Current Step in the Process:
Instructors, please verify the following details of your teaching assistant's assignment (below):
- Course and Title information
- Term: F=Fall (Sept-Dec), W=Winter (Jan-April), FY= Full year (Sept-April). This information will indicate when your teaching assistant will be working for you.
- #Hrs: This is the number of hours that the teaching assistant will work for you. When filling out the DDAH form, the total number of hours must be equal to this amount.
If any of the information is incorrect, please contact [insert administrator’s name here]([insert administrator’s email address here]).
The DDAH form is now available online.
Deadline to complete the form: July XX, 20XX
As per the CUPE3902-Unit 1 Collective Agreement, Article 16:08, "...the supervisor shall provide the candidate with a written description of the position including the nature of the duties and the number of hours required to complete the said duties. Such descriptions shall be completed on a Description of Duties and Allocation of Hours (DDAH)..."
When filling out the DDAH form(s), please keep in mind that:
- The Description of Duties form(s) should reflect what was advertised in the job posting (if applicable).
- Detail is needed. For each duty that is included, the number of hours and students (if applicable) should be stated clearly. For example, if you require the teaching assistant to mark assignments, you need to specify the number of assignments, and for each assignment, the number of students and the number of hours you anticipate it will take them to complete the task. The DDAH Form with Helpful Hits may be useful to understand the level of detail you need to include.
- Training should be specified and included in the total number of hours that the teaching assistant has been assigned. A three-hour training session is mandatory for your teaching assistant's first appointment, subsequent appointments are optional.
- Mid-term reviews are used to monitor and re-assess the number of hours that are left for the rest of the year. At that point, you may want to rearrange how the remaining number of hours are allocated.
- If you would like some input from your teaching assistant to help develop the DDAH form, you may contact them directly using their email address listed below. However, please keep in mind that we will be providing them with their assignment information on July XX so at this point they may not know that you will be assigned as their supervisor.
How to draft and sign the DDAH form:
- For each of your teaching assistant(s), choose Edit under DDAH. This will open Page 1 of the DDAH form in the current screen. You may have to wait a few seconds for it to load.
- On Page 1, select the tasks that will be included in the duties for the job. This is not an exhaustive list. You will have the opportunity to add other duties on Page 2 of the form.
- Click on Save and Go to Next Page
- The tasks that you selected on Page 1 will appear under the appropriate section on Page 2. For the Contact and Marking/Grading sections, add a text box by clicking on + Add Custom Duty and/or Detail to include more detail. For example, if you selected Office hours, specify the #hours/week X #weeks in the text box. You only need to indicate the number of hours once in the "Preliminary # of hours" column.
- You can also include additional duties that were not included in the list on Page 1 by clicking on + Add Custom Duty and/or Detail. For each additional duty/task indicate the number of hours you anticipate that the teaching assistant will need to complete that duty/task under the Preliminary # of hours column.
- The total number of hours will be automatically calculated at the bottom of the Preliminary # of hours column. Verify that the total number of hours is equal to the number of hours of the assignment.
- To sign the DDAH form, click on the checkbox next to Supervisor Signature:
- Click on the Save DDAH Form button.
- You can verify if the form was saved by going back to the list of your teaching assistantship supervisions and clicking on Edit again. The information you inputted into the form should re-appear. You may edit the information but be sure to click on the Save DDAH Form button to save your changes.
How to sign the Contract:
- For each assignment, under Contract, click on View
- Review the contract and sign it by clicking on the checkbox next to Supervisor Signature:
- Click on Save & Close to save your signature. Please remember to check that the job title, # of hours and term are accurate before you sign the contract.
Please remember to save your work by clicking on the “Save DDAH Form” before exiting the page.
Please note the total number of hours for which you have TA support. If your teaching assistant exceeds the total number of hours of their teaching assistantship, it is the supervisor’s responsibility to pay for any additional hours.