St M ichael’s Academy

Grass Royal Yeovil Somerset BA21 4JW

(Access to site off St Michael’s Avenue)

Tel: 01935 423863 Fax: 01935 427099

Office Email:


Principal: Judith Barrett Chair of Governors: Nick Swain

Vice Principal: Caroline Lancey Business Manager: Alison Draper

20 October 2015

Dear Parents,


As part of their studies the Year 4 children have to study a different locality within the British Isles, so we have chosen St Ives. They will also be studying Rainforests.

We are planning to take them away from the 18th to the 20th of May 2016. They will stay in the YHA in Penzance which is a really good site, we used it last year. On the Wednesday they will visit the Eden Project in Cornwall and visit a rainforest. (A lot cheaper than going to Costa Rica). On the Thursday they will visit the Tate in St Ives and take part in a sketching workshop. They will also do fieldwork in St Ives itself, this will mirror work they have done in Yeovil. They will then visit the Barbara Hepworth Sculpture gardens in the afternoon to put into practice what they have learnt in the workshop.

On the return journey we are planning to visit Llanhydrock House.

We have managed to get all of this for £115.00 which I am sure you will agree is marvellous value for money. We are asking for a deposit of £20 by 9th November 2015. You will be issued with a payment card so you can then pay monthly or weekly. The trip needs to be paid in full by 1 May 2016. We are hoping that all of year 4 will be able to go, as we have worked really hard to put together a more affordable trip. It a wonderful step on the road to independence as well as supporting their studies.

Yours sincerely

Caroline Lancey

Acting Principal

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Year 4 St Ives/Penzance Trip 18-20 May 2016

I would like my child to take part in the St Ives/Penzance Trip:

Name / Class

I Enclose: o £20 Deposit

o My child is eligible for Free School Meals - I would like to utilise Pupil Premium to pay for the trip.

o I would like to claim Service Child Funding to pay for this trip.


(Parent Signature) (Date)