PS 347 American Sign Language and English Lower School:
3rd/4th/5th grade Library Media Center Skills
Information Detectives 2010-11
Unit 1: Orientation / Approx dates: September 2010 (after orientation)Library orientation : Information Detectives Unit Students advance from Level 1 (sections of the library) to Level 2 (using catalog)
-1. Finding just right books in different sections of the library: poetry, nonfiction, picture plus, historical fiction, etc. (Info Fluency 1.3.1, 1.3.13)
-1. Finds books using the online catalog (Info Fluency 2.3.7)
-1. Finds magazine articles on databases and uses eReference resources (grades 4-5)
Finding books that inspire more reading (Info Fluency 2.3.2)
-1. Finds fiction books by same author using A-Z order in fiction sections (Info Fluency 1.3.1)
-1. Find nonfiction books on interests using Dewey numbers (Info Fluency 1.3.1)
· Finds different formats (online storybooks, audio books, magazines, etc.) and different genres of reading material (Info Fluency 2.1.7) by visiting genre sections (historical fiction, mystery, memoir)
Rationale: Why is it important to learn these things?
Students need to reflect on the wisdom of old tales to help them think about their own life decisions. They also need the practice to articulate their ideas about a character and compare what they would do to what the character did.
Key Teaching Points: Includes specific grammar and punctuation study.
· Demo search in picture plus section (alphabetical)
· Demo search in Dewey nonfiction section
· Many other sections of a library
· Virtual library: catalog, websites, databases, ebooks, gallery, blog / Read Aloud and Literature Discussion / Mentor Texts:
Vocabulary to model, imbed in conversation, encourage and notice:
Include metalanguage for students to use to talk about their learning and thinking.
Fiction, nonfiction, sections, Dewey Decimal System, numerical order, alphabetical order, author’s last name, initials, historical fiction, memoir, mystery, etc.
Dewey sections / Assessment/Final Product: How will you know your students have learned this?
· Searches and reflections on Information Detective activity.
· Rate the web sites for your grade paragraph in notebook.
Evaluation: What worked well, what needed to be changed, what resources were helpful? / Learning Environment: How will this learning be visible in your room?
They have their library notebooks where their responses will be written.
Revised by Sara August 2010