Annual Open Sailing Regatta
September 9-11, 2011
There is no registration fee. To race in the event, each skipper is responsible for finding corporate/private contributors to sponsor their boat. A minimum of $225.00 in donations is required to race. You do not have to have the minimum donation at the time of registration. Four meal tickets are included with registration, additional meal tickets for the Saturday night reception are $15 each; please send name, number of tickets and a check to Georgia at the address below.
Complete the below registration form with the appropriate facts and for non-applicable information, respond with a N/A. Please, do not leave us guessing. Do not assume the Lake Lanier PHRF (LLPHRF) rating committee has all the specifications of your boat. The committee has several ratings on each yacht, and must abide by what you declare as fact. The rating committee has no choice but to issue the fastest PHRF rating based on the information you submit or omit. Please mail entry form to: Georgia, Special Olympics Georgia, 4000 Dekalb Technology Parkway, Bldg. 400, Ste. 400, Atlanta, GA 30340 or fax to 770-216-8339.
If you have any questions, please call Georgia at 770-414-9390 x 106.
City, State, Zip:
Home Phone:
Work Phone:
*Club Affiliation:
Boat Name:
Boat Make/Model:
Sail Number:
**Current LLPHRF Rating:
*** _____Spinnaker _____Non-Spinnaker ______Trimaran ______****One Design ____ Cruiser-Restricted to
Cruisers ONLY
Additional Request:
_____I wish to purchase ____ additional meal tickets for the Saturday night Reception for $15.00/meal ticket.
*Please select one club to represent. If multiple clubs are listed, a random selection will be made for you.
**Skippers must have a valid PHRF rating, which can be validated on the PHRF website. Contact the PHRF committee if you need a rating.
*** Non-Spinnaker boats may race in the Spinnaker Division, but they will NOT maintain their non-spinnaker rating.
****The creation of One-Design fleets is at the discretion of the Special Olympic Regatta Organizing Committee and is contingent upon the number of boats participating. The final announcement will be made at the skipper's meeting on Friday.