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Exercises Proposed for teaching in (Jan – May, 2016 Semester)
1. Name of the Teacher: Moumita Das
2. Department Computer Science & Engineering
3. Course Title Principles of Operating System
4. Course code MAC 924
5. Course Hands out (in reference to framed & approved syllabus)
Contents / HoursIntroduction: Introduction to operating system, different types of operating systems: multiprogrammed, batch processing, time sharing, real time, distributed, parallel, operating system structure. / 3hrs
Process Management: processes, process state, threads, multithreads, process scheduling, schedulers, process synchronization, , inter process communication / 6hrs
Process scheduling: scheduling algorithm, pre-emptive and non-pre-emptive scheduling, multiprocessor scheduling / 5hrs
Synchronization: critical-section problem, Peterson’s problem, bounded buffer problem, reader-writer problem, dining philosopher problem, classical problems of synchronization, semaphores, dining philosopher solution using monitors / 6hrs
Deadlock: deadlock characterization, deadlock prevention, deadlock avoidance, detection and recovery from deadlock. / 5hrs
Memory management: logical and physical address space, Swapping, continuous memory allocation, paging, segmentation, virtual memory, demand paging, page replacement policies, and thrashing. / 7hrs
File system: file concept, access methods, directory structure, file system structure, allocation methods: contiguous, linked, indexed, free space management: bit vector, grouping, directory implementation: hash table, linear list, efficiency and performance, DMA, Polling, interrupts. / 5hrs
Disk management: disk structure, disk scheduling, disk management, RAID structures / 3hrs
Total Class: / 40hrs
6. Books/Literature to be followed:
(a) Books (Min. 2 texts + 3 references)
(i) Title Operating System Concepts
Author Abraham Silberschatz, Peter B. Galvin, Greg Gange
Publisher Wiley
Edition 8th Edition
(ii) Title Operating System: Concept and Design
Author Milenkovik. M
Publisher Tata McGraw-Hill Education
Edition Second Edition
(iii) Title Operating System Design and Implementation
Author Andrew S. Tanenbaum
Publisher Practice Hall NJ
Edition 4th Edition
(iv) Title Operating System
Author Dhamdhere
Publisher TMH
Edition 2nd Edition
(v) Title Operating System Concept
Author Silbersehatz A. and Peterson J. L
Publisher Pearson Education
Edition 3rd Edition
(vi) Title Operating System
Author William Stalling
Publisher Maxwell McMillan International Editions
Edition 2nd Edition
(b) Magazines/Journals:
i) SIGOPS - Operating Systems Review, ACM New York, USA.
ii) TOCS - ACM Transactions on Computer Systems, ACM, United State.
iii)TPDS - IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems, IEEE Computer
Society, United State.
7. Mode of Teaching: S.N. Bose
8. If the course is of practices, list the experiments to be offered.
I. Shell programming: creating a script, making a script executable, shell syntax.
II. Process: starting new process, replacing a process image, duplicating a process image,
waiting for a process, zombie process.
III. Signal: signal handling, sending signals, signal interface, signal sets.
IV. Semaphore: programming with semaphores (use functions semctl, semget, semop,
set semvalue, del semvalue, semaphore p, semaphore-v.
V. POSIX Threads : programming with pthread functions(viz. pthread create, pthread join,
pthread exit, pthread attr init, pthread cancel)
VI. Inter-process communication: pipes(use functions pipe, popen, pclose), named pipes(FIFOs,
accessing FIFO).
Are the manuals ready for the experiments to be conducted? Yes
Remarks/ Endorsement by the HoDWith his /her signature with date / Name of the Teacher: Moumita Das
Designation: Guest Lecturer
Signature with Date: