Healthier Bradford Community Chest

NHS Bradford City and Bradford Districts Clinical Commissioning Groups (CCGs) are member led organisation made up of 27 GP practices in City and 41 GP practices in Districts. In 2013, the CCGs supported the development of patient and community networks, bringing together patient groups from each practice. The aims of the networks are to reach out to our communities, learn from and involve them in the work of the CCG and to share good practice. Bradford is a vibrant City with a strong Voluntary and Community Sector (VCS) and we want to ensure we utilise our community assets to the best advantages for local people to improve their health.

The CCGs have allocated a small pot of money, £70,000 in total, andis encouragingpractices, working in partnership with the VCS, the opportunity to bid for up to £1,500funding to get their ideas off the ground and to help make the city a healthier place.

The CCGs are keen to promote partnership working with other practices and voluntary and community groups and ensure we are all working to achieve the CCG strategic priorities of Bradford beating diabetes, Bradford healthy hearts or Bradford breathing better, mental and maternal health and young people. The practice and the community organisations must be clearly defined.

The grant funding will be for project ideas that aim to meet the above and:

Improve the health of their community;

Get people involved in their practice;

Improve ways to help people look after their own health/self-care.

The funding will be allocated in three phases. The decision making panel will consist of CCG management staff and Governing body lay members. The evaluation criterion the panel will use is attached. The application process is designed to be simple and there will be no interviews.

The deadlines are as follows:

11th December 2015

22nd March 2016

13th September 2016

Please email your completed grant application with ‘Healthier Bradford Community Chest 2016’ in the subject heading. Alternatively you can post your application to:

Sasha Bhat

Head of engagement and experience

NHS Bradford City CCG

Douglas Mill

Bowling Old Lane

Bradford, BD5 7JR


Q01.Name of Group/Activity


Main contact person

Q03.Practice name

Q04.Name of lead person

Q05.Role in the practice

Q06.Telephone number

Q07.Email address

Q08.Mobile phone number


Q10.Web address

Q11.Senior practice staff lead

Q12.Practice address


About your project

Q14.This community chest is

For new idea

To build on existing work

Q15.This project will:

Improve the health of a community

Get people involved

Improve ways to help people look after their own health/self-care

Q16.In which communities will the project take place? Please tick all that apply.

Please note for Q17 and Q18, the application must include at least one partner practice organisations and a partner VCS group to be considered.

Q17.Please name the practice(s) you are working with:

Q18.Please name the voluntary community organisation(s) you are working with:

Q19.How many people do you think will benefit from your project?

Q20.Which groups of people will benefit from your project?

Q21.What age groups will benefit from your project?

Project budget

Q22.How much money are you applying for?

Q23.Please use the space below to show what you will spend the money on:

Activity / Amount
Total / £

Your project idea

Q24.Please use the space below to describe your project idea?

Q25.How will you know if your project is helping people or is successful?

Q26.How will you measure the benefit or success of your project

Q27.Any other information.

Submitting your application

Please email your completed form to and remember to put ‘Healthier Bradford Community Chest 2016’in the subject heading.

Alternatively you send the completed grant application to:

Sasha Bhat, head of engagement and experience

NHS Bradford City CCG

Douglas Mill

Bowling Old Lane

Bradford, BD5 7JR

Thank you for your application