Chapter 17 and 18 Vocabulary and Guided Notes (pgs. 528-577)

Name: Date:

Chapter 17: The Great Depression Begins

Chapter 17, Section 1: Causes of the Great Depression

1.  Stock Market-

2.  Bull Market-

3.  Speculation-

4.  Black Tuesday-

5.  What happened to banks shortly after the stock market crash?

6.  Other than the stock market crash, what were some major reasons that lead to the Great Depression?

Chapter 17, Section 2: Life During the Depression

7.  Bread lines/soup kitchens-

8.  Shantytowns-

9.  Hoovervilles-

10.  Hobos-

11.  Dust Bowl-

12.  Movies and Entertainment during the Depression-

13.  Importance of the radio during the Depression-

Chapter 17, Section 3: Hoover Responds

14.  Public Works-

15.  Reconstruction Finance Corporation-

16.  Relief-

17.  Hunger marches/farmers revolt-

18.  Bonus Army-

Chapter 18: Roosevelt and the New Deal

Chapter 18, Section 1: Roosevelt takes Office

19.  Roosevelt and the New Deal-

20.  Roosevelt’s Early Life-

21.  What historical phrase did Roosevelt say during his First Inaugural address?

Chapter 18, Section 2: The First New Deal

22.  Hundred Days-

23.  Roosevelt’s Divided Administration-

24.  Fireside Chats-

The First New Deal, 1933-1935 (pg. 561)
Agency / Established / Function
25.  Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC)
26.  Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA
27.  Agricultural Adjustment Act (AAA)
28.  Federal Emergency Relief Act (FERA)
29.  National Recovery Administration (NRA)
30.  Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC)
31.  Public Works Administration (PWA)
32.  Civil Works Administration (CWA)
33.  Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC)

Chapter 18, Section 3: The Second New Deal

34.  Deficit Spending-

35.  American Liberty League (Right wing Critics)-

36.  Huey Long, Father Coughlin, and Francis Townsend (Left Wing Critics)-

The Second New Deal, 1935 (pg. 567)
Agency/Legislation / Function
37.  / Combated unemployment; created jobs throughout the economy
38.  / Brought electricity to isolated agricultural areas
39.  / Created unemployment system, disability insurance, old-age pension, and child welfare benefits
40.  / Eliminated unfair practices and abuses of utility companies
41.  / Strengthened the Federal Reserve
42.  / Assisted poor families and sharecroppers in beginning new farms or purchasing land

43.  Schechter v. United States; “Sick Chicken case” (1933)-

Chapter 18, Section 4: The New Deal Coalition

44.  Roosevelt’s “court-packing” plan-

45.  Keynesianism theory of economics-

46.  National Housing Act (1937)-

47.  Farm Security Administration (1937)

48.  Fair Labor Standard Act (1937)-

49.  Broker State-

50.  Safety Net-