Conackamack Chorus WIN
Welcome to the Conackamack Choral Program! I am very excited that you have chosen to be a part of choir this year. Here are the expectations for every choir member, a list of performances and additional information for the upcoming year.
Chorus WIN is designed to allow band students to participate in the choral program and to give extra help to students who are struggling in chorus class. Our schedule at the middle school does not allow students to participate in two music ensembles as a class, so this club will give students an opportunity to experience both. We will meet on Mondays from November to the concert date and then start again on Mondays in April (after the musical) to prepare for the spring concert.
Band, Chorus and Orchestra concerts are held on the same date. The band portion starts at 6:00 and the Chorus and Orchestra portion starts at 7:15 so your children would stay through and do not need to worry about separate dates.
Late busses will be available to all students attending Chorus WIN. In the event of a cancellation or teacher absence, students will be notified at the beginning and the end of the day through the announcements. Information will also be posted on My Big Campus.
Please read through this handout, sign and return as proof that you understand the guidelines and commitment to the ensemble. Details for rehearsals and performances are on the back page.
Please bring the signed permission slip portion to Ms. Gorzynski before the first rehearsal on Monday, November 2nd. Students may not stay after school without written permission.
I look forward to making music with you! Please feel free to contact me if you have questions or concerns.
Ms. Gorzynski
732-699-1577 ext. 5150
Rehearsal Dates:
Mondays from 2:30-4:00 in Room 135 - 11/2, 11/9, 11/16, 11/30, 12/7 (No rehearsal on 11/23 due to Half Day/Conferences)
Rehearsals will resume in April after spring break - 4/11, 4/18, 4/25, 5/2, 5/9, 5/16, 5/23
Performance Dates:
Winter Concert: Tuesday, December 8th at 7:15pm (call time TBA)
Spring Concert: Wednesday, May 25th at 7:15pm (call time TBA)
Concert Attire:
Students are expected to dress up for concerts. Concert dress should be a step above what students wear to school. Please try to avoid perfume or cologne on performance days because students stand close to each other on the risers and may react to scents.
Requirements below.
Winter Concert:
Men: Black dress pants. A white, red, or black dress shirt (either button down or polo.) Tie is optional if black, red, or white. Black socks and dress shoes. No sneakers, t-shirts, jeans, or visible writing on the shirt.
Women: Black bottoms- appropriate skirt (at or below knees) or dress pants. Nice top- either black, red, or white (NO WRITING, no t-shirts.) A dress may be worn if it is the appropriate length for school and black, white, red, or a combination. Black shoes are required and preferably with a closed toe. Red accents such as hair bands or belts are allowed. No sneakers, t-shirts, jeans, uggs, or visible writing on the shirt.
Spring Concert:
Men: Khaki or black dress pants with a colorful polo. No writing on the polo. Black shoes and socks. No sneakers, t-shirts, jeans, or visible writing on the shirt.
Women: Black bottoms- appropriate skirt (at or below knees) or dress pants. Nice top- colorful, avoid dark colors like red or black (NO WRITING, no t-shirts.) A dress may be worn if it is the appropriate length for school and black, white, red, or a combination. Black shoes are required and preferably with a closed toe. Accents such as hair bands or belts are allowed. No sneakers, t-shirts, jeans, uggs, flip flops, or visible writing on the shirt.
Please fill out and return this page to Ms. Gorzynski by Monday, November 2nd
Student Name ______
Student Signature______
Parent Name ______
Parent Signature ______
Please check one. My child will:
____ take the late bus
____ get picked up by a parent/guardian
____ take a ride home with another student
____ walk home