Perry/Willard Wastewater Treatment

Facility Board Meeting

975 West 1000 North

Willard, Utah 84340

June 13, 2012

5:00 PM

Members Present: Steven Pettingill, Rod Mund, Jay Aguilar, Paul Nelson, Bruce Howard

Others Present: Jeff Hollingsworth, Scott Archibald, Sunrise Engineering; Susan K. Obray, Minutes Clerk

Welcome and Call to Order

Chairman Pettingill welcomed and called to order the Perry/Willard Wastewater meeting.

Approval of the March 14, 2012 Minutes

MOTION: Bruce Howard moved to approve the May 9, 2012 Minutes. Paul Nelson seconded the motion. All in favor.

Approval of the Agenda

MOTION: Bruce Howard moved to approve the agenda. Rod Mund seconded the motion. All in favor.

Public Comments


Lead Operator Items

1.  Alpine Gardens has warranted sprinklers and did replace two trees.

2.  5/3/12 Sump truck went to Willard 6.9 hours.

3.  5/8/12 Willard Spur samplers came out.

4.  5/9/12 Lost North East IFAS gear box Westech is getting new gear box with new style gear.

5.  Plant has had some impact without the aerator. Jeff is in contact with process engineering at Westech and monitoring biota.

6.  UV System was serviced; Trojan is sending us new ballast and UV lights under warranty. (about five thousand dollars of equipment) received 6/1/12.

7.  5/17/12 Seepex pump was smoking and ruined stator and thermo-coupler. Huber’s wiring was incorrect. Jeff is going through the process of getting them to pay for damages. Sent Kurt at Huber the Seepex bill he is working on his end.

8.  5/19/12 UV system called out for low water sensor.

9.  5/20/12 came out and started UPDES samplers (Sunday).

10.  5/22/12 Willard spur samplers visited and collected samples.

11.  5/22/12 CWWWTP paid and current on sludge. Processed 65 tons for May.

12.  5/30/12 EPA DMR-QA32 results from PWRWWTP lab were input, we will not have results back until July.

13.  5/30/12 complete plant site was sprayed with weed killer.

14.  5/31/12 Wet Lab contacted me and the five days of testing on Bio-Monitoring needs to be redone. The Labs control failed causing work to be redone. Reset up and started Saturday and took samples to American Fork on Sunday.

15.  May DMR sent 6/7/12 there were no out of compliance to report.

16.  Construction started on 6/11/12 south ditch.

17.  Ordered two drums of Polymer.

18.  Phosphorus data has been provided to Sunrise for final optimization report for permit.

19.  Warren Christensen signed agreement with Allied Construction to take dirt from new pipe line installation (6/12/12).

20.  Generator was tested and placed back into Auto Mode.

21.  6/13/12 Hienigs signed release for dirt with Allied Construction on their property.

Construction Progress by Scott Archibald with Sunrise Engineering

Scott stated on Monday they started on the out fall ditch. He stated the first couple of days 10 loads of materials were delivered and they are storing them behind the lagoons. They have started to install the pipe, the wing structure set in the first man hole they required. He stated they are just about across the road and will soon be on private property. Scott stated that Weber Basin came today and wanted to be included in the weekly meetings. Scott stated there were some concerns with the access to the boat ramp. Scott said that he is going to request that the weekly meeting with Allied be bumped to the afternoon instead of morning. He stated Warren Christensen signed an agreement with Allied Construction to get the dirt from the ditch; this contract will be used for other property owners as well.

Items to be Purchased

Items for the lab.

Board Member Items

No Items

Call Outs

Jeff handed out the list of call out from January to May. So far he has not had a call out for the month of June.


The UV has been serviced. Waiting for parts for the gear box so it can be fixed.

Sign Payment Approval

There was no payment approval this month.


There was no discussion.

Action Taken

Paul Nelson was given direction to contact Rural Water for plants with similar processes to our plant.

Closed Session (Discuss an individual)

MOTION: Bruce Howard moved to close the regular meeting and go into a closed session. Rod Mund seconded the motion. All in favor.

MOTION: Bruce Howard moved to close the closed session and return to the regular meeting. Rod Mund seconded the motion.

MOTION: Paul Nelson moved to direct Shanna to do a job description for the Assistant Plant Operator. Rod Mund seconded the motion. All in favor.


MOTION: Bruce Howard moved to adjourn. Jay Aguilar seconded the motion. All in favor.

Next meeting will be held on July 11, 2012