2014 St. Louis National Convention
The Mark Harvey Legacy Scholarship Application
AAHPERD Member #
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Freshman & SophomoresNot Eligible / Junior
64-95 Credits / Senior
96+ Credits / Grads Not
Current Grade Point Ave
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Have you attended a state AHPERD convention (How many?) / Yes / #Have you attended a district AHPERD convention (How many?) / Yes / #
Have you attended a national AHPERD convention (How many?) / Yes / / #
Are you willing to utilize any funding provided from this scholarship to support your attendance at the next national AAHPERD Convention?
(See the ‘Agreement’ at the end of this application form.) / Yes / / # / ______
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Have you presented on a topic in the area of HPERD at a state, district, or national convention?State Convention / Yes / / No / Topic:
District Convention / Yes / / No / Topic:
National Convention / Yes / / No / Topic:
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List any leadership roles you have held during your collegiate years. (Academic, Athletic, Community)(Field will expand to accommodate your text)
In 75 words or less share why you should be singled out to be a scholarship recipient of a scholarship bearing the name of Dr. Mark L. Harvey. (Field will expand to accommodate your text)
Explain in 100 or less words your passion for the HPERD profession. (Field will expand to accommodate your text)
In 50 words or less explain where you see yourself personally and professional in the next 2-5 years. (Field will expand to accommodate your text)
List 2 of your mentors and one piece of advice they have given you in your quest to become a teacher in HPERD. (Field will expand to accommodate your text)
Mentor 1: / Mentor 2:
Their Advice: / Their Advice:
This application form must be submitted to the Central District Future Professionals Advisors prior to the St. Louis deadline of March 25, 2014. The selection of the scholarship recipient will be announced at the Recognition Awards Ceremony scheduled for April 3, 1:30 p.m. -2:45 p.m. at the Renaissance Hotel, Renaissance Parkview/Aubert Room.
The current Central District Future Professionals Advisors are Dr. Vicki Worrell (ESU) and Dr. Scott Gorman (PSU). Please email this form to by the deadline above.
Mark L. Harvey Legacy Scholarship Acceptance Agreement
The recipient of the scholarship agrees to the following criteria:
1.The recipient will utilize these funds to support attendance at the next national AAHPERD convention and, within six weeks of attendance, submit a follow-up report to the Central District Board (chair of the future professional’s section), with a copy to the Harvey Family, including the following information about your attendance:
a. The date, site, and theme of the National AAHPERD convention attended.
b. Describe the most beneficial session and what will you do with the information?
c. Describe two unique program, idea, or innovative presentations.
2. Provide a presentation for future professionals at the next Central District Convention following the national AAHPERD convention attended.
Upon agreement to the above acceptance criteria the recipient will receive the $500.00 scholarship amount as follows:
1. A sum of $350.00 will be awarded at the time of acknowledgement at the Central District Convention.
2. The balance of $150.00 will be awarded upon the Central District Board's receipt of the report and outline of the presentation to be presented to the future professional's session.