Dressage Southland

Minutes of Meeting

6th September 2017

Present – Meredith McEwan, Corrine Ward, Sonya Swale, Bella Aynsley, Brendon Cleaver, Sandra Cleaver, Agnes Irwin, Helen Boyd, Anne Clearwater, Kerrie Morrison, Allie Harper, Lucy Constance McKelvie , Susan Millar, Rochelle Smith, Noelene Keen, Marlene Parkinso, Liz Ferns

Apologies – Sharon Muihead, Rachel McCallum, Norma Parks, Bev Carson, Kristen Cottam

Minutes of Meeting – Read and confirmed Moved – Allie H 2nd – Bella A

Correspondence – Card to M Dickie and flowers to be sent. Card to Lyn Fox Letter from Hannah Nicol Moved – Marlene P 2nd – Helen B

Matters Arising – Still need a writers co-ordinator Central Otago Points – Kerrie has not heard back. ESNZ what is there ruling. It’s up to the rider to choose Kerrie has contacted Cross Fit with our dates Waiting for entries to close for the fundraiser before getting helpers organised Thanks to everyone who helped at the first tournament Robyn was contacted with our dates. She also quoted $35 per head for December Dinner Moved – Bella A 2nd – Brendon C


Bella has accommodation sorted for Mandy who does our scoring.

Krystal Mack Saunders approached us to be our official photographer – all agreed Put a message on FB before each tournament Moved – Corrine 2nd – Allie H

Dressage Southland Uniform/gear/jackets – Corrine to talk to Rachel. Southern workwear has our logo Advertise and display at tournaments to sell them Vest at the office could be put in the silent auction

Extra horses/ponies on the grounds – Sometimes we don’t know they are there We are not covered by insurance if they do not pay ground fee’s Owners need to ask permission and pay a ground fee At a big tournament we cannot fit them in. We only hire part of the ground More info to go out even to the wider horse community Approach people nicely and explain situation Reminder pre-tournament to create more awareness Numbers allowed depends on the size of the tournament Maybe have something to attach to halter to

Letter from Hannah Nicol – letter asking for support to attend dressage camp Camp cost $270.00 Hannah applied for camp and was selected We should encourage our young riders Do we have the funds? If we have several riders next year we would have to do the same for them We should acknowledge and congratulate Hannah

All in favour of a $50 petrol voucher and DS Vest Moved – Allie H 2nd – Sonya S Letter to congratulate and we would love to see Hannah helping out at tournaments

Sponsorship – Charlton Motel Heartland Hotel Saddlery Warehouse Kiwi Arena Rakes Farmlands Vet South – Maybe a whole tournament Flying horse Rebecca Scott Kristen Cottam Hinterland – Whole tournament D Elliott – to talk to yet Giving back to our sponsors – Julia Latham – Stables Lucy Collings – stables for tournaments because they are Regional and Nationals sponsorship If they aren’t using a box they are to let us know. Moved – Bella A 2nd – Liz F

Judges – Nolene has been busy getting them upgraded and out to tournaments

H & S – Update First Aid Certificate holders How do we determine who has concussion? Have a first aid site.

Stables – Helen has a statement to go out before each tournament. (Helen read to the meeting)

October Tournament – Steward – Robyn Brendon will pick up judges and stewards at the airport and deliver to gore Nolene to take back to airport

Helpers in the office Judy offered Rowena? Meredith Andrea Dempsey? to be asked Jenny ? to be asked

Jenny – Do we want to do any Para tests? Yes for our championship show

Writers co–ordinater – Sonya offered to do October. Meredith to email list to Sonya

Is the jobs tick box a compulsory field?

Agenda – Can we get this out prior to the meeting?

Next meeting 4th October 2017, 7.30 pm

Meeting Closed – 9.05pm