Faculty SenateMinutes
October 1, 2014
- Call to Order and Welcome
- Approval of Minutes from September 3, 2014
- The minutes were approved without further change.
- Vice-President for Academic Affairs’ Remarks
- The freshman family day was a great success with around 300 attending.
- Students are using tutoring and the learning center more this year.
- Early alert statistics and participation were give and discussed.
- Faculty will be receiving WebAdvisor training soon.
- The new Online Policy and Procedure committee will start meeting soon with Kenyon Brown as chair.
- Senate Chair’s Report
- Executive Committee
- The discussions of the two gen ed. Models A and B must be had within each department.
- There will be no Faculty Assembly in October so that these discussions can take place.
- Faculty Assembly is postponed to February 4 inplace of the regular Senate meeting.
- Enrollment Management Committee - No report
- Standing Committee Reports
- Personnel - Ron Leslie–No report
- Academic Integrity–Davy Gibbs-No report
- Admissions and Standards–Steve Jacobs-No report
- Faculty Development –Kerry Waller–No report
- Budget & Compensation – Stephen Whited
- The budget information is pending
- Frank Edge was a member of this committee so there was a discussion about adding a new member to this committee.
- Ad Hoc Committees- No report
- Old Business
- Compass Committee – Davy Gibbs –No report
- Gen Ed Committee – Tony Frye
- Departments should be reviewing Models A and B and making suggestions to the gen ed. Committee.
- Representatives will be attending departmental meeting for questions and comments.
- There is a possibility of adopting an e-portfolio as an assessment tool.
- Final exam periods - Viviane Daigle
- Policy Manual Section IV U. 7.
Final Examinations:
Faculty members are expected to give final examinations (or anequivalent evaluation measure) and to follow the examination schedule printed in thesemester schedule of classes unless otherwise specified by the dean of the school. Change of time or date is permitted only for serious reasons and not for mereconvenience. However, such a change must be acceptable to all the class members andbe approved in advance by the appropriate academic dean.
- Calendar
- It was suggested that there be a regular meeting between the Executive Committee and the Registrar to discuss calendar dates.
- This would need to be added to the charge of the Executive Committee at the February Faculty Assembly.
- New Business
- Policy Manual- Needs to be updated regularly on the website
- Faculty Assembly – Will be held on February 4, 2015
- School Reports
- School of Arts & Sciences
- School of Business
- School of Education
- Interviewed 38 candidates and they look great.
- Library
- School of Nursing
- Thinking of adding a combat medic degree concentration.
- Announcements:
The next meeting of the Faculty Senate will be held November 5, 2014 at 1:00 pm in Camp Younts