Effective Communications Techniques

High Dominant Individuals Will: With High Dominant Individuals I will:

·  Be to the point/direct + Compliment their plaques/awards/office

·  Talk about results/bottom line + Give direct and concise answers

·  Talk about the big picture + Give them a challenge

·  Not be interested in details + Acknowledge their power/authority

·  Give you a barrier/be provocative + Talk about “Bottom Line Results”

·  Spar with you/confrontational + Don’t talk about any controls (have to’s)

·  Say or act out, “Don’t waste my time” + Don’t bother him/her with trivial interferences

·  Use few words/tells it like it is + Provide innovative problems solving ideas

·  Clip words + Not repeat details; say things only once

·  Project in words or demeanor, “This + Avoid saying, this is the way it’s always been done

better be important” + Express disagreement with prospect (they like it)

·  Ask pointed questions + Focus on goals

·  Not laugh easily + Tell him/her how they will win

·  Use an aggressive voice + Tell them how long it will take (be honest)

·  Act fearless/risk taker + Talk in their speed

·  Project sharpness in voice and demeanor + Be sharp

·  Want projects to look like a million dollars + Tell him/her how it will be done well and quickly

·  Be controlling/take charge + Be firm

·  Delegate to someone else or + Ask for decisions

·  Make decisions on the spot/authoritative

·  Act tough/may be cover-up for soft emotional side

High Extrovert Individuals Will: With High Extrovert Individuals I Will:

·  Show emotion in voice + Recognize & approve of them in any way possible

·  Be friendly + Acknowledge their status

·  Find it hard to say no, so may make excuses + Promote the favorable environment

·  Keep asking more questions + Provide many ideas & possibilities for discussion

·  Not keep on topic, unless they want something + Demonstrate how the team can be involved

·  Be polite + Say how appreciative you are for his/her time

·  Help you along + Not reject or isolate them in any way

·  Be interested in the environment (looks good) + Not be harsh or insulting even when joking

·  Be interested in the entertainment part + Make friendly comments

·  Like a bit of glitz + Laugh and have fun with them

·  Be social and talkative + Present things as a benefit to his/her people

·  Be open and optimistic + Give visibility to prospect

·  Want things to be positive for people + Show how he/she will look good by buying your idea

·  Possibly defer decision + Talk about other topics/family, hobbies

·  Be a people pleaser, don’t want to disappoint you

·  Be trusting of you, unless they have negative information

·  Be persuasive with you

·  Laugh and have fun with you


High Patience Individuals Will: With High Patience Individuals I Will:

·  Be skeptical of sales people + Focus on the benefits

·  Won’t say much + Tell them how it will create harmony/no conflict

·  Listen and let you talk + Go slowly over details

·  Not see themselves making a decision + Pause and give time for thinking and processing

·  Buy from whom their friends buy from + Give time limits for small decisions and final ones

·  Wait and see + Give clear goals, expectations, directions, priorities

·  Ask for references + Not create unjustified pressure (they won’t buy)

·  Want proof of product + Not create sudden changes(they hate that)

·  Make you work very hard (many calls) + Not create conflicts (they avoid conflict)

·  Ask, “Who have you worked for?” + Always be sincere

·  Say, “That sounds nice.” + Speak carefully and non-confrontational

·  Be casual and careful + Be tolerant

·  Not push themselves + Be understanding of their “wait and see attitude”

·  Not get excited/show emotion + Understand when they finally make a decision,

·  They want to know something about you they want an immediate response from me

·  Want to trust you first before buying + Understand if they appear anxious, it is due to

·  Not want any exaggeration or pushing too many things they are working on at once

·  Not want to be put on the spot + Give time to think about and process need for

·  Seem easy going/slow in speech and movement change

·  Be likeable + Present things as fair and reasonable

·  Be focused + Adhere to agreed on agendas/time frames

·  Be rhythmic and methodical + Use a calm and cooperative approach

High Conformity Individuals Will: With High Conformity Individuals I Will:

·  Question you carefully + Provide structure and accuracy

·  Be very polite + Show the security of the product

·  Be all business + Show proven systems, referrals, written materials

·  Want you to use facts that have been proven + Speak conscientiously/articulate

·  Speak distinctly + Appear cautious and thorough

·  Be skeptical in words and body language + Show concern

(raise eyebrows, frown, hand on chin + Present ideas in detail, correctly and in order

or cheeks to hide self) + Not criticize in any way prospect or his/her thinking

·  Ask questions, if interested + Give sincere praise and acknowledge respect

·  Want referrals for prospect

·  Be interested in pricing + Give written guidelines and frequent updates

·  Be formal and proper + Not propose high risk ideas

·  Want everything to be predictable + Give very clearly defined directions and processes

·  Want less expensive + Give assurance that someone dependable and

·  Want refunds , guarantees trustworthy is in charge

·  Will point out “what might go wrong” + Clearly justify any reasons for criticism

·  Want things done right – will use the word + Use the wording, “Have you ever thought of___”

“right” often + Be proper and very polite

·  Want things done according to their rules + Ask,” What questions do you have?”

·  Want things precise, exact and accurate + Keep their interest with “good value pricing”

·  Want to double check work and decisions + Avoid anything that might indicate to them that

·  Want systems used – refer to rules/policy things aren’t “right”

·  Require a chain of command + Say, “this is the right thing or right way to do it”

·  Bury you with facts + Use factual words (outcomes, profits, results, proof)

Copyright: 2002 Syntrak International, Colorado Springs, CO. USA Contact: Nancy Kelly 719-599-9272