The Meeting was called to order at 8:00PM by Council President Roth who read the Open Public Meetings Act Statement as prescribed by law. Notice was advertised in The Record on November 14, 2013 and The Ridgewood News on November 15, 2013 stating this meeting would be held in the Richard J. Martel Municipal Center, 475 Corporate Drive, Mahwah, New Jersey on Thursday, May 8, 2014 at 8:00PM.

Notice of this meeting is posted on the Municipal Bulletin Board. The Minutes of this meeting shall be available in the Municipal Clerk’s Office once they are approved by the Township Council.



Moment of Silence was observed for those who are serving and those who served in the military.

Present: Councilmembers DiGiulio, Hermansen, Jandris, Larson, Sbarra, Roth and Williams

Also present were Mayor William Laforet, Business Administrator Brian Campion, Township Attorney Brian Chewcaskie, Township Engineer’s Associate Michael Kelly and Municipal Clerk Kathrine Coviello



On a motion by Sbarra, seconded by Hermansen, the meeting was opened to the public at 8:03PM. All in favor. Motion carried.

Mr. John Freund said he does not feel a Management Consultant for the DPW is a wise decision. He said this was done once before and was a waste of time.

On a motion by Hermansen, seconded by Larson, the meeting was closed to the public at 8:05PM. All in favor. Motion carried.



Any Councilmember with questions on the Bills and Claims was asked to speak with Administration prior to the Public Meeting.

ENGINEERING (Boswell-McClave)

1a. Mahwah NL Cedar Developer LLC (Major Subdivision); 28 Masonicus Road; Block 126, Lots 129 and 130; Request for Authorization to Execute Developer’s Agreement (Dkt. #524-F)

The Township Engineer’s Associate said the request has been carried to the Meeting of

May 22, 2014.

Combined Work Session and Meeting Minutes

May 8, 2014

1b. Written Status Report – May 2014

MA-1136 – Revisions to FEMA Flood Map – The Township Engineer’s Associate said

he spoke to the Department of Environmental Protection and they are still on schedule to

have the draft maps for the Town. Once our Township gets the maps they will make the

public aware.

MA-1318 – West Airmount Road Drainage Improvements – The Township Engineer’s

Associate said the road has been paved. On construction wise, the work is under budget

by $20,000 to $30,000.

MA-1320 – Campgaw Road and Seminary Drive Intersection – The Township

Engineer’s Associate mentioned that the County approved the reduction in the speed limit

at their first meeting. Their second meeting was last night so he should be receiving

papers on this shortly.

MA-1322 – Save Routes to Schools Program – The Township Engineer’s Associate said they expect to apply for Ridge Road signs this year and will come back with a resolution at the next meeting in support of this Application.

MA-1387W – Watermain Improvement Program – The Township Engineer’s Associate said the project is basically complete. They have to have the contractor go back to East Crescent Avenue as they have to repave a portion of the trench. The work on Campgaw Road has been completed and they are only doing miscellaneous work.

MA1448 – 2014 Road, Curb and Sidewalk Program – The Township Engineer’s Associate said the work is currently under design. He said they did not get a Local Aid Grant this year from the state. The road put in, Seminary Drive, is a qualifying road but other roads in other Townships were in worse shape.

Roth asked how much the aid would have been. The Township Engineer’s Associate said $140,000.

Sbarra said they received a copy of a letter about the upcoming potential resurfacing of Route 17 by the New Jersey Department of Transportation from Airmont Road in Ramsey to the weave past Mountain Avenue. He said if the completion is July 2015 this will be a disaster in this area. The Township Engineer’s Associate said the state will have to pave at night and will not be able to have lane closures during peak travel time.

Williams asked about the paving of Island Road. The Township Engineer’s Associate

said this road is scheduled to be paved this fall.

Jandris asked if the Mahwah Honda Streetscape is the typical design. The Township

Engineer’s Associate answered yes.

Combined Work Session and Public Meeting Minutes

May 8, 2014


2a. Pay to Play Compliance

1. W.E. Timmerman

Resolution shall be voted on in the Public Meeting.

2. Patrick Dorsey; DBA: L&P Integrators

Resolution shall be voted on in the Public Meeting.

2b. Proprietary Pay to Play Compliance; Emerson Process Management

Resolution shall be voted on in the Public Meeting.

2c. Resolution Designating Erie Caboose and the Wanamaker Shed as Historic Sites

The Business Administrator explained the letter from the Mahwah Museum Society, Inc. He stated that they are asking for permission and consideration to amend the Historic Preservation Ordinance #1313 to add all the buildings and historic outdoor artifacts currently located on the Old Station Museum Complex site. The buildings are the Erie Caboose and the Wanamaker Shed.

2d. Authorization for Mahwah OEM to Accept Funds from Subgrant Award of Federal Fiscal Year 2013 – Emergency Management Agency Assistance Program and for Chief Financial Officer of Township to Amend Budget and Certify Availability of Funds.

Resolution shall be voted on in the Public Meeting.

2e. Police Department; Internal Affairs Guidelines – Approval

The Business Administrator mentioned that the Council has a copy of the guidelines and he is looking for an endorsement resolution for approval. Resolution shall be voted on in the Public Meeting.

2f. Salary Ordinance Amendment; Part-Time Health Inspector

Ordinance will be introduced in the Public Meeting.

2g. New York/New Jersey Trail Conference; Roadway Widening Easements

The Business Administrator said this is an Authorization for the Mayor to sign a roadway widening easement that is required by the County.

Jandris asked if the Trail Conference is still considering having parking at the College. The Business Administrator said it is the intension to have a sidewalk in the easement area from Continental Soldiers Park and crossing at the traffic light.

The Township Attorney said the authorization will be appropriate and once there is the formal descriptions they will be reviewed with the Engineer and then the Mayor can sign them.

Combined Work Session and Public Meeting Minutes

May 8, 2014

DiGiulio asked who applies for the permit for the culvert. The Business Administrator answered this is a County project.

Resolution shall be voted on in the Public Meeting.

2h. Professional Services Agreement; Jersey Professional Management

The Business Administrator explained the Proposal for Recruitment of Temporary Employment Services. They would assist the Town in recruiting and reviewing applicants for the position of Director of Department of Public Works and act as a Temporary Acting Director during a 90 day period. He said the total cost would be $40,000; 25% from the Water Department, 25% from the Sewer Department and 50%

from Public Works. The funds would be available if the Council approves Amendment #1 to the Budget.

Larson mentioned, traditionally, the Township hires from within for this position. The Business Administrator said Stan Spiech and Keith Hallissey were in the department before becoming Director. Larson asked if any internal candidates are qualified. The Business Administrator said one candidate does meet the requirements. Larson asked if we really need to hire a Consulting agency.

Mayor Laforet said we have not had responses to our advertisements for this position as expected. He said due to drawing from other department candidates could be the problem as they may feel they may lose pensions if they transfer. Mayor Laforet feels it is in the best interest of the community to interview more people.

Hermansen questioned if we have qualified people and qualified candidates from our own departments why do we have to go further. The Mayor stated there are not enough people who responded to the process we used. Hermansen asked are the guarantee’s there will be better candidates then people that are already qualified. Mayor Laforet said no one has been eliminated.

Larson said at the League they were talking about Police Chiefs’ being hired on a one year probationary period and asked if that is true for this position. The Business Administrator said he was unaware of this but it is probably in the Police Statute.

Larson feels it is better to go with someone we know rather then spend the money for a Consulting Firm.

Hermansen said he had asked, at the last meeting, how much it would cost for a regular full time employee to be moved into the temporary status position in this department. He said he did not receive those costs. The Business Administrator answered for three months it would be about $28,000 from the Agency and it would be less than that using a temporary DPW employee. The Mayor said for the DPW to take on two responsibilities could create a problem and there could be a backup in paperwork. The Business Administrator said this can be done and would be less than $105.00 an hour.

Combined Work Session and Public Meeting Minutes

May 8, 2014

Sbarra said he feels a recruiting firm to find a candidate seems to be a worthy expenditure but after looking at the proposal and it will only be for 90 days, he does not see why one of the Superintendents cannot step up for three months. He feels we have enough talented employees to do this and give them additional compensation.

Williams feels it is a solid idea to explore all possibilities as it is a critical position. He feels we should expand the recruitment looking at all candidates inside and out.

DiGiulio said we pay for employees to get there licenses. She feels we have candidates such as Ed Sinclair that has all licenses and can run the department. If they do all the work necessary, the policy should be that they can run a department and be moved to that position.

Jandris commented that all candidates will have to be determined whether inside or from the outside.

Roth said he feels moving people around creates vacuum. He said he has never hired a department head without calling in an outside consultant. This he said is the professional way to do it and as the decision is too important.

Hermansen said he agrees with the recruitment and can we take money out just for recruitment as opposed to a temporarily running the department. Mayor Laforet said he has concerns knowing how the staffing level is at the DPW and feels it will compromise the efficiency of the department and compliance issues by moving employees around. The Mayor said it is not the Township’s expertise to recruit.

Williams asked if we move someone up to the position we will be without a person in another area. He said he feels a critical component would be running the department below staff and feels it would be better to get a temporary employee from the Recruitment Company.

Sbarra said the person, if taken from another department, would only be working 20 hours per week so would be part time position that we are funding. He said he hopes all options have been explored.

Hermansen feels the Mayor wants more qualified people to step forward and they have not. The Mayor said they have not eliminated any candidate but thought more employees would step forward.

Sbarra said he needed clarification that if we approve the expenditure to get a recruiter consultant is this just moving available money around and not touching the tax rate or 2014 budget that was introduced. The Business Administrator said it appropriates $20,000 more in the Budget which is offset by the revenue.

Combined Work Session and Public Meeting Minutes

May 8, 2014

On a motion by Hermansen to approve the $11,500 strictly for the recruitment of the Head Hunting process. There was no second motion so the motion fails. Larson said he

would have seconded this but they will be voting on the Resolution in the Public Meeting.

The Business Administrator said there will be an amendment on the Budget for the $20,000 and the tax rate will not be affected.

2i. Quarterly Budget Report; Discussion/Questions

The Business Administrator said the CFO does provide this report to the Council at the end of each quarter.

Sbarra asked about the snow removal being 91% used. The Business Administrator said they have already advanced the purchase of material so the Township is good on this.

Sbarra mentioned on the DPW overtime on Salary and Wages only 14% was spend and is curious about that overtime since there was so much snow. The Business Administrator said he will have to get back to him on an answer.

Sbarra said he does not see any Police overtime on this report. The Business Administrator said this line item is broken down by salary and wages. He said in Account F03-100, Salary and Wages, it includes overtime but he will get the Council a breakout of overtime for the first quarter.


3a. Eagle Scouts

1. Matthew Cantor