12-21-2012  (as researched by Loanne)

Mayan calendar—Mayan calendar ended at this time. Could be just a stopping point – Mayan civilization was on the downward slide by ______.

Mayans also knew about sun cycles (sunspots), also predicts a reversal of the earth’s magnetic poles, marks the end of Time as me know it and as something old will die, something new will be born. A major change in the world order (oneness)

Astronomy – an extremely close conjunction of the Winter Solstice Sun and the Galactic Equator (Equator of the Milky Way) –Mayans regarded this as the Sacred Tree.

Science – On July 31, 2006 the beginning of this current solar cycle. (a sun spot that was backward—magnetically backwards. Sunspots are planet-sized magnets created by the sun’s inner magnetic dynamo. Like all magnets in the universe, sunspots have a north and south magnetic pole. The sunspot of July 31st was oriented s-n, opposite the norm.

This matters because it probably foretells of a big solar cycle. These Solar Cycles swing back and forth between quiet and storminess. Prior to July 31, 2006 the sun had been quiet. Now it is stormy. This cycle is expected to be very stormy which seem to be connected to storms upon earth, floods, earthquakes etc. (I could find no real scientific proof of the cycles causing bad weather/catrophies on the earth but several scientists are predicting this including nasa.gov.

Science- the fact that the earth’s magnetic poles are going to reverse in the near future is accepted by almost all members of the scientific field.

Bible Code – an asteroid will collide with Earth

Nostradamus – a series of natural disasters caused by a comet which will also the third anti-christ to disperse his troops around the globe under the guise of aid in preparation for a nuclear war.

Orion Prophesy – the earth’s magnetic field will reverse

Prophesy of the Popes- (St. Malachy) Pope Benedict 14th would reign during the beginning of the tribulation (Of which Jesus spoke) And a later Pope (‘Peter the Roman”) will be the last Pope and will bring the destruction of the city of Rome and the Last Judgement

Spiritualists – New Age – believe that humankind will enter an age of enlightenment. A positive shift, including an age of peace, Mankind becoming connected by “Oneness” and evolution of the human race into a non-corporeal beings made of “spiritual” energy or light energy.

Alien enthusiasts- believe 2012 to correspond with the return of alien “watchers” or “caretakers” who helped develop the first human civilization and have been waiting for us to reach higher levels of technological and /or social advancement. (Tibetan Monks see beings from other worlds saving the world from self-destruction.)

Oil- Richard C Duncan predicts that permanent blackouts will occur worldwide. Several studies predict a peak in oil production around 2012.

Michael –

Mary’s Message (as given to Annie Kirkwood in “cosmic dictation”) 2012 is the year all things will collide and explode into a new era. Danger from outer space. A meteor or comet of large proportions will either fall on or come close to earth and will change earth and all who are on earth in a flash. A time of great change in lands and land areas of the oceans and displacement of the oceans, of rising of new lands and the settling of old lands beneath the sea.

Planet X

Arctic ice is melting at a great rate. NASA (Jay Zwally) says that at this rate the Arctic Ocean could be nearly free of ice by summer 2012.

The Great Andean glacier will be gone within 5 years. (TimeOnline)

Ethanol to take 30% of US corn crop by 2012. (Reuters.com)

Megavolcanic activity predicted for 2012. Recent Sumatra events are precursors. (Indiadaily.com)

Massive ride in global warming due to exponential rise in underwater volcanoes. Hot methane is causing changes in underwater topologies all over the world. Recent American submarines have confirmed this. Massive tectonic movements under the ocean that we are not observing. (Indiadaily.com)

Global vehicle production to reach 78m by 2012. Motorauthority.com

Worldwide homecare systems expected to reach $1.2 billion by 2012 "The homecare market is changing. New services needed in the home include intravenous (IV) therapy, pain control, and basic needs services delivery. Delivery of new services depends on systems integration." Genetic Engineering News (site accessed May 2006)

How to be ready for 2012---

Things you will need….

A sense of the world around you

A curious spirit

A desire to live a life of inner peace (Eckhart Tolle)