JUNE 2017



JUNE 5, 2017


These minutes are not final until confirmed by the Task Group in writing or by vote at a subsequent meeting. Information herein does not constitute a communication or recommendation from the Task Group and shall not be considered as such by any agency.

MONDAY, 05-JUN-2017


1.1  Call to Order / Quorum Check

The NMC Audit Effectiveness Sub-Team meeting was called to order at 11:04 a.m.

It was verified that only VOTING MEMBERS and approved guests were in attendance.

Russ Cole introduced himself as the new chairperson of the NMC Audit Effectiveness Sub-Team.

A quorum was established with the following representatives in attendance:

Subscriber Members/Participants Present (* Indicates Voting Member)

* / Latch / Anguelov / Safran
* / Tomohiko / Ashikaga / Mitsubishi Heavy Industries
* / Pascal / Blondet / Airbus
* / Richard / Blyth / Rolls-Royce
* / Craig / Bowden / BAE Systems Air & Information
* / Jeff / Cerre / Textron Aviation
* / Russ / Cole / Northrop Grumman / Sub-Team Chairperson
* / Bertrand / Fath / Airbus Helicopters
Steve / Garner / Eaton Aerospace
* / Wendy / Jiang / COMAC
* / Bob / Koukol / Honeywell Aerospace
* / Ralph / Kropp / MTU Aero Engines AG
* / Scott / Maitland / UTC Aerospace (Goodrich)
* / Frank / McManus / Lockheed Martin Corp.
* / Scott / O’Connor / Honeywell Aerospace
* / John / Pfeiffer / GE Aviation
* / Fabrizio / Quadrini / Leonardo Helicopters
* / Norberto / Roiz-Lafuente / Airbus Defense and Space
* / Lindsey / Shaw / Raytheon Co.

Other Members/Participants Present (* Indicates Voting Member)

* / Dale / Harmon / Cincinnati Thermal Spray
* / Tammi / Schubert / Helicomb International PPC
* / Wilfried / Weber / PFW Aerospace GmbH

PRI Staff Present

Mark / Aubele
Scott / Klavon
Jim / Lewis
Bob / Lizewski
Joe / Pinto
Ian / Simpson
Michele / Strotmeyer

1.2  Approval of Previous Meeting Minutes

The February 2017 minutes were approved as written.

2.0  Proposed Actions

The list of proposed actions which have not been implemented was reviewed. Updates were provided for those which it had already been decided would be implemented.

The eAuditNet enhancement that will allow audits to have two contacts is currently scheduled for the third quarter of 2017.

Task Groups have completed the requested actions relative to expectations for the performance of job audits was reviewed such as defining and documenting requirements for auditor selection of job audits, use of historic/demo/virtual job audits, and level of specifications to review. Responses are still needed regarding the request to evaluate if the time allotted for job audits is sufficient.

The potential issue regarding the length of an audit and/or the number of auditors or number of job audits based on the complexity of the audit or when the language of the operators is not the same as the auditor was discussed. It was decided that the number of job audits should not be changed. Data looking at the number of findings and potential language conflicts will need to be evaluated further to see if any actions should be taken.

ACTION ITEM: Jim Lewis develop data for number of findings where the language of the auditor is the same or different than the language of the Auditee. (Due Date: 31-Oct-2017)

ACTION ITEM: Survey Auditors, potentially at the Auditor Conference, to see if they feel the self-audit is having an impact on the audit. (Due Date: 31-Oct-2017)

Task Groups had been asked to evaluate the documents that they require to be submitted to the auditor prior to the audit to determine if they are necessary. They were also asked to investigate if time is being added to the audit if the required documents are not being submitted. This information is due back to Jim Lewis by 30-Jun-2017.

The proposed action to send surveys to auditor was discussed. There is already a biennial survey sent to auditors from the Effectiveness Sub-Team that was recently completed. There were some questions on it pertaining to Audit Effectiveness that suggested that auditors have issues with certain checklist questions. It was determined that Task Groups should discuss these results with their auditors during the 2017 Auditor Conference. The current questions in the survey will also be sent to the Audit Effectiveness Sub-Team to see if they address the areas that the sub-team would like to see.

ACTION ITEM: Russ Cole and Jim Lewis to request Task Groups add time to their 2017 Auditor Conference to allow auditors to provide feedback on specific checklist questions. (Due Date: 15Jun-2017)

ACTION ITEM: Jim Lewis to send the questions from the Effectiveness survey of auditors to the Audit Effectiveness Sub-Team for review. (Due Date: 31-Jul-2017)

The action to develop an interview process when auditors resign is still being worked. It was noted that Jen Eckels, the Auditor Staffing Coordinator, currently collects data when possible when auditors resign. The Sub-Team would like to evaluate this data.

ACTION ITEM: Jim Lewis to request data from Jen Eckels regarding why auditor are leaving to present at a future meeting. (Due Date: 30-Jun-2017)

There was a recently added proposed action to perform a general tour of a facility to be able to see all areas and equipment which may be covered under the accreditation. It was noted that the Chemical Processing Task Group requires a plant layout which identifies all these areas. It was agreed that this is a good idea.

ACTION ITEM: Russ Cole and Jim Lewis to request Task Groups to evaluate adding a requirement similar to the Chemical Processing approach for a plant layout drawing that includes the equipment and locations where jobs that fall under the audit scope take place. (Due Date: 15Jun2017)

ACTION ITEM: Russ Cole and Jim Lewis to request Task Groups to implement a requirement to include a general tour of the shop at the beginning of the audit to see the areas covered by the accreditation. (Due Date: 15-Jun-2017)

It was also determined that the proposed action of requesting an enhancement to allow auditors to provide feedback on the checklist while completing it should be implemented.

ACTION ITEM: Jim Lewis to submit an enhancement request that allows auditors to add comments to specific checklist questions during the audit process. (Due Date: 30-Jun-2017)

It was asked that the current action item to develop a process requiring root cause and corrective action from Task Groups when Subscribers identify issues that should have been identified during an audit be focused on.

ADJOURNMENT – 05-June-2017 – Meeting was adjourned at 12:38 p.m.

Minutes Prepared by: Jim Lewis

Michele Strotmeyer

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