Public Education 4-10-13 PAGE 1 OF 3

Station Tours / Static Displays EOM 1007.00

Policy & Procedures:

The Loveland-Symmes Fire Department (LSFD) provides station tours and static displays as part of our public education. Fire station tours and static displays provide a unique opportunity to meet firefighters, see their equipment, and learn about fire safety. Residents, schools, service groups, community organizations, and businesses may take a trip or request a visit from their neighborhood fire station.

The LSFD request that groups wishing for a station tour / static display pre-schedule at least two weeks in advance through the LSFD web site under the Fire Prevention Tab or pick up a copy of the form at LSFD Station 62 (Fire Headquarters). Station tours / static displays will be schedule provided that no other LSFD event is being held that day. The event will last approximately 45 – 60 minutes. The LSFD has purchased an inflatable Fire Dalmatian Bounce Around for approved events and will be used during permit able weather. Children attending the station tour / static display must be accompanied by an adult, and must be respectful of all LSFD personal, equipment, and property.

Station tours / static displays are handled by using on duty personal that might have to leave unexpectedly on an emergency detail. The LSFD will do everything possible to make sure that the station tour / static display is completed, but emergency details will take precedence over any public education event.

District Chief or Deputy Chief need to gather or record the following information:

·  School, Service Group, Business, or Individual requesting a station tour / static display

·  Contact name and phone number

·  Which station will be conducting the station tour / static display

·  Address of location if not at the fire station

·  All information must be recorded on the Alerts master calendar

Rules for Station Tours / Static Displays:

·  All station tours / static displays will schedule by the District Chief or Deputy Chief on duty

·  All dates are subject to LSFD availability

·  No more than one public education event at one time with a maximum of two public education per day, unless approved by the Fire Chief

·  All participants must be respectful of all LSFD personal, equipment, and property

·  Groups of children shall be limited to a maximum of 25 children plus chaperones

·  Groups of children under seven must be accompanied by at least one adult chaperone for every five children


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Station Tours / Static Displays EOM 1007.00

·  Emergency details will take precedence over all public education events

Rules for Fire Dalmatian Bounce Around

Responsibilities of Fire Dalmatian Inflatable Bounce Around

·  Four to five firefighters or adults personnel will be needed during set up and break down of the unit for safety (Units weighs approximately 400lbs)

·  Firefighter or adult supervision at all times

·  Number of kids, and weight limits are posted on side of unit and must be followed at all times

·  Tarp (to be placed on ground if unit is to be used outside)

·  Tie downs (to be used if unit is used outside, tie downs must be secured into ground for safety)

·  Do not let unit get wet, if unit does get wet allow it to try thoroughly before putting unit away

When Inflating

·  Close all zippers

·  Velcro sealed

·  Attach blower to tube

·  Make sure no one is inside prior to inflation

·  Turn blower on, unit should inflate in about two minutes

Disassembly of Bounce Around

·  Make sure no one is inside unit

·  Disconnect power to blower

·  Open Velcro and zippers to allow air to escape

·  Fold unit like folding a tarp, allow air to escape after each fold (You may have to walk on unit without shoes to help air escape)

·  Continue folding unit down until it is as small as you can get it, then unit needs to be rolled and placed back into traveling bag

**If you have any questions contact the shift supervisor on duty

Upon completion of the Station Tour / Static Display, a public education comment sheet should be filled out by the person that received the tour or display, then turned into the District Chief on duty. All information regarding the Station Tour / Static Display needs to be enter into an


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Station Tours / Static Displays EOM 1007.00

approved LSFD computer program under the Journal Section and must contain the following information.

·  How many people attended

·  What materials were distributed