War Crimes Prosecution Watch, Vol. 5, Issue 8 -- July 19, 2010

War Crimes Prosecution Watch is prepared by the International Justice Practice of the Public International Law & Policy Group and the Frederick K. Cox International Law Center of Case Western Reserve University School of Law.


Central African Republic & Uganda

  • International Criminal Court: The Commencement of the Trial in the Case of the Prosecutor v. Jean-Pierre Bemba Gombo is Postponed
  • Institute for War and Peace Reporting: Women Push for Gender Justice
  • Voice of America News: Obama Pledges US Support in Wake of Uganda Attacks
  • Voice of America News: Somali Militants Claim Uganda Bomb Attacks
  • Institute for War and Peace Reporting: Uganda Set for First War Crimes Trial
  • Institute for War and Peace Reporting: LRA Rampage Sparks Protection Calls

Darfur, Sudan

  • International Criminal Court: Pre-Trial Chamber I Issues a Second Warrant of Arrest against Omar Al Bashir for Counts of Genocide
  • Reuters Africa: ICC Prosecutor: Genocide Charge to Pressure Bashir
  • The Guardian: Now End this Darfur Denial. We Have Laid Charges for Genocide. The UN Must Seize the Moment to Act for the Victims of Sudan
  • AFP: Sudan Expels Two Darfur Aid Chiefs After New Beshir Charge

Democratic Republic of the Congo (ICC)

  • International Criminal Court: Trial Chamber I Orders Stay of Proceedings in the Trial of Thomas Lubanga Dyilo
  • LubangaTrial.org: Judges Issue Warning to Prosecutors as Lubanga’s ICC Trial is Halted
  • International Criminal Court: Appeals Chamber Confirms the Decision Rejecting the Motion of Germain Katanga for Stay of Proceedings
  • International Criminal Court: Trial Chamber I Orders the Release of Thomas Lubanga Dyilo - Implementation of the Decision is Pending


  • AllAfrica.com: ICC Targets Four MPs over Poll Violence
  • Daily Nation: ICC Investigators Identify Six Hotspots in Kenya Chaos


International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda

  • The New Times: UN Extends ICTR Judges' Mandate
  • BBC News: Uwinkindi Pleads Not Guilty

Special Court for Sierra Leone

  • AllAfrica.com: Former Rebel Leader Continues to Distance Charles Taylor from Sierra Leonean Rebel Crises
  • Associated Press: Naomi Campbell to Testify at Taylor War Crimes Trial
  • AllAfrica.com: Decision to Keep RUF Commander Sam Bockarie in Liberia Was Taken By West African Leaders, Issa Sesay Testifies


European Court of Human Rights

  • The Boston Globe: Rights Court Halts Extradition of Four Terror Suspects to US
  • RIA Novosti: Activist of Banned Islamist Movement Sues Russia in Strasbourg Court
  • ECHR: Gelayevy v. Russia: Torture and Disappearance of a Young Man in Chechnya

Court of Bosnia & Herzegovina, War Crimes Chamber

  • BIRN Justice Report: Boskic: Indicted for Pilica Executions
  • State Court of BiH: Elvir Jakupović Pleaded Not Guilty
  • State Court of BiH: Ratko Dronjak and Dragan Rodić Pleaded Not Guilty
  • Sofia Echo: UN Chief Urges Need for 'Accountability' for Srebrenica
  • State Court of BiH: Zulfikar Ališpago Pleaded Not Guilty
  • BIRN Justice Report: Nikacevic: Prosecution and Defense Appeal
  • BIRN Justice Report: Gasal et al: Witness No Show Delays Hearing
  • State Court of BiH: Srpko Pustivuk Ordered into Custody
  • State Court of BiH: Miodrag Marković Pleaded Not Guilty

International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia

  • Institute for War and Peace Reporting: Tolimir Claims UN Provoked Serbs at Srebrenica
  • Institute for War and Peace Reporting: Seselj Denied Defence Funding
  • France 24: Extracts of Mladic’s Wartime Diary Published on Anniversary of Massacre
  • The New York Times: Data on Balkan Wars Found in Home of Suspect
  • AFP: UN Court Seeks 35 Years For ex-Serb General For War Crimes The Montreal Gazette

Domestic Prosecutions in the former Yugoslavia

  • The New York Times: Data on Balkan Wars Found in Home of Suspect
  • Montreal Gazette: Serbia Begins Exhuming Kosovo War Mass Grave
  • B92: Ganić Would Have Fair Trial
  • Balkan Insight: Slovenia Files Indictment Against General Trifunovic
  • B92: War Crimes Lists Made Public
  • Southeast European Times: Kosovo Court Orders War Crimes Suspect Detained
  • Balkan Insight: Ganic Extradition Hearings Draw to Close


Extraordinary Chambers in the Courts of Cambodia

  • VOA Khmer: Ruling Party Pushes Against Further Tribunal Indictments
  • AFP: K. Rouge Prison Chief Sacks His International Lawyer
  • IPS: Judgment Day Nears for Khmer Rouge Torturer-In-Chief
  • The Phnom Penh Post: Duch Seeks Chinese Lawyer
  • The Phnom Penh Post: Exhibition Tells Civil-Party Stories

Iraqi High Tribunal

  • Reuters: Iraqi Court Seeks Arrest of Iranian Exiles

Special Tribunal for Lebanon

  • Naharnet: Geagea: Skirlebmishes in the South Have Political Intentions
  • YLibnan: STL Postpones Decision Over Sayyed’s Request for Files
  • The Daily Star: Sayyed Has No Authority to Demand Case Files - STL


United States

  • Associated Press: CIA and Pakistan Locked in Aggressive Spy Battles
  • New York Times: Britain Pledges Inquiry into Torture
  • Agence France Presse: US Thanks Germany for Taking Two Guantanamo Detainees
  • Associated Press: Psychology Group Backs CIA Detainee Abuse Claim
  • Associated Press: Some Issues Still Blocking Sept. 11 Trial, Holder Says
  • Associated Press: Judge Permits US Trial of First Guantanamo Detainee
  • New York Times: Transfer of Prison in Iraq Marks Another Milestone



  • Al Jazeera: Deadly Attacks Target Iraq Pilgrims
  • Wall Street Journal: Subway Terror Plot Had Global Reach
  • Al Jazeera: Arrests Made Over Uganda Bombings
  • Washington Post: Sen. Levin Urges State Department to Put Afghan Taliban on List of Terror Groups
  • Associated Press: Pakistan, India Seek to Rebuild Trust with Talks
  • CNN: Afghan Tribal Council Member Killed


  • E Turbo News: Kenya Sets up Special Anti-Piracy Court
  • Sify News: EU Asks India to Co-Chair Anti-Piracy Group
  • Admax Networks: Warships Fail to Stop Somali Pirates

Universal Jurisdiction

  • The Jerusalem Post: Jewish Lawyers Debate Goldstone, Boycotts at UK conference
  • AFP: Poland to Extradite Alleged Israeli Agent to Germany
  • The Guardian: Top Law Officers to be Stripped of Policy Making Roles, Says Dominic Grieve
  • Jurist: Lawyers File Complaint in Morocco Seeking Arrest of Israeli Officials Jurist
  • Antara News: RI Needs “Universal Jurisdiction”: Expert


NGO Reports

  • ACR: Uganda Set for First War Crimes Trial

UN Reports

  • WorldTribune.com: Israel Charges 8 Soldiers with Gaza War Crimes
  • Pakistan News.Net: Impunity from Crimes Against Humanity should not be Tolerated, says UN humanitarian chief
  • Hindustan Times: Lankan Minister Ends Fast; UN War Crimes Panel Remains


  • Korea
  • JoongAng Daily: Mission Over for Unit That Cleared People’s Names
  • The New York Times: Korean War Panel Finds U.S. Attacks on Civilians
  • Thailand
  • International Crisis Group: Bridging Thailand’s Deep Divide
  • Rwanda
  • The New Times: Kanombe Survivors Pin Genocide Suspect
  • The New Times: Mitali Criticises Kinazi Residents Over Gacaca
  • Sierra Leone
  • Awoko: HRCSL Staff Receives Training on TRC Recommendation on Women
  • United States
  • WBUR Radio: ‘Truth and Reconciliation Commission’ Weighed For Boston
  • Solomon Islands
  • The Solomon Star: Victims Set to Testify
  • Canada
  • Globe and Mail: Research Director Resigns From Reconciliation Commission


War Crimes Prosecution Watch is a bi-weekly e-newsletter that compiles official documents and articles from major news sources detailing and analyzing salient issues pertaining to the investigation and prosecution of war crimes throughout the world.Copyright 2010. All rights reserved.