K-State Proud

Student Opportunity Award Information

Self-Nominated Student

Description: Awards made to students who have demonstrated a need for temporary financial assistance. Awards will be given to students whose future at K-State may be in jeopardy. Awards are made at all levels, but are most frequently distributed between the amounts of $250-2,000.

Eligibility:Eligible students must have exhausted all other forms of financial assistance.

  • Have you completed a FAFSA?
  • Have you exhausted all available loan, scholarship, and/or grant opportunities?

Students who have not completed the above criteria will automatically be referred to the Office of Financial Assistance. Students applying must be a degree-seeking K-State Student and may be enrolled in K-State Global Campus. K-State Proud awards are designed for students in temporary financial assistance, so students are typically only awarded once during their K-State career.

Criteria: Awards will be considered on the following criteria:

  • Have you exhausted all forms of financial assistance?
  • Is your current financial situation temporary?

Please address and answer these questions when completing the application.

Application Process:

  1. Complete the K-State Proud Award applicationand Student Financial Assistance form (found on the last page of the application).
  2. Turn in your completed K-State Proud Award application and to 121 Fairchild Hall between 8:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m. Monday through Friday.

**Please note the Student Financial Assistance form must be completed in full and signed prior to being reviewed by the committee. Typed names will not be accepted.

  1. Completed applications must be received before Friday at noon to be considered the following week.

Students and faculty will read applications, so please write thoroughly and professionally.

*K-State Salina, Olathe students, and students enrolled in K-State Global Campus e-mail complete K-State Proud Award applications to . You may scan or fax the Student Financial Assistance form to the Office of Student Financial Assistance Attn: Larry Moeder at (785) 532-7628.

K-State Proud

Student Opportunity Award Application





Year in School:

Reference’s Name:

K-State Affiliation:


Phone number:


Phone number:




  • How did you hear about K-State Proud?
  • If awarded, can a K-State Proud student volunteer contact you for a statement about how you benefitted from the award?
  • Are you a previous K-State Proud award recipient?If so, how much was awarded and when?

Statement of Need

In 500 words or less, please describe why you are in need of financial assistance, how it is temporary, and how a K-State Proud Award could help you.

Budget Proposal

Please give an estimated budget of how much money would be required and a detailed response of how it would be used. Please add/delete rows as needed.

Income/Expense Description / Amount / Continual/One time? / Date needed / Priority Rank

Future Outlook

In 250 words or less, please describe how you would plan to use the money given to you to ensure that you can graduate at K-State? Please include any jobs you plan to acquire, loans you will receive, etc.

Student Financial Assistance Form

K-State Proud Award

I, ______, give permission to the Student Opportunity Awards (SOA) committee to consult with K-State’s Office of Student Financial Assistance (SFA) regarding any financial support I may have been awarded from K-State. The committee works in consultation with the Office of Student Financial Assistance to ensure that K-State Proud Awards will not negatively impact other forms of financial aid.

Information provided by SFA will be used to verify financial need and will remain strictly confidential.




(social security number)(K-State eID)

Please return this completed form to

121 Fairchild Hall

Kansas State University

*K-State Salina, K-State Olathe, or students enrolled in Distance Education can scan or fax this form to Office of Student Financial Assistance Attn: Larry Moeder at (785) 532-7628. Please remember that a handwritten signature is required.