Designated Person Checklist:
Event-Triggered Items (Kentucky Version)
Event / Action /No-Risk LEAs (no ACBM present in any school)
Resignation of Designated Person / 1) Obtain new designated person
2) Obtain training for designated person
3) Update management plan with training information
4) Notify Kentucky DAQ Frankfort office regarding new DP (courtesy notification)
Building New Building
Before architect is hired
Before contractor is hired
Construction is completed / Put 763.99(a)(7) clause in contract
Put 763.99(a)(7) clause in contract
1) Get exclusion forms from architect and contractor
2) Get a management planner to write new part of management plan
3) Send plan to Kentucky DAQ Frankfort office for review and approval
4) Send exclusion form to EPA Region IV Atlanta (courtesy notification only)
5) Put plans in administration and school offices
6) Notify relevant persons/groups about availability of new plans
Demolition of Any Building or Structure / 1) Ensure that areas of the building/structure are inspected for the presence of ACM (if not already done)
2) Notify Kentucky DAQ regional office on appropriate form at least ten working days before demolition (whether or not asbestos is present)
Note: Actual demolition of a school building is not an AHERA project, but you should record the event in the management plan for the building and handle all wastes properly.
3) Perform all related asbestos work in accordance with federal, state, and local requirements.
Low-Risk LEAs (easily maintained nonfriable ACBM only)
Hiring New Custodial/Maintenance Employee / 1) Provide appropriate training if the employee will work in a building with K/A F/NF ACBM.
will disturb: 16-hour O&M training
otherwise: 2-hour awareness
2) Add training records to management plan.
Performing Routine Maintenance Tasks / 1) Determine whether ACBM will be disturbed.
2) Determine the amount which will be disturbed
If ACBM is involved, but no disturbance will occur, 2-hour awareness workers may perform the work
If small-scale, short duration, 16-hour O&M workers can perform the work
Otherwise, an accredited project designer must design the work and accredited persons must conduct the work.
3) Document the work in the management plan. (Not required for jobs where no disturbance occurs.)
Moderate- and High-Risk LEAs
Maintenance / Repair Activity / 1) Determine the amount of friable ACBM that will be affected. If the amount exceeds the limits for a small-scale, short-duration task, see the requirements for a building renovation. (Air clearance is not mandated by AHERA where only repair is used for the response action.)
2) Notify all persons who will be in or adjacent to ACM work areas prior to beginning the work, either in person or in writing
3) Use persons trained at the O&M level to conduct the work for these small-scale, short-duration projects.
4) Follow the necessary AHERA (763.91(d)), OSHA (1910.1101(g)), and Kentucky (58:040(4)(1)) work practices
5) Follow the respirator requirements if the materials disturbed are thermal system insulation or soft surfacing materials.
6) Record the event in the management plan for the building.
Building Renovation / 1) Ensure that areas of the building/structure are inspected for the presence of ACM (if not already done)
2) Notify Kentucky DAQ regional office on appropriate form at least ten working days before any asbestos disturbance occurs if the total amount of regulated ACM that will be affected exceeds 260 LF/pipes, 160 SF/other surfaces, or 35 CF total (if others values are indeterminate).
3) Use accredited persons to conduct the work ACM abatement work other than small-scale, short-duration projects.
4) Notify all persons who will be in or adjacent to ACM work areas prior to beginning the work, either in person or in writing
5) Perform air clearance (other than for genuine maintenance/repair purposes or as a small-scale, short-duration activity).
6) Record the event in the management plan for the building.
Fiber Release Episode / minor (less than or equal to 3 LF or 3 SF of friable material dropped or dislodged with visible emission of dust):
obtain one or more O&M workers
clean using procedures in 40 CFR 763.91(c)
major (more than 3 LF or 3 SF of friable material dropped or dislodged with visible emission of dust):
obtain an accredited project designer
obtain accredited supervisor/workers
clean in the manner described by the project designer
(perform air clearance)
either: Record the release in the management plan for the building.
If more than 1 pound of friable asbestos is released outside the workplace:
Notify county, state, and federal agencies.
Clean according to guidance above for major/minor fiber releases.
Environmental Management Institute 82005