Phlebotomy Career Training, CNA Fall Program
Certified Nursing Assistant Final Exam Fall 2009
Phlebotomy Career Training
- When performing peri –care for a male resident, the Nursing Assistant should wipe….
- From the tip of the penis downward toward the scrotum.
- From the scrotum upward toward the tip of the penis.
- From the inner thigh to the tip of the penis.
- The goal of anti-infective therapy is to provide intravenous medication for..
- A blood related infection.
- Either gram negative or gram positive bacteria.
- To assist the patient’s natural healing process with the aid of antibiotics.
- COPD (Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease) is a long term illness that can become exacerbated with illnesses such as the common cold or bronchitis. The nursing assistant can provide the most comfort for these patient’s by..
- Keeping the patient’s head elevated at a semi-fowlers or fowlers, offering sips of fluids frequently and making sure that their oxygen is flowing and that their nasal cannula is not causing discomfort around their ears.
- Keeping the patient’s head flat, making sure that their oxygen is at 5 Liters per minute, and that their nasal cannula is comfortable around their ears.
- Keeping the patient’s head at a semi-fowlers, offering sips of fluids frequently and making sure that their oxygen is flowing verifying that their cannula is in place and not causing discomfort around their ears.
- When transferring a patient from the bed to the chair using a gait belt, the nurse’s aide should do the following…
- Place the gait belt tightly around the patient’s waist, bend at the knee, keeping your weight in the center, stand with feet about a foot apart, grab the gait belt and place your knees against patient’s knees, tell the patient that you are going to count to three and on the count of three you will both try to get up, and the gently swing patient to side of bed.
- Explain to the patient what you are about to do, place the gait belt around the patient, leaving room to be able to grab on to belt and to make sure that the patient’s comfort is at all times maintained, keeping your weight in the center, stand with feet about a foot apart, grab the gait belt and place your knees against patient’s knees, tell the patient that you are going to count to three and on the count of three you will both try to get up, and the gently swing patient to side of bed.
- Explain to the patient what you are about to do, place the gait belt around the patient, leaving room to be able to grab on to belt and to make sure that the patient’s comfort is at all times maintained, bend at the waist, stand with feet about a foot apart, grab the gait belt and place your knees against patient’s knees, tell the patient that you are going to count to three and on the count of three you will both try to get up, and the gently swing patient to side of bed.
- You have been asked by the nurse to check on a patient’s IV to see it the site is within normal limits. You would..
- Do as the nurse says and report back.
- Explain to the nurse that you are not trained to do assessment of IV sites, and that it is not within the scope of your practice.
- Look at the site as the nurse instructed, but let the nurse know that you are not sure what it is that you are supposed to be looking for and chart your findings.
- A client has been very rude to you and has said things that have upset you. Knowing that this patient is part of your assignment, you would….
- Refuse to care for the patient and let one of the other aides take over, while you take one of their patients.
- Let the nurse know what the patient has said and explain to the nurse how you feel, then chart appropriately what exactly transpired.
- Tell the nurse that she needs to give you another assignment or you will have to go home.
- You notice that you do not have time to feed all of the patient’s that need to be feed. Knowing that nutrition is the corner stone of health, you would do which of the following…
- Inform the nurse of your frustration, and ask if the resident’s can have ensure and a small snack between lunch and dinner.
- Ask the nurse if you can get more aides to assist with feeding.
- Ask the nurse if the patient’s who are feeders could have some nutritious snacks such as Ensure and peanut butter crackers throughout the shift.
- You begin your shift with 10 patients. You are required to assist all with A.M. care. Seven of your patient’s require only assist with their back and feet, while the other three are total care. Your time management would include which of the following..
- Prepare each of the partial assists with wash water, soap and towels, and then begin one of the complete bed baths. Afterwards, check on all of the partial assists and offer back and foot care, then begin on the second complete. Afterward, finish up all partials and begin on the third complete bath.
- Start on the first complete bed bath and then do one partial, and continue this until finished.
- Let the nurse know that you can only do the seven partials and leave the 3 complete bed baths for the afternoon shift.
- A patient asks you if you can raise their oxygen flow from the 2 Liters per minute to 5 Liters, because they are having difficulty breathing. You would..
- Raise their O2 levels.
- First check that their oxygen is flowing, and then explain to the patient that you are not allowed to adjust their oxygen level, but you will get the nurse immediately to check on them, press the call light, request immediate assistance and remain with the patient until the nurse arrives.
- Tell the patient that they have to ask the nurse to adjust their oxygen.
- You notice that a patient’s wound if bleeding profusely. You would…
- Go and get a nurse.
- Remain with the patient, while applying gentle pressure on the wound dressing, and call for a nurse.
- Re-dress the wound, and call the nurse.
- A patient tells you that they feel like they want to die. You would….
- Ask them why they feel that way and if they have a plan, then remain with the patient and call the nurse.
- Tell the patient, “You don’t really mean that.”
- Tell the patient, “A lot of people feel that way, it will pass.”
- You have just learned that one of your patients has just recently learned that they have 6 months to live. While performing AM care the patient tells you that they are afraid to die. You would…
- Take extra time with the patient and ask if they would like to talk about their feelings.
- Tell the patient that you would like to spend more time with them but cannot because of a large patient load.
- Explain to the patient that the nurse will be in shortly.
- One of your patient’s is over 300lbs and needs to be turned. You would…
- Do your best to turn the patient while asking the patient to help assist you in turning.
- Request turning help from one of the nurses or aides and explain to the patient that you are going to get some help to make it easier for them.
- Inform the patient that due to their weight, you are going to need a lot of help, and then get assistance.
- You notice that one of your fellow nursing assistances has taken a patient’s watch on their bedside. You would…
- Inform the nurse what you have witnessed and document in the patient’s chart.
- Explain to the nurse what you witnessed and file an appropriate report according to hospital protocol.
- Tell the aide to return the watch and if it happens again you will report her.
- Knowing how to lift is very important in being a healthcare provider. The best body mechanics require ….
- that lifting be done with the hips and knees, with the knees straight.
- Lifting be done with the hips facing the patient and the knees slightly bent.
- Lifting be done with the nurse’s aides hips facing the patient, knees slightly flexed and feet comfortably apart to help balance the center of gravity, keeping the back straight.
- When bathing a patient with an indwelling catheter the nurse’s aide should first…
- Clean the penis from shaft to tip and then clean the foley from the tube to the penis.
- Clean the foley with warm soap and water downwards away from the penis, then clean the penis from the tip to the shaft.
- Clean the penis from the tip to the shaft, then clean the foley from the point of entry downward towards the bag.
- One of your patient’s has a fractured pelvis. You realize that protein and proper nutrition are very important in healing. The patient asks you to help to choose the best foods to eat on the menu. You would help the patient by ..
- Explaining that they need to eat lots of foods high in sugar to give them energy.
- Explain that foods high in protein are their best choice, as well as foods high in vitamin C, such as meats, dairy and fruits.
- Explain that they should cut out all fats and eat only protein.
- You walk into a patient’s room and find them on the bathroom floor. You would first…
- Assess the patient for consciousness and check their airway, breathing and circulation, stay with the patient and pull the emergency call light button, begin CPR if necessary.
- Immediately begin CPR
- Check patient’s airway, breathing and circulation, if none, give two breaths, call a code and begin CPR.
- You have just finished cleaning up a patient who has had diarrhea. The patient says to you, “I am so embarrassed that you had to clean me up, I am sorry for the mess.”
- You would reply… “Please don’t be embarrassed, the patient next to you had the same problem.”
- “Don’t be embarrassed, I love to help people and what matters is that you get well”
- “It’s o.k., I am used to cleaning up people that have accidents like this.”
- You are feeding a patient who is aphasic, (unable to swallow or chew properly), from a recent stroke. You would…
- Give liquids from a straw
- Be sure that the liquids are thickened.
- Instruct the patient to swallow with chin to chest and give only thickened liquids from a straw or spoon.
- You notice that a patient on their walker just fell while walking down the hall. You go and assist the patient, afterward you chart which of the following….
- Patient was clumsy when walking and it is no wonder that they fell.
- Patient was using walker as instructed by Physician, stated that, “I felt weak while walking and just lowered myself to the floor.”, Writer was asked by nurse to take a set of vitals. (120 hr, 20 r, 98.6 T)Patient in room resting.
- Patient did not know how to use their walker and fell. Nurse asked me to take their vital signs.
- The is a sign above your patient’s bed that says NPO after MN. The time is 2330, and the patient is asking for water. You would….
- Give them water since it is not yet Midnight.
- Tell them that they can’t have anything more to eat or drink until after their procedure in the AM
- Only give them a sip.
- A patient is asking for assistance walking. Knowing that the nurse told you to help the patient do for themselves you would….
- Tell the patient that they must try on their own, and walk away.
- Help the patient walk, and allow them to do as much as possible on their own, praising their efforts for trying.
- Tell the patient to walk without assistance and that you will be close by in case they fall.
- You are passing a patient’s room and notice that they are sleeping with a full urinal on their bed stand….. you would.
- Quietly empty the urinal, rinse it out, record the output and color and return it to their bed side.
- Walk right by and let the patient’s nurse’s aide know about the full urinal.
- Decide to get it later when they wake up.
- Alzheimer’s is slow debilitating disease. When working with patient’s with Alzheimer’s it is important to always..
- Ask them many questions to keep their minds sharp.
- Inform them of the date, time and place, and listen patiently to them even if their words do not make any sense.
- Make them aware of their inappropriate responses so they won’t keep doing it.
- While bathing a patient that is confused, the patient hits you. You would.
- Hit the patient back so they won’t do it again.
- Pull the call light for assistance, then follow protocol for a work related injury.
- Restrain the patient’s arms and continue bathing the patient.
- You are walking by a patient’s room and you notice that one of the aides is mistreating a patient by calling them names, and treating them roughly. You would….
- Report immediately to the nurse and fill out paperwork regarding abuse.
- Tell the aide to stop immediately and call for help, then file the necessary paperwork.
- Take the aide aside and tell them that this is improper behavior.
- You notice that a patient has a stage one decubitus ulcer. Treating this ulcer requires …
- Calmalseptine
- Frequent turning to relieve pressure, pillows placed under boney prominences, along with camalseptine applied to area.
- Washing with warm soap and water.
- When using a Hoyer lift it is important to …
- Open the base while transporting the patient.
- Close the base while transporting the patient.
- Lower the base while transporting the patient.
- You are going to help lift a patient up in bed, with the assistance of another aide. The best methods would be to…
- Grab the patients arms and pull them up.
- Raise the bed to a comfortable lifting level, using the draw sheet, count to three and have the patient cross their arms across their chest, let them count as well, be sure to keep a pillow at the head of the bed so they don’t hit their head.
- Reverse the bed to a reverse Trendleberg and slid the patient upwards.