Woods Loke Monday Mail – 18th July 2016

Attendance Race

Congratulations to 5DBwho achieved the top attendance award last week as they achieved 99.2% attendance. All pupils have received two golden tickets each as a reward.

SENCo Staff

Just to inform you that from September the SENCo role will be shared. Mrs Goddard will be working all day on Wednesday and Thursdays and Mrs Marchand will be working all day on Monday, Tuesday and Fridays and a Thursday morning. Please see either of these members of staff if you have any questions or concerns relating to special needs.

Key Stage Managers

From September, the following staff will be Key Stage Managers:

Early Years – Mr Axon

Key Stage 1 – Mrs Stone

Key Stage 2 (lower) – Mr Javes

Key Stage 2 (upper) – Mrs Taylor and Miss McComb

If you have any concerns regarding your child please speak to their class teacher in the first instance and if you do not feel the issue is resolved then please arrange to see the appropriate Key Stage Manager.

Key Stage 1 – Reading Books

Please could parents ensure that all reading books are returned by Wednesday. No further books will be issued this week but please continue to read books from home with your child over the holiday and maybe visit the library.

Please continue to use yellow home/school books for any messages.

Normanston Park

Children in Years 3, 4, 5 and 6 are all going on trips to Normanston Park on various days this week. Please ensure you have returned the permission slips to allow them to attend.

Please ensure they have plenty of drink, sun cream and sunhats as necessary.

Second Hand Uniform

The Friends of Woods Loke will be selling second hand uniform on the playground again after school on Wednesday20th July.


Multi sports club tonight and Football tomorrow night will be running as normal. These will be the final clubs for this academic year.

Message from Mr Prentice

Thank you for the ten wonderful years I have spent at Woods Loke. I have thoroughly enjoyed leading this school and would like to thank all of the pupils, parents and staff for their support over these ten years. I wish Woods Loke all the best for the future.

Term ends at 3.15pm on Thursday 21st July: We hope everyone has a very happy and safe holiday and look forward to seeing most of you again on the 5th September. For pupils leaving Woods Loke, we wish you every success in your new schools.

You can access our school website at

This authority is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children, young people and vulnerable adults and expects all staff and volunteers to share this commitment. Mr. Prentice is responsible for safeguarding at Woods Loke Primary school.

(Mrs. Marchand and Mr. Axon are alternative SDP).