Applicationforentry intogradeand year / Year level: (please circle)
10 11 12 / Intended start date & or year :
Contact Number / Home or mobile: / Work:
Email :
School Currently Attending:
Catchment information / Is the student residing within catchment area? YES / NO
Does the student identify as an independent student? Yes No
Does the student identify as a mature age student*? Yes No
*A mature age student is a person who is 18 years or older and enrolled in a mature age state school.
Note:A person is not required to apply as a mature age student where the person:
- turns 18 years of age whilst they are still at school
- was previously enrolled in a state school or non-state school (and on the day of enrolment was under 18 years of age), and the period between their last day of attendance at their previous school and the proposed first day of attendance at the mature age state school is not more than 12 months (which may need to be verified with previous school)
- What can you provide as proof of age for the student? (Please tick)
Birth certificate Passport Visa
- What can you provide as proof of residency for the student? (Please tick)
Utility Bill Drivers Licence
- Is the student currently completing a TAFE course or School Based Traineeship? Yes No
If yes, please list. ______
- Please attach a copy of the most recent report card.
Once complete please post, email or submit in person to the school office. Upon receipt a member of the school administration will contact you within 24 hours to arrange an interview
RECEIVED: / //20 / Enrolment decision Full enrolment interview Provisional enrolment interview
TIME: / mature age check
EMAIL: / QCE subject compatibility
Office useonly
Catchment information:
All students, whose principal place of residence is within the school’s relevant catchment area, are entitled to enroll at the school.
Currently Balmoral SHS does not have an enrolment management plan, we can accept and will accept enrolments outside of our catchment area, however this cannot be guaranteed in future years.
If you have any questions, please contact the school via phone or email.