Vernon County 4-H Leader/Parent Federation
Federation: Vernon County 4-H Parent/Leader Federation
General Membership – All certified adults (those who have completed Volunteer Orientation) and have a current Vernon County 4-H enrollment form on file in the Extension Office and all currently enrolled Vernon County 4-H members in grades three through one year past high school graduation.
Club Delegates –One designated certified adult and one youth representative from each 4-H club.
Executive Officers – The four elected officers (President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer.
Federation Board- Executive Officers and Club Delegates
Article 1 Name and Purpose
Section 1 The name of this organization is Vernon County 4-H Leader/Parent Federation.
Section 2 The purpose of the Federation is to:
a. Assist the Vernon County University Extension office staff in planning, conducting and administering the 4-H program in Vernon County.
b. Assist local 4-H club units in developing and conducting 4-H programs in their local communities.
c. Assist in identifying subject matter areas for 4-H leader training.
d. Provide financial support for the 4-H program in Vernon County.
e. Set policies and provide financial support for 4-H activities, trips and programs.
f. Promote a better understanding of 4-H in Vernon County.
g. To serve as an advisory body to County Extension personnel with regard to the county 4-H program.
Article II Federation General Membership
Section 1 General Membership in the Federation is open to:
a. All adults who have completed Volunteer Orientation and have a current Vernon County enrollment form on file in the Extension office.
b. All currently enrolled Vernon County 4-H members in grades three thru one year past high school graduation.
Section 2 Membership in 4-H and the Federation is open to all persons regardless of age, race, color, creed or religion, national origin, ancestry, gender, sexual orientation, marital or parental status, pregnancy, veterans’ status, arrest or non-job or program-related conviction record, qualified disability, or social economic level. All 4-H clubs must comply with federal and state nondiscrimination laws. including Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, and the American with Disabilities Act.
Section 3 The Vernon County 4-H Youth Development Educator and the 4-H Program Support Staff are ex officio (non-voting) members of the Federation.
Section III Organizational Structure
Section 1. The powers, property and affairs of the Vernon County 4-H Parent/Leader Federation shall be conducted by the Executive Officers and Club Delegates.
Section 2 Club delegates shall consist of one adult and one youth voting member from each club. Each 4-H club is responsible for appointing one adult and one youth representative to Federation monthly meetings. 4-H clubs are encouraged to send their appointed delegates to the monthly meetings.
Section 3 The County is divided into five groups based on club size for the purpose of planning the banquet and special activities.
Article IV Officers
Section 1 The Federation Executive officers will be President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer.
Section 2 The office of Vice President will be elected annually. The Vice President will assume the office of President the following year. The office of Secretary and Treasurer will be elected for two year terms. The Secretary will take office after the annual banquet of odd numbered years. The Treasurer will take office after the banquet of even numbered years.
Section 3 Officers shall be elected by the General Membership at the annual meeting held in conjunction with the banquet.
Section 4 Offices may be filled by any certified and active member of the Federation.
Section 5 Persons authorized to handle receipts and disbursements of Federation funds shall be the Treasurer assisted by the executive officers.
Article V Federation Board
Section 1 The Federation Board shall conduct all business affairs of the Federation.
Section 2 The Federation Board voting members shall consist of the officers elected by the General Membership and the club delegates. A member of the Agricultural and Extension Education Committee of the Vernon County Board of Supervisors and the University Extension staff will serve as advisory members of the board.
Section 3 The Federation Board will normally meet monthly. Additional meetings may be called as a need arises.
Section 4 The Federation Executive Officers will serve as the Review and Expansion Committee.
Section 5 The Federation Board will insure non-discrimination in the 4-H program in accordance with Article II, Section 2.
Section 6 The Federation Board will honor the 4-H Behavior Agreement signed annually by all volunteers.
Article VI Program Committees
Section 1 Program Committees of the Federation are established to plan, conduct, budget for and evaluate the various phases of the county 4-H program.
Section 2 The committees consist of:
Dairy Arts and Communication
Livestock Photography
Horse Fund Raising & Budget
Small Animal Cloverbud
Plant & Natural Science Recognition
Shooting Sports Home & Family
These committees are considered active when a budget and educational plan are submitted to the Federation budget committee prior to the annual budget development. Each committee shall annually submit a summary of activities and expenditures with budget request to the Federation Board. Funding is contingent upon receipt of summary in a timely manner.
Section 3 Each 4-H club is encouraged to have representatives participate on the above program committees.
Section 4 The Federation Board may establish additional or special committees as the need arises.
Article VII Meetings
Section 1 The General Membership shall hold an annual meeting in conjunction with the annual county recognition banquet.
Section 2 Additional meetings of the General Membership may be called by the Executive Officers if necessary.
Section 4 Robert’s Rules of Order will be used as a guide in conducting meetings of the General Membership, Federation Board and any other committees appointed by the Federation Board.
Article VIII Amendments
Section 1 The Constitution may be amended or revised by the Executive Officers. Notice of the intended revisions or amendments to the constitution shall be presented
at a previous meeting, mail or email. Copies of amendments must be available at least two weeks prior to a meeting when they are to be considered for a vote.
Section 2 The Constitution shall be reviewed annually by the Executive Officers.
Article IX Quorum
Section 1 Those present and authorized to conduct business shall constitute a quorum provided that at least two of the four Executive Officers are present. (There is not a minimum number of club delegates required.)
Section 2 Program committees do not require a quorum.
Article I Duties of the Officers
Section 1 PRESIDENT-Shall preside at all meetings of the General Membership and the Federation Board.
Section 2 VICE PRESIDENT-Shall preside in the absence of the President and take care of all duties of the President during his or her absence.
Section 3 SECRETARY-Shall keep minutes of the meeting of the General Membership and Federation Board meetings. The secretary shall work with the Extension Office in getting out special correspondence and communications as necessary.
Section 4 TREASURER-Shall be responsible for keeping Federation financial records and will handle all disbursements and receipts of Federation funds. In addition he or she shall give a Treasurer’s Report at each Federation Board meeting and present bills to be paid for approval. The Treasurer will help prepare an annual budget for the Federation. Any unbudgeted or questionable expenses shall be reviewed by the Federation Board.
Article II Election of Officers
Section 1 Method of Nomination – Officers shall be nominated by a nominating committee appointed by President prior to the election. No officer may be elected to succeed himself. There shall be no more than two Executive officers from the same 4-H club.
Section 2 Additional Nominations may be made from the floor at the Annual Meeting/Banquet.
Section 3 Executive Officer vacancies shall be appointed by the Executive Officers to fulfill the current term.
Article III Transaction of Business
Section 1 The business of the Federation will be transacted by members of the Federation Board present at any regular or special Federation Board meeting.
Section 2 In addition to the election of officers, the Federation Board may determine other items of business should be brought to the general membership for a vote at the annual meeting/banquet or at a special meeting called by the Federation Board.
Reviewed and revised 2009
Reviewed and revisions proposed 4-6-12