STUDY guide sem 1 final – uNIT 1

uNIT 1 Ch 1-6

Chapter 1

  1. Describe archeologists, historians and geographers.

Similarities?What are they all?______

Differences? An archeologist ______
A historian ______
A geographer ______

  1. Which is easier to prove: how people painted cave art or why (the meaning behind the art) people painted cave art?

Chapter 2

  1. Describe the different abilities of each of the five hominids (for example: Homo Erectus).
    See your Hominid Capabilities Chart
    Focus on Lucy, Homo Erectus, Neanderthal, and Homo Sapien Sapien
  1. Why do scientists believe that Neanderthals had a sense of community or family
    (give a specific detail)?

Chapter 3

  1. How were Paleolithic and Neolithic times different (think of food)?
  2. What was the first great change brought by agriculture?______
  3. What was the result of Neolithic communities dividing up jobs among different people?
  1. How did trading impact Neolithic life (look at 3.7)?

Chapter 4

  1. What does the name Mesopotamia mean?______
  2. Why did Sumerians used levees, canals, and dams?______
  3. How did Sumerians develop and maintain irrigation systems?
  4. What were the differences between a Sumerian village and a Sumerian city-state?


Chapter 5

  1. Describe the difference in lifestyle between a Sumerian farmer, craftsperson, merchant and government official.
    -Draw a social pyramid here and label each position in each class here:

Now tell how a government official would live versus a farmer:


  1. What is the difference between a social structure and a system of government?______
  2. What did Sumerians believe about their kings? How did that strengthen the kings?


  1. What was the Sumerians' written language called?______
    Chapter 6
  1. What was the greatest achievement of King Sargon and the Akkadians?______
  2. Describe the Akkadian carved stones called steles. What do they often honor?
  3. For what was King Hammurabi best known?______
  4. Describe the Assyrian military.______
  5. What brought the Assyrian Empire to its end?______
  6. Describe how Nebuchadrezzar built the city (inside & out) of Babylon. What was the purpose?