1.01Call to Order: The President called the meeting to order at 7:02 p.m. with the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.

1.02Recording of Attendance: Members Present: D. Reiser, A. Laput, and B. Siegel

Members Absent: C. Bliefernich and L. Bohs. Others Present: Dr. Dufour, R. Luis, L. Sibirtzeff and approximately fivestudents and community members.

1.03Final Budget Presentation – Ms. Ruth Luis

Ms. Luis gave a brief power point presentation and highlighted revenue fact, fund balance facts, and a summary of estimated revenue. Budget initiatives were presented with an increase in State Aid of $210, 286.00 as well as areas of fund balance reduction of $300,000 from the 2016-17 school year. Overall increase in expenses is less than 1 percent. A final budget summary was discussed, followed by aquestion and answer period.


A lengthy discussion took place of budget line items fluctuations. Ms. Luis explained funds were not correctly coded properly in prior years to the correct line, for this 2017-18 budget is in alignment with where line items should be; including projected program changes and enrollment account for the line item fluctuations.

Discussion also took place about the bus lease with reference to the website article listingdistrict mileage of 273,000 miles averaged every year, that will be over 12,000 miles per year on each bus and if it was appropriate to take vehicles that are not a part of the bus lease, and add their bus mileage in the comparison of the bus lease.Ms. Luis clarified this is an average on the entire fleet currently there are more than 16 vehicles in the fleet; 14 buses; vans, minibuses and a suburban that make up the difference in the mileage. The leased buses may be doing those runs from time to time. The information provided are the facts and figures reported to the State and what State aid is based on.


2.01Approval, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent, to appoint Catherine Byrne, Kenneth Byrneand Fritz Kayser as Custodians/Inspectors for the Budget Vote scheduled for May 16, 2017, at a rate of $12.50 per hour.

Made on motion by A. Laput and seconded by B. Siegel.

Final Resolution: Motion carried.

Voting: D. Reiser - Yes; A. Laput - Yes; L. Bohs - Absent; C. Bliefernich - Absent; B. Siegel - Yes.

Votes: Ayes: 3 Nays: 0 Absent: 2.


3.01 Approval, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent, to approve the 2017-2018 Sullivan County Board of Cooperative Educational Services Administrative Budget in the amount of $2,828,374.00.

Made on motion by A. Laput and seconded by B. Siegel.

Final Resolution: Motion carried.

Voting: D. Reiser - Yes; A. Laput - Yes; L. Bohs - Absent; C. Bliefernich - Absent; B. Siegel - Yes.

Votes: Ayes: 3 Nays: 0 Absent: 2.

3.02Approval to cast one vote for each of the following vacancies on the Sullivan County Board of Cooperative Educational Services Board:

Mrs. Carol Bliefernich3 year term (incumbent)Eldred Central School

Mrs. Anne Colman3 year term (incumbent)Liberty Central School

Mrs. Susan Horton3 year term (incumbent)Monticello Central School

Made on motion by A. Laput and seconded by B. Siegel.

Final Resolution: Motion carried.

Voting: D. Reiser - Yes; A. Laput - Yes; L. Bohs - Absent; C. Bliefernich - Absent; B. Siegel - Yes.

Votes: Ayes: 3 Nays: 0 Absent: 2.

3.03Approval, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent, that the following Resolution be placed on the May 16, 2017 Ballot:

That the Board of Education of the Eldred Central School District is hereby authorized to expend$17,172,172.00 during the 2017-2018 school year.

Made on motion by A. Laput and seconded by B. Siegel.

Final Resolution: Motion carried.

Voting: D. Reiser - Yes; A. Laput - Yes; L. Bohs - Absent; C. Bliefernich - Absent; B. Siegel - Yes.

Votes: Ayes: 3 Nays: 0 Absent: 2.

3.04Approval, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent, that the following Resolution be placed on the May 16, 2017 Ballot:

That the Board of Education of the Eldred Central School District is hereby authorized to levy taxes annually in the amount of $14,500.00 and to pay over such monies to the Board of

Trustees of the Sunshine Hall Free Library.

Made on motion by A. Laput and seconded by B. Siegel.

Final Resolution: Motion carried.

Voting: D. Reiser - Yes; A. Laput - Yes; L. Bohs - Absent; C. Bliefernich - Absent; B. Siegel - Yes.

Votes: Ayes: 3 Nays: 0 Absent: 2.

3.05Approval, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent, that the following Resolution be placed on the May 16, 2017 Ballot:

That the Board of Education of the Eldred Central School District is hereby authorized to enter into a lease agreement to acquire 14 sixty-six passenger school buses, 1 twenty-four passenger school bus and 1 twenty passenger school bus equipped with wheel chair access. The term of the lease shall be five years at a total cost not to exceed $1,405,000.00 which shall be raised by a tax upon the taxable property in the School District to be levied and collected in annual installments in such years and in such amounts as may be determined by the Board of Education.

Made on motion by A. Laput and seconded by B. Siegel.

Final Resolution: Motion carried.

Voting: D. Reiser - Yes; A. Laput - Yes; L. Bohs - Absent; C. Bliefernich - Absent; B. Siegel - Yes.

Votes: Ayes: 3 Nays: 0 Absent: 2.

3.06Approval, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent, that the Board of Education of the Eldred Central School District approve the 2017-2018 Property Tax Report Card.

Made on motion by A. Laput and seconded by B. Siegel.

Final Resolution: Motion carried.

Voting: D. Reiser - Yes; A. Laput - Yes; L. Bohs - Absent; C. Bliefernich - Absent; B. Siegel - Yes.

Votes: Ayes: 3 Nays: 0 Absent: 2.


Mr. Clark commented on the consent agenda usually has an opportunity to speak.

Mr. Siegel commented it was an oversight on the agenda, as normally public is given an opportunity to speak, the agenda was laid out a different way.

Mr. Reiser also commented, apologizing to Mr. Clark, you should have said something, would have let you speak at that time.

Mr. Clark commented on item 2.01, stating they are the same people from last year and last year’s election was not run properly. The Inspectors were looking at people’s ballots. People may be intimidated to vote knowing who the people are.

Ms. Wagner asked that she was concerned as Middletown now has dropped out of (Orange Ulster) Health Plan, do we know what the ripple effect will be? Are we looking ahead?

Ms. Luis explained since Middletown just published the pull out with Orange Ulster Health Plan this is new and it will be discussed at the next health insurance meeting.As well as addressing issues on districts pulling out and what is the future plan.

Ms. Wagner asked in the budget what new programs are for students?

Dr. Dufour explained there are several new A.P. classes and new course offerings that are being offered at the High School for this upcoming year.

Mr. Reiser commented there are new course offerings.

Ms. Wagner asked if there was going to be any new extracurricular activities and/or clubs?

Dr. Dufour explained there are always opportunities for new activities in the proposed budget, he has invited staff if they have an idea with student following to bring it to him for discussion.

Ms. Wagner added the website is confusing to taxpayers on the information regarding buses, mentioned it was misleading as numbers did not add up.

Mr. Siegel mentioned the invitation to come forward is useful. With the extra $400,000 to spend should be for really good things for the kids. Also added positive feedback for really cool things are happening at Mackenzie with taking advantage of their resources.

Dr. Dufour added with budget constrictions, we do really good things!

Mr. Siegel commented on giving credit to Dr. Dufour and staff, with observing the opportunities in place. If I am not asking for more for the kids as a Board Member, then I am not doing my job.


5.01Approval to adjourn the meeting at 8:22 p.m.

Made on motion by A. Laput and seconded by B. Siegel.

Final Resolution: Motion carried.

Voting: D. Reiser - Yes; A. Laput - Yes; L. Bohs - Absent; C. Bliefernich - Absent; B. Siegel - Yes.

Votes: Ayes: 3 Nays: 0 Absent: 2.