Fruits and Vegetable Lesson Plan & Crossword Puzzles
Class level: Elementary – High school / Lesson Time: 55 minutes
English level: Beginner to Advanced / Expected number of students: 20 - 40
Context: The names, characteristics, and identification of fruits and vegetables.
Teaching aids: White/chalk board (alternative to flashcards is to draw pictures on the board, cover with paper and reveal pictures during lesson), fruits and vegetables flashcards (Pictures used for these flashcards were found on the internet and not drawn by the author of this lesson plan), a soft foam ball.
Learner objectives:
For all students to be able to use English state the names of Fruits and Vegetables and to describe them. In doing so, the students develop a larger vocabulary and practice correct pronunciation. / Teacher aims:
Involve all students in an engaging lesson.
Expose students to speaking English in a structured learning environment.
Procedure / Phase / Timing
Before class starts, if you chose not to use the flashcards the teacher will need to draw pictures on the board of the fruits and vegetables you will use during your lesson. The teacher should cover the drawings of the fruits and vegetables and reveal them as you introduce them during the lesson.
Before class write the names of all the fruits and vegetables on the board that are on the flashcards you will use in this lesson.
Ask the students what fruits and vegetables they know and like to eat. Also ask them to describe the fruits and vegetables.
Show the flashcards to the class one at a time.
(1) Ask the class to say the fruits and vegetables displayed on the flashcard.
(2) The teacher models the correct pronunciation by reading flashcard.
(3) The class re-reads the flashcard.
(4) The teacher asks the class to describe the physical characteristics of the fruits and vegetables. Teacher asks the students if they think the card is of a fruit or vegetable. The teacher writes the correct abbreviated answer (“V” for vegetable & “F” for Fruit, “L for Legume, and “F” for Fungi) on the board next to the corresponding name of the item where the teacher wrote the name on the board before the lesson started. Students will need to refer to this during the lesson to complete the detective page activity.
Activity for intermediate and advanced level English students
Crossword Puzzles #1 and #2
Closing Activity
End the lesson by having the students as a whole class engage in simple A-B modeled conversation involving the vocabulary studied during the lesson.
1.  The teacher holds up a flashcard and says to the class “I like _( Fruit or Vegetable on the card)_.”
2.  The teacher holds up a different flashcard, gently toss the foam ball to a student and ask them “What food do you like?”
3.  The student who caught the foam ball answers to class “I like _( Fruit or Vegetable on the card)_.”
4.  The student who just answered tosses the foam ball to a different student who did not answer and begins the process again asking the new student “What food do you like?”
Continue to toss the ball until all students have taken a turn.
If students want to answer with the name of a fruit or vegetable not on the flashcards that is okay also. The point of the closing activity is to review the material and to get the students to practice speaking in English.
Shortened Alternate Closing Activity:
If you run short on time you can quickly review the flashcards having the students as a class and NOT the teacher read the cards. / Engage
Study / 10 minutes
15 minutes
15 minutes
15 min minutes


Fruits and Vegetables Crossword Puzzle #1

1. / 1.
2. / 2.
5. / 6.


Fruits and Vegetables Crossword Puzzle #2
1. / 4.
1. / 2. / 3.
4. / 6.
/ Banana
1. They are nuts. ______
2. These can be very hot and spicy. ______
3. This is yellow and bitter. ______
4. This is large and red on the inside. ______
5. This looks like a ball made of leaves.______
6. This has many yellow small bits. ______/ Down
1. This is long, hard and green.______
2. This is large round and orange.______
3. This is yellow and sweet inside.______
4. These are many small circles. ______
5. This needs to be unpeeled first.______
6. Cut these and you will cry. ______

What are three vegetables you like? What are three fruits you like?

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