CIS 151 Course Syllabus
ENMU Ruidoso Branch Community College
Master Syllabus
Course Number: IS 151, CRN 23005 Course Title: Basic Computer Skills
Credits: 3 Semester: Spring 2009
Instructor information
Instructor: Stephen Miller Phone: 257-2120 Ext.380 9AM – 9 PM
Office: Room 216, Office Hours: Immediately before and after each class or by appointment room 216.
Class Times: Evening Class (CRN 23005) - Wednesday, 600 PM – 8:30 PM
Rationale for student taking this course:
This course is designed to give the student the basic skills needed in computer use, internet research, word processing, spreadsheets, presentation software, and database construction to be successful in all of your college course work. These same skills are needed in most jobs for entry-level positions in business. Virtually all jobs and careers require, as a minimum, the skills learned in this course. Students who are not familiar with the use of the keyboard and mouse should take CAS 101 prior to enrolling in this class.
Course description:
Microcomputer operations, terminology, concepts, and applications to include word processing, spreadsheets, presentation software, and databases.
Text(s)/Study Guides(s), Manuals:
Required Text:
Microsoft Office 2007 , Premium Edition by Beskeen, et. al., published by Thompson Learning Course Technology, 2007. Available from the ENMU – Ruidoso bookstore.
Required Material(s):
A USB storage device ( “Jump Drive”, “Flash Drive”, “Thumb Drive”, etc.) with 128 Megabyte capacity or greater (bigger is better). These devices are available at the ENMU – Ruidoso bookstore, Wal-Mart, computer stores, and major office supply stores.
Microsoft Office 2007. You will need access to a copy of the software in order to complete your assignments. This software is available on all computers in the ENMU – Ruidoso computer lab and Library. Alternatively, if you wish to work outside the school, you will need a copy of Office 2007 on your home or business computer. Software for home use is not provided by the University.
Expected student outcomes or competencies:
Upon successful completion of this course, the student should be able to:
1) Operate a personal computer in a stand-alone and networked environment. (10%)
2) Organize files and folders using Microsoft Windows. (10%)
3) Access the Internet for research and communication. (10%)
4) Create and edit documents using word processing software. (20%)
5) Design, create and use basic spreadsheets and graphs. (20%)
6) Create and use simple databases and combine with word processing and spreadsheets in documents. (10%)
7) Utilize simple presentation software. (20%)
Requisites for the course:
There is no formal prerequisite for this course. However, students taking this course should be familiar with the use of a standard computer keyboard and mouse, and be able to type at a reasonable speed. Students who have never worked with a computer, or are unfamiliar with the keyboard, should take CAS 101 prior to taking this course
Integration of critical skills:
Upon satisfactory completion of this course, the student will develop the following critical skills:
1) Extensive use of computers will develop computer use skills in both stand-alone and networked environments.
2) Writing skills will be developed through written homework exercises, internet research assignments, and the use of presentation software.
3) Critical thinking skills will be developed through problem solving exercises in all areas of computer use.
4) Skills in group work will be developed during computer network operation and in-class presentations.
5) Public speaking skills will be developed through a PowerPoint presentation to the class.
Requirements for course outline:
1) Course Grading and Evaluation
There will be four exams including the final exam. Each exam will have a value of 100 points (400 points total), covering the material taught in-class and assigned from the textbook. The final exam will be comprehensive, covering material from the entire course. If a student misses an exam date, the exam must be made-up prior to the next class meeting. If the exam is not made-up by the next class meeting, the final exam will be counted double to make-up for the missing exam. Only one missed exam can be made-up this way; if you miss more than one exam, a grade of “zero” will be given for the remaining missed exams.
There will be four take-home projects, 80 points each (320 points total).
Project 1: “Real Life Independent Challenge” Concepts Page 31 in Microsoft Office 2007 Book.
Project 2: “Microsoft Word Project” Handout.
Project 3: “Design a PowerPoint Presentation”
Project 4: “Excel Project – Create a spreadsheet to calculate the “Cost of Car Ownership” Handout.
There will be approximately 10 lab and or homework exercises that will be due at the start of the next class or at a time specified by the instructor. If you miss class, you are responsible for finding out what material was covered and when the assignments are due. The total points awarded for all of the lab or homework exercises is 80 points, making the maximum total score for the course equal to 800 points.
Lab exercises or projects that are turned in late will have the grade reduced by 15%.
Final grades will be awarded based on the total points earned for the course, according to the following scale:
A=720 – 800 Points (90%) B = 640 – 719.9 Points (80%) C=560 – 639.9 Points (70%)
D=480 – 559.9 Points (60%) F= Below 480 Points
The textbook will be heavily used for this class. Students are expected to read the assigned sections before coming to class. The text should be brought to each class session. Students should expect to put in extra time outside of class in order to complete all assignments and projects.
2) Student Conduct
a) Attendance
Students are expected to attend all class sessions and participate in class activities. If a class is missed, it is up to the student to be prepared for the next class session. Contact me if you have any questions about the material that you missed. Students who feel that they cannot complete the course requirements must submit the necessary paperwork for withdrawal to the registrar. A grade of “W” cannot be given by the instructor at any time. The college requires that an attendance report be submitted for each student at the end of the semester.
b) Academic Integrity
All students are expected to abide by the standards for academic integrity described in the ENMU, Ruidoso catalog. “Students are responsible for achieving academic and course goals and objectives as prescribed by their instructors and for demonstrating attainment in an honest manner.” Cheating will not be tolerated. Students caught cheating or plagiarizing material will be given a grade of zero for that exam or assignment.
c) Harassment
Sexual harassment directed toward students or employees is an intolerable conduct that disrupts the learning environment. Individuals at ENMU have the right to work and learn in environment free from sexual harassment and stalking. Such conduct will not be tolerated, and any harassment will be reported to the college administration.
d) Americans with Disabilities Act:
If you have physical or learning needs that require special accommodation, contact your instructor or
the ENMU - Ruidoso Student Affairs Coordinator (257-2120) at the beginning of the semester. All efforts will be made to accommodate these needs or to provide equipment necessary to accomplish the requirements for this course. Discussions and documentation will be kept confidential.
e) Cell Phones and Pagers
As a courtesy to other students, cell phones and pagers must be turned off before entering class. If your job or family situation necessitates receiving emergency calls during class, please set your phone for a silent alert and take your call outside of the classroom.
f) Course cancellation policy
ENMU policy states that classes may not be cancelled by the instructor. If the instructor is ill or unable to hold class for reasons beyond their control, a substitute instructor will hold class or students will be given the opportunity to make up missed class time through an alternative meeting time (agreeable to all students) or by completion of an outside assignment.
g) No Smoking on Campus
New Mexico state law prohibits smoking at all public facilities. Smoking is prohibited inside, or within 30 feet of, any ENMU property, leased facility, and any other location where classes are held.
3. Course Calendar (Tentative) (Wednesday, PM Class)
Class Date(s) Topics
1 1/21 Computer Concepts
Read “Concepts Section” and “Windows Vista Section, Units A & B
2 1/28 Windows Vista, Unit A & B Lab Exercise 1 & 2
Read “Internet Explorer” Section
3 2/4 Windows Vista; Using the Internet; Browsers & Search Engines
Lab Exercise 3 & 4
Read “Introducing Microsoft Office” Section and “Word 2007 Section, Unit A
4 2/11 Exam #1; Word 2007, Unit A Project 1 Due
Read “Word 2007” section, Unit B Lab Exercise 5
5 2/18 Word 2007, Unit B
Read “Word 2007” Section, Unit C Lab Exercise 6
6 2/25 Word 2007, Unit C
Read “Word 2007” Section, Unit D Lab Exercise 7
7 3/4 Word 2007, Unit D Project 2 Due
Read “PowerPoint” Section, Units A & B
8 3/11 Exam #2; PowerPoint (Selected Parts of Units A, B, C, & D)
Read “PowerPoint” Section, Units C & D Lab Exercise 8
9 3/18 PowerPoint (Selected Parts of Units A, B, C, & D)
Read “Excel” Section, Units A & B Lab Exercise 9
3/22 – 3/28 Spring Break
10 4/1 Excel (Selected Parts of Units A, B, C, & D)
Read “Excel” Section, Units C & D Lab Exercise 10
4/3 Withdrawal Deadline
11 4/8 PowerPoint (Selected Parts of Units A, B, C, & D) Lab Exercise 9
12 4/15 Exam #3 Project 3 Due
Lecture Excel Unit A Exercise 10
Read Excel Units B, C, & D
Start Project 4
13 4/22 Lecture Excel Units B, C & D Exercise 10
14 4/29 Microsoft Access (Selected Parts of Units A, B) Exercise 11
15 5/6 Microsoft Access (Selected Parts of Units C, D) Exercise 11 Project 4 Due
Final Exam Review
15 5/13 Exam #4
All Projects and Assignments must be turned in by this date.
Note: The dates and topics shown in the calendar are subject to change.
4. Web Resources
Search Engines:;
Windows Tutorials:
Free Microsoft Office Tutorials:
Hardware Tutorials:
PC Comparisons:
If you would like to learn something about the electronic concepts that are important to computers
(without all the technical stuff) try this site:
“Open Office” a software suite (mostly) compatible with Microsoft Office, but without the high price: (It’s free! – Great for the home user.)
“AVG” Anti-Virus Software (Free Download):
“SpyBot Search & Destroy” – Anti Spyware Program (Free Download):
Microsoft Windows “Defender” – Anti Spyware Program (Free Download”)
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