accept Great Meadows early)

11. These compounds can be created from alcohols and nitriles in the Pinner reaction, and the Mitsunobu reaction uses triphenylphosphine to create them stereospecifically. Phenyl types of these compounds undergo a variant of the Friedel-Crafts reaction known as the Fries Rearrangement. A useful reaction using the malonic type of them is used to create carboxylic acids, and cyclic ones are known as lactones. They are hydrolyzed by a base in saponification, and they are most often created by combining carboxylic acids and alcohols under reflux, a reaction named for Fischer. FTP, name this class of compounds that is responsible for the sweet smell of fruit, and that contain a carbon double bonded to an oxygen and double bonded to another oxygen.

ANSWER: esters

12. One movement of this piece contains the refrain "Dark is life, is death," and it ends with the line "Blue lights the horizon / forever... forever..." The last movement contains notoriously difficult-to-execute instructions to disregard the tempo and spill over barlines. The third movement is in the ternary and pentatonic, "Of Youth," while the second movement laments dying flowers and fleeting beauty, "The Lonely Soul in Autumn." This work features a horn theme in its "The Drunkard in Spring" movement, while the first movement is "The Drinking Song" of the land's misery. FTP, name this work inspired by the poetry of Li Po, a composition for two vocal soloists and orchestra by Gustav Mahler.

ANSWER: Das Lied von der Erde or The Song of the Earth

13. The earliest known one married Klara Widolf, and one "of the doe" went bankrupt. An enclave named after them is still available to live in for about one euro per year, but residents must say the Nicene Creed daily. Successful ones were "of the lily" and included a master weaver and alderman named Ulrich. One of them provided the funds Charles V used to bribe Holy Roman Electors and become Emperor, which led to their being ennobled and earning the right to sell indulgences. Jakob the Elder and Jakob the Rich were two members of this family, and Martin Luther created a term for usury based on this family's name. FTP, name this German banking family centered around Augsburg.

ANSWER: The Fuggers

14. In the Decretals Boniface VIII ordered the feasts of four of them to be kept as doubles, while Benedict XIV explained a criteria for becoming one as declaration either by the Pope or an ecumenical council. Ramon Llull is only referred to as "blessed," but many in Catalonia regard him as holding this title, and the four great ones of the Eastern Church include Basil the Great, Athanasius, and John Chrysostom. Therese de Lisieux was recognized as this by John Paul II, and the four original ones were Pope Gregory I, Augustine, Jerome, and Ambrose. FTP, name this subset of Catholic saints that includes prominent writers like Thomas Aquinas and Teresa of Avila.

ANSWER: Doctors of the Catholic Church or Doctores Ecclesiae (don't prompt on "saints")

15. After this organization suffered a large purge, its surviving members were known as "The Crest." Before the Thermidorian reaction, this group was largely synonymous with the Jacobins. This group's notable members included Camille Desmoulins, and it made up a large majority in the Committee For Public Safety when that organization had power. It allied with the sans-culottes to oppose the Girondins, and this political group's prominent leaders included Georges Danton. FTP, name this French Revolution group that got its name from the fact that its members sat on the highest benches of the Assembly.

ANSWER: The Mountain or La Montagne (accept montagnards)

16. One monarch by this name put down the Aramco worker protests and created the first "five year plan" in his country. That man forged an alliance with Pakistan that saw him become the namesake of Lyallpur, its third-largest city. Another ruler by this name signed an agreement with Chaim Weizmann and was expelled from one of the territories he ruled after the San Remo Conference and the Battle of Maysalun. Another ruler by this name was killed during Abdul Karim Qassim's coup d'etat and was the last Hashemite ruler. FTP, give the common name of these three kings, one of Saudi Arabia from 1964-1975, the other two of Iraq, including the last king of that country.

ANSWER: Faisal

17. This work eulogizes "The Life and Death of a Butterfly," and one section of this work claimed "I fly about, pass through, / sing and chat for days on end." One section claims that "nobody knows where the assassins / buried these bodies, / but they'll rise from the earth." In addition to "The Sands Betrayed," and "The Woodcutter Awakens," another section of this work claims that the earth's name is Juan. "The Liberators"and "The Conquistadores"are two sections of this work, and a notable poem from this collection urges the reader to "rise up and be born with me, my brother." FTP, name this book of poems that contains "The Heights of Macchu Picchu," a poetic history of South America by Pablo Neruda.

ANSWER: Canto General (or like, General Song or something like that)

18. The actions of this painting were the subject of Florent Dancort's Les trois cousines. A second incarnation of this painting features an extra figure holding a man in a billowing blue cloak on her lap in the lower right. That version clearly depicts a plumed helmet and shield resting against a gigantic pedestal at right, while two flying creatures chase each other near the center. In both versions, a dog looks expectantly back at a woman in yellow and a man with a walking stick in red, and next to them a man in blue and red helps a woman off the ground. Flying cherubs cavort around a waiting ship that pairs of lovers trot downhill to board in, FTP, what rococo painting by Jean Watteau?

ANSWER: The Embarkation for Cythera [if it involves going places and Cythera, it's right]

19. His autobiography contained such chapters as "Kid-Talk-Folk Talk" and several biographical vignettes he dubbed "album faces." A poem in which this author claimed "it is too early and I am not footloose yet, "Broken-Face Gargoyles," contains the line that supplies that autobiography's title, Always the Young Strangers. He exhorted "Pack me down in the salt and wet" and "Sling me under the sea" in a work titled "Bones." He wrote of passengers who ask the conductor "What place is this? / Where are we now?" at sites like Ypres and Verdun, and of an entity that "sits...on silent haunches" and comes "on little cat feet." FTP, name this poet of "Grass," "Fog," and "Chicago."

ANSWER: Carl August Sandburg

20. Some methods of destroying these structures include the Parkland and Irving procedures, while these structures can be reversibly destroyed in the Pomeroy technique. These structures are inflamed in Salpinghitis, and one end of this structure contains the fimbriae; this part is called the ostium. Its mucosa contains peg cells and cilia, and this structure develops from the embryonic Mullerian ducts. Its ampulla is the most common site of human fertilization. FTP, name this pair of structures that can be destroyed in ectopic pregnancies, a pair of tubes that connect the uterus to the ovaries.

ANSWER: Fallopian tubes


1. Name these short stories of William Faulkner, FTPE:

[10] Miss Grierson is the title character of this story. She loves the Yankee Homer Barron, and she poisons him and leaves his corpse on the bed when he threatens to leave.

ANSWER: "A Rose for Emily"

[10] Colonel Sartoris Snopes is only ten years old in this story, and he warns Major de Spain that his father Abner will commit the title crime. Major de Spain shoots Abner after an encounter near the title edifice.

ANSWER: "Barn Burning"

[10] Isaac McCaslin and Roth Edmonds go hunting in this story. Roth's lover, alternately called "the doe" and "The Negress," is actually related to both of them.

ANSWER: "Delta Autumn"

2. Zachariah and Morris are the two protagonists, who dress up as a servant and menial using clothes purchased to impress a pen pal. FTPE:

[10] Name this play whose title entity is defined as the "bond between brothers."

ANSWER: The Blood Knot

[10] This author of MASTER HAROLD...and the Boys and The Road to Mecca wrote The Blood Knot.

ANSWER: Harold Athol Lannigan Fugard

[10] This is the pen pal of Zachariah and Morris in The Blood Knot. The money they were saving to buy a farm is used to buy clothes to impress her.

ANSWER: EthelLange (accept either)

3. Answer some questions about enzyme kinetics, FTPE:

[10] Some enzymes can be regulated by a molecule attaching to a site distant from the active site. Such regulation goes by this name.

ANSWER: Allosteric

[10] This form of inhibition results when different molecules is able to bind the active site and block the entry of the substrate. It results in an increase in Km but doesn’t change the maximum velocity.

ANSWER: Competitive inhibition

[10] Enzyme inhibition can be viewed as shifts in this double reciprocal plot, which is derived by rearranging the Michaelis-Menten equation. The y-intercept is the reciprocal of V max.

ANSWER: Lineweaver-Burke Plot

4. Jean-Paul Sartre wrote philosophy too. FTPE: