
Joe, the link above comes up for me but I don't know how to edit the items onscreen, so I will list them below. If you have questions, I have the hard copy with the editions on it. Let me know if you can do it this way or if there is a better way for the html changes.

Joe, note that in this section you normally use past tense, then you use present tense just before the direct quotes from the Court. We decided with previous chapters that the judicial rhetoric normally is presented in past tense. So, you need to regularize throughout. E.g. "The court argued:" vs. The court claims:

Case Summaries, Chapter Six

in the list

Anencephalic Infantss - delete 2nd s

Removal From a Ventilator - lower case from

Refusal of Treatment For Religious Reasons - lower case for

Foody v. Manchester Memorial

punctuation - add period to final word in paragraph

Rasmussen v. Fleming

delete comma after include in second line

In re Conroy

5th line, phrase : limited objective test - seems like a phrase to italicize to highlight or to create a link defining it

In re Jobes

In re Conroy's is italicized and I think that is because you are referring back to the previous citation. Any other reason to do that? Do you do it with all other cases referred to in this manner throughout documents?

3rd line - significant pain - this implies that In re Conroy is about pain but it is not stated in Conroy above

persistent vegetative state - appears in 3rd line without an acronym; in 2nd last sentence it is referred to by PVS acronym. You should introduce the acronym after the written out phrase in the 3rd line if you want to use it below

Superintendent of Belchertown

first line - spelling of Saikewicz is xz (correct)

delete comma after ten

add comma after 67 years of age

In the Matter of Baby K

add hyphen to well-publicized

Large Title Physician Assisted Suicide

1) decide if you will use hyphen for physician-assisted and then do it throughout; sometimes it is and sometimes it isn't in other parts

2) include acronym (PAS) after title since you use in the 2nd line below without writing out the phrase

Washington v. Glucksberg

PAS - acronym only; write it out or use acronym in title directly above

Due Process Clause - italicize and define? Note use of caps here but in other places you don't capitalize - regularize

delete . after Clause

lower case court when referring to US Supreme Court - in other places you have used C when referring to Supreme Court - regularize

PAS - same as above

Vacco v. Quill

Equal Portection Clause - italicize, define? Note use of caps here but not in other sections; regularize as with Due Process Clause

Griswold v - add period after v.

Joe - you use a sentence fragment for the first statement - it needs an action verb

life-saving - add hyphen

first and fourth amendment - add s since you are referring to two amendments; also note that these are written out here but in other sections they are numbered (Sharon's notes for example, and she capitalizes Amendment) regularize usage

Removal From (change to lower case from)

you say - "applied the recently established right . . . in Griswold and Roe." But Griswold was 10 years prior - I would change the "recently established" in that sentence

ventilator, but - delete comma

Barber v. Superior - after Cal. Rptr no punctuation - add period?

the physicians removed ____ respirator - needs an article a/the

Brophy v. New England

delete a before the in first line

last word whould be meaningful not meaningfully

add paragraph spacing after meaningful. and before next title: Cruzan v. Director, move it to proper position and highlight

Cruzan v. Director

delete comma after vegetative state in first line

delete second that in 3rd line

delete comma after wishes in 4th line

In the Interest of Bryan Karwath (use lower case for name other than first letters)

first line: ordered - add ed

In the Matter of Hudson

Although . . . is a sentence fragment; just add a comma after activities and use lower case the court held to make a complete statement.

In Re Green - uppercase Re as with in Re Clark below or lower case as with In re Conroy, In re Jobes? Or regularize throughout?

immediately imperiled is italicized? is that because it is that format in the original quote?

In the Matter of AB

2nd line - life-preserving - add hyphen

In the Matter of John Storar

court - delete comma after

case - delete comma

In Re Clark - lower case re as In re Conroy, In re Jobes? or uppercase as in Re Green? Or regularize throughout?

In this Ohio case - delete comma since you haven't used the comma earlier in this phraseology, so delete it here

Court - lower case as with others?

right, - delete comma

Court - lower case as with others?

While he "belongs" - single quote within double quotes

Refusal of Treatment For - lower case for

In re Osborne, in re Fetus - have lower case re - regularize?

In re Fetus Brown

does not - change to past tense - did not

The court found that the father would support a women's - change to woman's (singular)

Joe, this sentence and the next about the fetus confuse the reader because you did notset it up with a preliminary statement as you did above about the fact that the woman has another child older than the fetus to consider.