Texas Education Code (TEC) §133.006 requires that the Texas Workforce Commission (TWC) adopt forms, formulas, and administrative procedures for distributing available funds to apprenticeship training programs. Additionally, TWC’s Apprenticeship Training Program rule §837.21 requiresTWC to provide—following receipt of recommendations by the Texas Workforce Investment Council (TWIC)—public notice of the amount of funds that will be available to support apprenticeship training programs.
In February2016, TWIC made the following recommendations to TWC regarding Fiscal Year 2017(FY’17) funding for apprenticeship training programs:
- A contact-hour rate not to exceed $4.00;
- A 5 percent reserve fund for new programs or established programs not currently receiving funds; and
- A $28,000 reserve fund for apprenticeship instructor training.
TWChas exceeded Legislative Budget Board (LBB) Apprenticeship Training performance targets since FY’08. Beginning in FY’16,TWC’s LBB Apprenticeship Training performance measure increased from 3,600 to 6,111individuals served, as established with the approval of the Commission’s legislative appropriation request for an additional $1.5 million in each year of thebiennium.
Under TWC rule §837.25, funds for apprenticeship training classes are distributed based on the following priority, unless otherwise determined by the Commission:
- Related instruction or “apprenticeship”;
- supplementary instruction or “journeyworker”; and
- preparatory instruction or pre-apprentice training.
During FY’16, TWC funding supported 5,278 apprentices and 1,789 journeyworkers, for a total of 7,067 individuals served.
The FY’16 final contact-hour rate is $4.00. Since FY’10, TWC has supported TEC Chapter 133 apprenticeship training programs with Workforce Investment Act/Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act funds and continues to leverage Temporary Assistance for Needy Families and Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program Employment and Training funds, as appropriate.
TWC awarded Texas A&M–Corpus Christi the apprenticeship instructor training provider contract for FY’16, with a funding limit of $28,000. This contract may be extended through FY’17 and may be increased with Commission approval. TWIC recommends funding $28,000 for apprenticeship instructor training for FY’17. However, Texas A&M–Corpus Christi has indicated that additional funds will be required to perform the same level of instructor training services.
TWC estimates there will be $3,093,589in General Revenue available for apprenticeship training programs under TEC Chapter 133, pending approval of the FY’17 operating budget.
TWC will outreach and educate programs on the financial support available to them through TWC in order to maximize and grow related instruction.
Staff recommends the following:
- Aplanning estimate of $3,093,589in General Revenue for FY’17apprenticeship funds, contingent on adoption of TWC’s FY’17operating budget;
- An FY’17contact-hour rate not to exceed $4.00;
- A5 percent reserve of planning estimate funds for new or established apprenticeship programs that did not receive Chapter 133 funds in FY’16; and
- A $30,000 reserve for apprenticeship instructor training, contingent on adoption of TWC’s FY’17 operating budget.
DP FY17 Apprenticeship Planning Estimates (05 31 16)Notebook.docx