Course Number & Name: / ___397 Junior Seminar______
Instructor(s): / ______
Semester: / ______Enrollment ______
Assessment Tool:[ x ] CRC’s Generic Rubric(s)[ ] Other: ______
Please attach syllabus, and if “Other” selected, please attach assessment instrument
Prompt [question or assignment resulting in the student work product that was assessed]:
Core Curriculum Goal(s) being Assessed: __s1, s2, t, u, v______
Please indicate the total number assessed and the raw number scoring in each cell: PLEASE DO NOT USE PERCENTAGES. Detailed descriptors for each cell are included in the full rubrics.
Core Curriculum Learning Goal text here
Criteria from Core generic rubrics / # of
Summary Assessment
Of Goal
Criteria for goal
Criteria for goal / See following pages / for assessment / of each / goal
Criteria for goal
If only a sample was selected for scoring, please explain fully how the sample was chosen.
If more than one person scored each work product, please indicate the number of scorers: ______
Report prepared and submitted by: ______
Plans for modification in light of results, if any:
29n. Apply concepts about human and social behavior to particular questions or situations.
Core Curriculum Goal(s) being Assessed: s-1 [WC]
(s1) Communicate complex ideas effectively, in standard written English, to a general audience.NO. OF
Summary Assessment Of Goal
Makes clear argument, based on plausible reasoning. Sustains an argument throughout the analysis. / Presents complex ideas in a clear
and compelling argument.
Original and well-reasoned.
Offers insightful analysis. / Makes clear argument, based on
plausible reasoning. Sustains an
argument throughout the
analysis. / Attempts to offer a cogent
argument and analysis, but
argument and analysis are
simplistic or based on faulty
reasoning. / Fails to make a cogent
argument or to offer sound
analysis of any but the
simplest ideas.
Clear organization with some road map for reader. / Clear, easy to follow organization
with intro, body, and conclusion.
Provides reader with a ‘road map’
of essay / Clear organization with some
road map for reader. / Some effort to structure the paper,
but organization is problematic/
difficult to follow. / Disorganized and difficult or
impossible to follow.
Well-written, but may include a handful of grammar, spelling or word choice mistakes. May be jargon ridden. / Well-written. Appropriate word
choices. Free of grammar and
spelling mistakes. / Well-written, but may include a
handful of grammar, spelling or
word choice mistakes. May be
jargon ridden. / Multiple errors, but still clearly
intelligible. Or ridden with
incorrect use of jargon. / Multiple word choice errors.
Core Curriculum Goal(s) being Assessed: s-2 [WCR]
(s2) Respond effectively to editorial feedback from peers, instructors, &/or supervisors through successive drafts & revision. [WCr]NO. OF
Summary Assessment Of Goal
Effectively incorporates constructive criticism from peers and instructors in successive drafts. / Effectively incorporates
constructive criticism from peers
and instructors in successive
drafts and revises/ edits own
work without prompting. / Effectively incorporates
constructive criticism from peers
and instructors in successive
drafts. / Responds to constructive criticism
from peers and instructors in
successive drafts, though this may
not be entirely successful. / Does not incorporate
feedback, or does not submit
revised work.
Some improvement evident in successive drafts resulting in a good final work. / Improvement evident in
successive drafts resulting in an
outstanding final work. / Some improvement evident in
successive drafts resulting in a
good final work. / Some improvement evident in
successive drafts resulting in a
satisfactory final work. / Final work is unsatisfactory
Core Curriculum Goal(s) being Assessed: t [WCD]
t. Communicate effectively in modes appropriate to a discipline or area of inquiry. [WCd]NO. OF
Summary Assessment Of Goal
Addresses topic(s) soundly and effectively; discussion is persuasive, though it could be developed further. Minor flaws that do not significantly impede overall effectiveness of presentation. / Addresses topic(s) at an
advanced, professional level;
discussion is lucid, well-argued,
and effectively presented. / Addresses topic(s) soundly and
effectively; discussion is
persuasive, though it could be
developed further. Minor flaws
that do not significantly impede
overall effectiveness of
presentation. / Addresses topic, but discussion is
unoriginal and confusing.
Numerous and/or significant flaws
that impede effectiveness of
presentation. / Does not address topic, or
does so in a way that is
uninformative, inaccurate,
and/or misleading.
Presentation is confusing and
contains numerous errors.
Employs relevant discipline-specific format and terminology effectively. Terms and concepts are generally defined and appropriate to the analysis / Employs relevant disciplinespecific
format and terminology
with precision, accuracy and
purpose. Complex or obscure
terms and/or concepts are welldefined
and appropriate to the
level of analysis. / Employs relevant disciplinespecific
format and terminology
effectively. Terms and concepts
are generally defined and
appropriate to the analysis / Attempts to use discipline-specific
format and terminology effectively
but does not fully meet
professional norms in the area of
study. / Fails to use (or uses
inappropriate) disciplinespecific
format and
terminology; fails to meet
professional norms in the
area of study.
Core Curriculum Goal(s) being Assessed: u [WC]
u. Evaluate and critically assess sources and use the conventions of attribution and citation correctly.NO. OF
Summary Assessment Of Goal
Demonstrates ability to access appropriate sources/data and critically assess their authority, reliability, credibility, and/or bias and the credentials of the authors(s) and publisher(s) – electronic or otherwise. / Demonstrates a sophisticated
ability to access appropriate
sources/data and critically assess
their authority, reliability,
credibility, and/or bias and the
credentials of the authors(s) and
publisher(s) – electronic or
otherwise. / Demonstrates ability to access
appropriate sources/data and
critically assess their authority,
reliability, credibility, and/or bias
and the credentials of the
authors(s) and publisher(s) –
electronic or otherwise. / Demonstrates some ability, with
notable gaps, to access appropriate
sources/data and critically assess
their authority, reliability,
credibility, and/or bias and the
credentials of the authors(s) and
publisher(s) – electronic or
otherwise. / Demonstrates little, or
significantly underdeveloped,
ability to access appropriate
sources/data and critically
assess their authority,
reliability, credibility, and/or
bias and the credentials of the
authors(s) and publisher(s) –
electronic or otherwise.
Cites some relevant sources, though not all clearly connected to the argument. / Cites a comprehensive range of
relevant and appropriate sources. / Cites some relevant sources,
though not all clearly connected
to the argument. / Cites a limited number of sources,
not all relevant. / Sources, if cited at all, are
irrelevant to the topic or
discipline, and/or inaccurately
Applies appropriate conventions for attribution and citation, with perhaps a few technical mistakes (misplaces punctuation, etc.) / Applies appropriate
conventions for attribution and
citation accurately. / Applies
appropriate conventions for
attribution and citation, with
perhaps a few technical mistakes
(misplaces punctuation, etc.) / Notable errors in
applying appropriate conventions
for attribution and citation. / Fails to apply
appropriate conventions for
citation & attribution.
Core Curriculum Goal(s) being Assessed: v [WC]
v. Analyze and synthesize information and ideas from multiple sources to generate new insights.NO. OF
Summary Assessment Of Goal
Evidences sound reading comprehension. / Evidences flawless reading
comprehension / Evidences sound reading
comprehension. / Evidences adequate reading
comprehension although there
may be some instances of
misreading or incomplete reading. / Evidences problematic
reading comprehension and
notable misreading of
Provides evaluation and critical assessment of evidence/data, arguments, and counter-arguments drawn from multiple sources. / . Provides
detailed and sophisticated
evaluation and critical
assessment of evidence/data,
arguments, and counterarguments
drawn from multiple
sources. / Provides
evaluation and critical
assessment of evidence/data,
arguments, and counterarguments
drawn from multiple
sources. / Shows some familiarity with
relevant evidence/data,
arguments, and counterarguments,
but provides little
evaluation and critical assessment / Shows little to no
familiarity with relevant
evidence/data, arguments,
and counter-arguments;
provides little to no
evaluation and critical
Successfully uses this analysis in advancing thesis and/or for placing hypothesis testing in appropriate context. / Artfully uses this
analysis in advancing thesis
and/or for placing hypothesis
testing in appropriate context. / Successfully uses this
analysis in advancing thesis
and/or for placing hypothesis
testing in appropriate context. / Does not incorporate such analysis
into presentation of thesis or
contextualization of hypothesis
testing. / Does not
incorporate such analysis into
presentation of thesis or
contextualization of
hypothesis testing.
Makes some effort to explore larger implications and connections; demonstrating original/insightful thinking; and/or explicates limits of findings. / Explores larger implications and
connections; demonstrating
original/insightful thinking;
and/or explicates limits of
findings. / Makes some effort to explore
larger implications and
connections; demonstrating
original/insightful thinking;
and/or explicates limits of
findings. / Demonstrates little awareness of
larger implications and connections
and/or limits of findings. Little
evidence of original/insightful
thinking. / Demonstrates scant to no
awareness of larger
implications and connections
and/or limits of findings.
Scant to no evidence of original/insightful