Our Activities, Programs and Services

Note Key: *PR = Pre-registration Required at the Center or call number noted, **MR = Medical Release Form Required

For your wellness . . .

Ageless: is a combination of floor Dance aerobics, standing strength work with hand weights with stretching at the end. Monday 9:30 & Friday 11:15, Fridays Multipurpose Rm. Cost: $20/10wks. *PR

Aquarobics: is a light cardio workout done while standing in water to increase resistance and improve results. Tuesday, 10:30-11:15. Boys and Girls Club, 3 Geremonty Dr. Cost: $20/ten-week session. *PR. (not in summer)

Alzheimer’s Caregiver support group: Feeling overwhelmed? Wondering how others do it? Looking for support? This monthly program will provide you with support, solutions and socialization. Care will also be provided for your loved one in a separate area. 2nd Thursday of every month 1:30-3:00

Arthritis Exercise: is an easy, 45 minute arthritis exercise routine to help improve function and flexibility. Monday, 1:50-2:30, Wednesday and Friday, 1:20-2:00. Exercise Rm. Free. Drop-in.

Ask a Nurse Clinic: Do you have any Questions or Concerns? Nurse available Monthly, 2nd Monday, 10:00-12:00, Free

Bereavement Support Group: For those who are grieving the loss of a loved one. 4th Friday, 12:30-2:30. Salem Rm, second floor. Registration is needed call 603-421-0414


Better Choices, Better Health: Put ‘life’ back in your life with this education program developed by Stanford University. A 2 1/2 hour interactive, peer-supported workshop is held each week for six weeks. Offered a few times per year. Call center for next start date. Workbook and refreshments included. *PR

Blood Pressure: A professional nurse will monitor your blood pressure as well as answer your health questions.2nd Monday, 10-12 Monthly. Free. Drop-in

Bone Builders is an ongoing osteoporosis prevention exercise program. Research reports published in the New England Journal of Medicine and JAMA demonstrate conclusively that weight training and balance exercises give participants the strength and stability to significantly reduce incidents of falling and fractured bones. Monday 12:30, Tuesday/Thurs 10:15, Wednesday/Friday 8:45, Monday/Thursday 12:30. Exercise Rm. Free. *PR/MR Class size limited.

Building Bones/Balance is a weight training class which uses both stretch bands and light weights. Repetitive exercise over time builds strength and stability to significantly reduce incidents of falling and fractured bones. Wednesday and Friday 10:00 *PR Class size limited.

Chair Yoga: Everyone can do chair yoga regardless of age, inflexibility or disability. Come learn breathing exercises, yoga poses, and meditation. A healthier, stronger, and more relaxed you! Thurs. 12:15-1:15 Multipurpose Rm $25/10wh*PR

Circuit Exercise: Our Circuit Exercise Program provides the key components for optimum health: cardiovascular training, strength training and stretching. With hydraulic resistance the machines will provide greater resistance as you become stronger and more fit. This means that the circuit will continue to provide the work necessary to elevate heart rate and overload muscles. This thirty minute complete workout may be viewed as a “core workout” that provides an efficient foundation so that you may enjoy a healthy lifestyle. Must wear shoes that have been designated for indoor exercise only. Monday, thru Fri. 9:00 to 11:00am, 2nd Floor, Free

Diabetes Group: Monthly sessions discuss the different aspects and challenges of living with diabetes and what you need to know to manage your diabetes. Group led by professional Diabetes Counselor. Monthly, 3rd Tuesday,

10:30–11:30. Free. Drop-in. RN, Rockingham VNA

Exercise Equipment: We have an exercise Bike. Some benefits include muscle tone, weight loss, higher energy level, balance and improved self-esteem. Monday thru Friday, 9:00-11:00, Exercise Rm, Free

Easy Tone Exercise: Our Easy Tone Beds offer an effective way to tone the whole body quickly and effortlessly. Monday, Tues., Wed. & Fri. 9:00-11:00. 2nd Floor. Free. *PR

Flu Shots: are administered at the annual Senior Health Fair in October. Those with Medicare Part B must pre-register and obtain an appointment time. Medicare card and license are needed for registration processing. Free.

Foot Clinic/Pedicures: designed for seniors who are unable to perform their own foot care.Professional nurse will provide a basic nail trim and foot assessment (no treatment of corns or calluses). Friday, by appointment. Exam Room. Cost: $25. For appointment call Rockingham VNA/Hospice toll-free 1-800-540-2981

Health Fair: is held annually in October. 35+ organizations who specialize in senior services and resources provide free information, flu shots and health screenings. Free. Drop-in.

The Healthy Weigh Program: is a monthly discussion group, with optional private weigh-in, designed to support you and your goals to achieve and maintain a healthy weight. Recipes, snack tips, health tips, exercises and more are given to inspire progress.Second Thursday of each month, 10:30, features a nutritionist from Northeast Rehab. Free. Drop-in.

Hearing Clinic: A professional hearing specialist will conduct hearing screening/test, hearing aid minor repair, and hearing aids cleaned and checked. Monthly, 2nd Tuesday, 9:30-12:00, P Drelick Rm. Free

Holistic Discussion Group gathers monthly to share ideas and experiences with alternative medicines and health solutions. Monthly, 2nd & 4th Monday, 12:00. 2nd floor. Free.

Matter of Balance: This award winning program is a multi-faceted education program specifically designed to reduce the fear of falling and improve activity level among older adults. It uses group discussion, problem-solving strategies, video and gentle physical exercise. Program consists of seven two-hour classes presented by trained coaches. Class limited to 10. Program offered in spring and fall. Free, includes workbook and refreshments. *PR.

Medical Equipment: We lend, as well as welcome donations of walkers, wheelchairs, canes, toilet boosters, shower or tub seats etc. These items may be borrowed for as long as necessary. Free.

Mindfulness Meditation: Mindfulness is so much more than meditation alone. It can be done sitting, standing, walking, talking and lying down. Leader will be presenting ways for you to incorporate aspects of mindfulness into daily living as a means to improve concentration and focus, decrease stress and anxiety, while feeling in control of your health and well-being. 1st & 3rd Thursday, 11:30-12:15, Creative Arts Rm Cost: $2 to instructor

Pilates: A body condition routine that helps build flexibility and long, lean muscles, strength and endurance in the legs, abdominals, arms, hips and back. Tuesday, 9:30-10, Exercise Rm. Cost: $10/10-week session.

Reiki: Relieve pain, relax muscles, feel deep relaxation and peace through a 20 minute Reiki treatment.

Monthly, 1st Friday 11:30-3:30, Easy Tone Rm, Free *PR (not Dec., Jan., Feb., Mar.)

Tai Chi: This gentle form of exercise improves your balance, increases flexibility, tones muscles and neutralizes your stress and tension. Has also been shown to increase immunity, lower blood pressure, lessen depression and improve heart health. Tuesday, 1:30. Exercise Rm. Cost: $30/10-week session. *PR

Awareness/Personal Safety: This class is about personal safety. Many discussions and speakers on topics such as Scams, Identity theft, Home safety, traveling safely etc. Mondays, 11:15-12:15. 10wks/$20

Tai Chi Quan: Designed to reduce the fear of falling and increase activity levels in older adults who have concerns about falls. Wednesdays and Fridays 11:30-12:30 *PR

Vial of Life Program: Help family and emergency medical technicians give you fast and appropriate care by having a “VIAL of LIFE” form in your home and on file at the center. Obtain form at the Senior Center. Free.

Walk Aerobics 1 Mile: a very mild and easy workout – a 1 mile/18 minute walking exercise class. Monday, 1:30-1:50 Wednesday and/or Friday, 1–1:20. Exercise Rm. Free. Drop-in.

Walk Aerobics 2 (or 3) Mile: For those who are ready to step it up a notch, this total-body power-walking program helps you burn fat, shape and tone muscle, build bone strength and reduce stress. Mon thru Friday, 8:45-9:15. Multi- purpose Rm. Free. Drop-in.

Walking Outdoors: For those who enjoy walking outdoors, we have a group that meets, Mon. and Wed. mornings at 7:30. Join the fun. Seasonally, May thru September. Free

Yoga w/Meditation: uses simple, non-strenuous postures performed in a systematic, mindful manner, combined with regulated breathing, to produce greater mobility and strength in joints while stretching and toning muscles, internal organs and glands. For beginners and intermediate. Tuesday, 11:30. Free. Drop-in.

Zengevity: is an innovative, whole body, whole person movement program for seniors. Movement of the body is key to health both physical and emotional. These exercises can be done from a wheelchair. Mondays at 12:30, Wednesday at 11:15 Multipurpose Rm or Thursdays at 1:15 Exercise Rm, Free

Zumba Gold: Dance your way to better health. Based on Latin dance moves, each 1 hr. session can help to strengthen muscle tone and burn calories. Tuesdays 10:00 & Wednesdays 10:00. Multi-Purpose Rm. Cost: $20/10-week session. *PR

For your Nutrition . . .

Bread & Pastry Program: BJ’s Wholesale Club donates various bread and pastry items for seniors. You may select one item per household, so wealth is shared by many. Monday, and Friday, 11:00, Creative Arts Rm. Free. Drop-in.

Bread & Pastry Program: Shaw’s donates bread and pastry items once in a while on Thursday afternoon. You may select one item per household, so shared by many. Thursday, 2:00, Dining room Free, Drop in.

Coffee Machine: Coffee, hot chocolate and tea, along with a light snack (if available) are offered in the Dining Room all day. $.50

Soda Machine offers various cold beverages for your convenience. Dining Rm. $.50 per item.

Food Policy: To avoid unhealthy and unsightly spills, all food and drink should be consumed in the Dining Room only, unless beverage is in a container with cover.

Lunch: A full, nutritious meal is served and managed by the Rockingham Nutrition Program. A monthly menu is published in advance and is available at the Center. Monday thru Fridays, 11:30. Dining Rm. Min. donation: $2 per meal. *PR (late requests may be possible) Call 893-2137

Meals on Wheels will deliver a daily meal to those who are homebound Monday thru Friday. Minimum donation: $2 per meal. Call Rockingham Nutrition Program at 893-2137.

Pet Food: Occasionally, the Salem Animal Rescue League donates pet food for seniors with pets. One bag per household. Free.

Snacks: Snacks and water available in thrift shop, for nominal cost.

Special Lunches: Once a month, a more elaborate meal is served in celebration of holidays, etc. with hors d’eourves before lunch and entertainment or a speaker afterwards. Inquire for dates. Min. donation: $3 per meal. *PR 893-2137

For your Enrichment . . .

55Alive AARP Defensive Driving Course is specially designed for motorists, age 50+, to help refine your existing skills and develop safe, defensive driving techniques. No tests, no time spent in vehicle. Eight hour course is taught in two, four-hour sessions spanning two days. Completion may qualify you for auto insurance discount. Spring and Fall inquire for dates. $15 AARP member/$20 others; payable to AARP. *PR; class size limited.

Adult Coloring: Come join other artist at play. Limited supplies available for those who are curious but not ready to invest. Bring any supplies you have and enjoy the company while you de stress. Tuesday 12:30-3. Free

Artist at play: Space available for artist to paint. Bring your own supplies. Tuesday 12:30-3, Free

Choral Group: The Salem Senior Singers is a group of 35 seniors who like to sing and enjoy performing.

They develop and rehearse several variety shows throughout the year, performing for various organizations in the area.

Monday, 2:00-3:00. Multipurpose Rm. Free.

Cell Phone Tutoring: Private, free, one-on-one tutoring is provided by our talented team of volunteers. You contact them directly to arrange your lesson time. Contact list available at Center. Free

Computer is available for drop-in access to the internet, email, various games and an opportunity for pre-arranged one-on-one tutoring. Monday thru Friday. Lounge. Free. Drop-in.

Computer Tutoring: Private, free, one-on-one tutoring is provided by our talented team of volunteers. You contact them directly to arrange your lesson time. Contact list available at Center. Free.

Current Events is a roundtable discussion on whatever topic the group is interested in. What’s on your mind? Hobbies, travel, books? 3rd Monday, 10:00, 2nd floor exercise room, Free

Educational Seminars on various topics are scheduled and advertised throughout the year.

For your entertainment: Our bookcases are packed with books, and jigsaw puzzles. Help yourself; no check out. Donation of these items also welcomed. Monday thru Friday, located in Lounge and Hallway. Free.

Genealogy Group shares research tools, techniques, computer assistance and programs for researching your ancestry. Friday, 1:00. Free. Drop-in.

Journey through the Bible: This study offers a one hour, non-denominational, relaxed study of the Bible, emphasizing a particular book each week to insure a peaceful, respectful, and instructive atmosphere for contemplation. Friday, 9:30, Free. Drop-in

Men’s Morning is a roundtable discussion, with local Speakers, what’s on your mind?…Speakers such as Police, Fire, DPW, Town Manager, Selectman, Superintendent etc. inform everyone about the updates in the town. Monthly, 1st Monday, 10:00. Exercise Rm. Free. Drop-In.

Orientation provides a comprehensive overview of all of the activities, programs and services offered. You will meet the staff, learn how the Center operates, how to register and participate. A guided tour will show you where the various activities and services are held and familiarize you with the facility. This is a great opportunity to meet new people and have your questions answered. Monthly, 1st Wednesday, 9:30-11:30. Free. Drop-in.

Newsletter: ‘The Good Life’ publishes the news, programs and services of Salem Senior Services. Newsletter may be obtained at the Center quarterly. Receive it by mail by providing us with a self-addressed stamped envelope. The newsletter is on our website at www.townofsalemnh.org, click on senior services department, then newsletter button at bottom of our homepage.

Newspapers: For your convenience, the Community Values, Stateline Review, Beacon etc. are available in our front entrance.

Off Broadway Thrift & Gift Shop features clothing, jewelry, small appliances, home decorative items, etc. Manned by senior volunteers, most items are priced between .25c - $4. The public is welcomed to both shop and donate.

Monday-Thursday, 9-3, Friday 9-2.

Painting Class –Oil, Acrylic, Water Color: Painting instruction with professional instructor. Tuesday, 9:30-11:30.

Creative Arts Rm. $50/10wks; provide own supplies. *PR; class-size limited.