MR. DOSER / NAME: ______
Course Description ECN 203 is a one-semester, 3 credit hour college level course that alsosatisfies the NYS grade 12 economics requirement. The course is an overview of majorconcepts of western economic theory. We begin by examining various aspects ofmicroeconomics, then the relationship of government and the micro economy, and finally,how these pieces fit together in macroeconomic form.
While this is a college course, the curriculum also supports New York Social Studies Learning Standard #4 (Economics):
Students will use a variety of intellectual skills to demonstrate their understanding of how the United States and other societies develop economic systems and associated institutions to allocate scarce resources, how major decision-making units function in the U.S. and other national economies, and how an economy solves the scarcity problem through market and nonmarket mechanisms.
Mypersonal goal is that by the end of this course you will understand and appreciate the role that economics play in your everydaylife.
ConductThere are 3 basic behavior guidelines in my classroom:
1. Be polite and honest.
2. Be prepared - students will not be permitted to return to their lockers for material they forgot to bring to class.
3. Be on time.
Expectations Students are expected to attend all classes unless illness or other legal absence makes attendance impossible. If you are absent, you are responsible for finding out about missed assignments. Cheating, lying, and plagiarizing demean the process of education and will result in severe consequences. Assignments are expected to be turned in on time, at the beginning of class.Late assignments receive 50% credit. No credit will be given for late homework.
Required materials Be prepared for every class session. Preparation includes pen or pencil, 8 x 10 size loose leaf writing paper and a binder (1 - 2 inches) to keep handouts given to you.
HomeworkHomework is assigned on a regular basis. You are expected to read the assigned material before class and be prepared to discuss the material, as well as completing written assignments.If homework is completed on time every time, it will help improve your quarterly grade and help you prepare for tests.
Assignments/GradingGrades are based on total points and consist of participation, homework, quizzes, projects, & tests. An SU grade of a C or higher must be earned in order to receive college credit in accordance with the SU Grade Scale below.
SU Grade Scale:
A 93-100B+ 87-89C+ 77-79D+ 67-63F Less than 63
A- 90-92B 83-86C 73-76D 63-66
B- 80-82C- 70-72
In Economics, we will use all education resources available, including the textbook, videos, primary source documents, the library and online resources. Rubrics (grading criteria) will be used to assess your written assignments. The rubrics will be shared with you. All written assignments must be written in complete, sensible sentences in paragraph form using proper English construction. Responses must completely and reasonably answer the question.
Textbook Principles of Economics: A Foundation For Understanding the Economyby Jerry Evensky, Pearson:Boston, 2012.
InfoCenterFrom time to time I willgive you handouts. If you lose your copy, go to my web site: There you can print a new copy of the handout. (Don’t ask me for a new copy!) Notes for the class and links to useful documents and sites are contained there.
How to contact meI’m available every day for help and also by appointment. I can be found in room D21 or in the Social Studies office in room D39. Also, you can contact me by email:
If you have any other questions or concerns, please see me. Welcome to Economics 203!
Please review this document with your parent. Sign in the appropriate place and return by the next class.
______Student print name
Student sign name /
Parent print name
Parent sign name