Del Norte Nighthawks XC 2017
Team Rules & Expectations
Team success depends on the collective commitment of all team members.
Personal Conduct: good sportsmanship is tantamount to success. XC team members will demonstrate integrity, humility, and a positive attitude. Athletes are expected to show respect for themselves, their teammates, coaches, officials, and fellow competitors. XC team members’ conduct both on campus, off campus, and in the community should reflect the 6 pillars of character as defined by Pursuing Victory with Honor program. Academic dishonesty, violation of school rules, team rules, or competition rules may be cause for dismissal from the team.
Practices/Meets are Mandatory: be there and be on time. XC team activities will take precedent over outside activities. If you must leave early or miss a day, notify coach in advance. Missed practices/partial practice attendance may jeopardize eligibility for upcoming competition. Multiple instances may result in removal from the team. Team transportation will leave on time; “you miss the bus, you don’t compete.” Specifically:
*Missing 2 practices (excused or injury) in a week – athlete may not compete
*Missing 1 practice unexcused – athlete may not compete
*Tardiness – 2nd tardy in a week will result in being sent home & athlete may not compete.
*Disciplinary actions at school, practice, or meet – athlete will not compete
* Recurring events of the aforementioned may result in dismissal from the team.
Contact the Coach - If Athlete will be late or miss practice the Athlete must contact the coach 24 hours in ADVANCE. Text or E-mail and state your name, reason for absence or tardy.
Season Schedule – Athletes are responsible to have a copy of the season competition schedule and practice calendars. Athletes should use the calendars to plan ahead academically and personally. Athletes should submit any academic work due on the day of a competition prior to the event. Athletes should identify schedule conflicts and address them in advance. Athletes must update schedule with bus & competition times as they become available. Athletes must convey information & changes to parents & guardians. “Prior Planning Prevents Poor Performance” both academically and athletically.
Injuries/Athletic Trainer: see a Coach first. As needed, athletes will be sent to the Athletic Trainer for injury evaluation. The coaching staff, in conjunction with the Athletic Trainer’s evaluation, will determine the extent to which the athlete should participate that day. In some rare cases, an athlete may be asked to go home to get well. Athletes should never leave any part of practice or meet without the coach’s permission. Injured athletes must check in at practice daily to keep coach apprised of their medical status.
Attire: no uniforms except on meet days. All athletes should report to practice in workout gear. Water, sweats, a watch & post practice snack are also required. Sunscreen is recommended. Athletes should only wear uniforms for meets and/or special occasions when approved by the coaching staff. During meets, uniforms, sweats, and other team issued cross country attire should be worn at all times. Failure to wear team issued attire at any time during a meet may result in ineligibility for that meet and/or future competitions.
*Additionally, all XC athletes are required to adhere to rules & regulations outlined in the DNHS Athletic Handbook.
Nighthawk XC 2016
Criteria for Earning a Varsity Letter:
As a Varsity Letterman you represent the best of Del Norte High School Athletics. This not only includes the best in athletic prowess, but also in leadership, dedication and integrity. Your attitude and actions should contribute positively to our sport, our program, your teammates, your school, and your academic achievements. To ensure that all of these qualities are part of this program; we base our Varsity Letter requirements on a point system.
The breakdown of the point system is as follows:
1. Attendance/Work Ethic: 5 pts per week x 12 weeks = 60 pts
2. Varsity League Races: 15 pts per race x 2 races = 30 pts
3. Invitational Races 4 pts per event x 6 or more = 24 pts
4. League or CIF finals Competing 1 race x 40 pts = 40 pts
Varsity points possible = 154 pts.
*Bonus points - Coaches' Recognition Points = 20 pts
(Awarded congruent w/ CIF pillars of character, service to team, years, leadership, etc.)
Varsity Letter Minimum: 130 points.
Athletes who violate the Del Norte Athletic, CIF, or Team code of conduct may lose their eligibility to letter. Also, conduct code violations may be cause for dismissal from the Del Norte Cross Country Team. Competing in a Varsity meet does not equate to a varsity letter.
We have read and reviewed the Del Norte XC Team Rules & Expectations. We have reviewed the Varsity Letter requirements.
Athlete Print Name Athlete Signature Date
Parent Print Name Parent Signature Date