2016 Faculty Learning Community

Open Educational Resources and Student Success:

Technology, Creativity and Engagement


FLC Facilitators

Co-Facilitator:Beatrice Russell, Associate professor, World Languages and Literatures

Co-Facilitator: Dennis Dahlquist, Lecturer, Electrical & Electronic Engineering

Co-Facilitator: Mary Reddick, Head, User Services. University Library

Co-Facilitator:Melissa Repa, Co-Director, Services to Students with Disabilities

Faculty Learning Community (FLC) Focus

The focus of the FLC is to explore, experiment and analyze the effectiveness of and possibilities for adopting affordable, high quality and accessible digital educational content for students. Faculty will use this experience to evaluate course material, develop active and collaborative learning activities, and experiment with online tools for delivering effective instructional material. Participants will be able to implement high quality and cost effective learning tools for students.

The FLC will provide participants the opportunity to investigate low or no cost instructional materials through Affordable Learning Solutions (AL$), E-books, the University Library, MERLOT websites and other open educational resources (OER), game -based learning, online discussions, and video conferencing. Special emphasis will be placed on Bloom’s (digital) Taxonomy and creating accessible course materials.

FLC Outcomes:

Each Participant will be able to:

  1. Examine new instructional materials, find alternative lower/no cost course materials and support for students.
  2. Create accessible course material and use Universal Design through equity and technology.
  3. Evaluate quality of course materials and online tools for student learning
  4. Create questions and/or activities aligned Bloom’s Digital Taxonomy and provide evidence of student learning.
  5. Experiment with online tools for delivering effective instructional material

FLC Deliverables:

  1. Pre and Post description of student expenditures on instructional materials and description of effectiveness and cost of current and planned instructional materials.
  2. Provide samples of OER examined and how you are going to use it (link/screenshot and description).
  3. Evaluate quality and accessibility of course materials and online tools for student learning using QOLT/QA rubric.
  4. Create questions and/or activities aligned with Bloom’s Digital Taxonomy and provide evidence of student learning.
  5. Create a poster report containing information on cost savings and evidence of student learning.

FLC Meetings:

Fall 2016: Mondays: 1-3 pm. Library 12

Mondays: October 3, October 17, October 31, November 14, December 5

Spring 2017 meetings TBD by the group.

FLC Tentative Calendar Year 2016- 2017:

BYOD! (Bring your own devices to every session)

Meeting / Date * / Topic and Tools / Homework /Activity/Deliverable Due
1 / Oct. 3 / Introductions and Brainstorming
  • FLC format
  • Introductions
  • Transportability, transitory technology & sustainability
  • Faculty’s choices: Set up class twitter, Google doc, Install Zoom.
  • Upload selfie in Blackboard
  • What is one word to describe your current instructional materials? – Ice Breaker
  • How much did students pay for the textbook used in your course?
  • Hand out copy of application
  • ALS and OER – what is the difference?
  • Working time to describe your project. (Why did you come to this FLC?)
Deliverable # 1: Pre and Post description (Excel form) of student expenditures on instructional materialsand effectiveness and cost of current instructional materials and planned materials.
2 / Oct. 17 / Open Educational Resources Websites
  • Affordable Learning Solutions
  • COOL4Ed
  • Check list / rubric evaluation of OER/AL$ examined
  • Working time to examine new instructional materials.
  • Select alternative lower/no cost course materials and support for students.

3 / Oct. 31 / Accessibility& Universal Design
  • Universal Design through equity and technology (e-quality): meeting students where they are.
  • Student engagement and evidence of student learning
  • Inclusive devices
  • Practice using accessible technology in selected content from your courses
  • Create accessible course materials
HWK: Find OER with accessibility information.
Deliverable #2:Provide samples of OER examinedand how youare going to use it (link/screenshot and description)
4 / Nov. 14 / Online session: Quality Assurance (QA)rubric/ QOLT rubric: Improving your online course
  • How to create Voice Thread, Adobe Acrobat, syllabus, webpage course, etc.
  • Emerging Augmented Reality Technology (Pokemon)
  • Working time to select QOLT and to apply QA to some aspects of your course
  • Discussion of online tools and gamification for students learning.
Deliverable #3:Evaluate quality of course materials and online tools for student learning using QOLT/QA rubric to your course
5 / Nov. 28 / Digital resources and Learning
  • Finding eBooks and online articles in the University Library
  • Analytics, students’ engagement and Innovative strategies. (To invite /Zoom?? dates follow up email Erin Walker)
From Bloom’s Taxonomy to Bloom’s Digital Taxonomy
  • Writing learning objectives using Bloom’s Taxonomy
  • Bloom’s ranking of thinking skills
  • Sample syllabus with learning objectives using Bloom’s Taxonomy
  • Sample of course module with learning objectives using Bloom’s Taxonomy
  • Bloom’s ranking of thinking skills used in participants’ course.
Deliverable # 4: Create questions and/or activities aligned with Bloom’s Digital Taxonomy andprovide evidence of student learning.
6 / Dec 6 /
  • Progress report
  • Participant presentations (3 participants)
  • Work time on completing Deliverables 3 and/or 4.
HWK: Read in SaCT Module 2:“Legal Concerns and Copyright”
7 / Feb /
  • YouTube Video Progress report
  • Online discussion
  • Participant presentations (3 participants)
  • Work time on completing Deliverables 3 and/or 4.

8 / Feb /
  • Progress report
/ Participant presentations (3 participants?)
  • Work time on completing Deliverable # 5

9 / Feb /
  • Progress report
  • Participant presentations (1 participant?)
  • Wrap up and poster workshop working session.
  • Work time to prepare for culminating event
  • Deliverable # 5: Prepare a poster report containing information on cost savings and evidence of student learning.

10 / March 3 /
  • Culminating Event
  • Stipend Awarded upon completion
  • Pick up posters in CTL and bring them to Library 11
  • Friday, March 3, 2017, 12:00-1:30 pm Teaching and Learning Showcase poster presentations

Reading and References:

Bloom’s Digital Taxonomy

Instructional Materials Accessibility Checklist

Open Educational Resources: Transforming the Classroom Experience

Eun-Ok Baek, & James Monaghan. (2013). Journey to Textbook Affordability: An Investigation of Students’ Use of eTextbooks at Multiple Campuses. International Review of Research in Open and Distance Learning, 14(3), International Review of Research in Open and Distance Learning, 01 July 2013, Vol.14(3).

Harley, D., Lawrence, S., Acord, S., & Dixson, J. (2010). Affordable and Open Textbooks: An Exploratory Study of Faculty Attitudes. California Journal of Politics and Policy, 2(1), California Journal of Politics and Policy, 2010, Vol.2(1).

Quality OnlineLearning and Teaching