1 (7) Engelska

Self-regulation programme
for tobacco sales
Section 12 c of the Tobacco Act (1993:581) /

Complete the form in Swedish

Point of sale

Name of the point of sale / Street address
Postal code and city / E-mail
E-mail address
Contact person / Phone / No.of employees


Company name (limited company, partnership, soleproprietorship, etc.) / Corporate/personal identity number

Information on the age limit

In order to provide information on the age limit, you must have at least one clear and clearly visible sign at the point of sale.

How do you inform your customers that you may not sell or dispense tobacco products toanyone under the age of 18?

Verbally at the cash register
Information sheet(s)

The sign should normally be placed at the cash register to meet the requirement of being clear and clearly visible. There is nothing preventing you from putting more signs at other places in the point of sale.

Where are the signs or stickers located in the point of sale?

At the cash register
At the entrance door
In the display window

Procedures for age control

Anyone dispensing tobacco products must make sure that the customer is at least 18 years of age. If there are anydoubts regarding the customer’s age, ID must be requested. A guide might be to always request ID if the customer appears to be under the age of 25. If the customer is not at least 18 years old, the tobacco product may not be sold or otherwise dispensed. If there are special grounds to assume that a tobacco product is intended to be given to anyone under the age of 18, the product may not be dispensed.

What procedures do you have for age control at the point of sale?

When in doubt about the customer’s age, ID is requested.
The customer’s age is checked with the date of birth on the ID.
An age identification sticker (sign) is available to simplify the age check.
The staff is recommended to request ID from all customers that appear to be under the age of ____.
If the customer cannot prove that he or she is 18 or older, the purchase is refused.
If the customer does not present ID upon request, the purchase is refused.
If the staff suspects that a tobacco product is intended for anyone under the age of 18, the purchase is refused.
If the customer is causing trouble, a manager or other person in charge is called out.

All tobacco products sold to consumers must be provided in a manner that allows a check of age. Procedures must therefore also be in place for age controls for sales through slot-machines, by mail order, on the Internet orthe like.

What procedures do you have for age control if sales are made through slot-machines, by mail order, on the Internet or the like?

Not currently applicable.
Tokens or the like for slot-machines are sold at the cash register with an age check.
The slot-machine is located where it constantly can be monitored.
Age is checked by credit card or the like for Internet purchases.
Postal dispatches are sent by registered mail, receipt advice, personal delivery or the like.
Postal dispatches contain information that the tobacco product may not be given to anyone under the age of 18.

Cigarettes may not be sold individually or in packages with fewer than 19 cigarettes. This is to limit access to tobacco for minors.

Do you have any procedures for checking that cigarettes are not sold individually?
If so, what?

Do you have any procedures for following up on how the staff handles the age requirement?
If so, what?

Risk assessment and special support

Are there situations in which it is problematic to comply with the age limit regulations?

How do you handle problematic situations, like if the customer cannot or does not
want to present ID?

Support and training of personnel

A business operator that provides tobacco products for sale to consumers must provide the personnel the information and support necessary for them to be able to comply with the Tobacco Act and related regulations.

How is the staff informed or trained regarding the age control requirement and
other regulations when selling tobacco?

Staff meeting(s)
Information sheet(s)
In-house training
External training

How often is the staff informed or trained regarding the age control requirement
and other regulations when selling tobacco?

When hired.
At least once a year.
We use a table to note the times for information & training for the staff (see appendix 2).

The Tobacco Act has no age requirements on those selling tobacco. However, anyone selling tobacco must be familiar with the law and have a realistic possibility of refusing to sell tobacco to minors. This is often difficult for a person who is under the age of 18.

What special support do you give to personnel under the age of 18 to be able to handle such situations?

Requirements on health warnings, etc.

A tobacco product is any product that contains tobacco and is intended to be smoked, taken as snuff, sucked onor chewed. Examples of tobacco products are cigarettes, cigars, cigar wrappers, cigarillos, pipe and twist tobacco, snus (moist snuff), chewing tobacco, portion tobacco, raw tobacco and tobacco for a waterpipes (hookah). All tobacco products must have health warnings. Packets of cigarettes must also have a declaration ofcontents. The design and placement is regulated in the European Directive 2001/37/EC, the Tobacco Act (1993:581) and the Swedish National Institute of Public Health’s regulations FHIFS 2001:2 and FHIFS 2002:4. The health warnings on cigarette packages must be printed. On other forms of tobacco, the health warnings may be pasted on. There are a greater number and more extensive warnings texts for tobacco that is to be smoked than for tobacco meant to be snuffed, sucked on or chewed. The health warnings must be in Swedish. Tobacco products that are not labelled or wrongly labelled may not be provided for sale.

Do you have any procedures for checking that the tobacco products provided are correctly labelled? If so, what?


Tobacco products may only be marketed inside the point of sale by providing the tobacco products for sale and through commercial advertisements in the vicinity of the tobacco products. The advertisements may not be intrusive or out-reaching or encourage the use of tobacco.

Do you have any procedures for checking that the marketing in the point of sale is permitted? If so, what?

Personal Data Act (1998:204)

Under the Personal Data Act, registers may be established as necessary for work associated with the exercise ofauthority. Your details will be entered into a data register so that the municipality will be able to perform its supervisory duties.


Place and date
Signature (authorised company signatory)
Name in block letters

Appendix 1

Authorities concerned

The Swedish National Institute of Public Health is the central supervisory authority for issues regarding age controls and health warnings. The Swedish Consumer Agency is the central supervisory authority for issues concerning marketing. The Swedish Tax Agency is in charge of issues concerning taxation. However, in some cases, Swedish Customs is the taxation authority. Swedish Customs is also in charge of matters regarding the check of age limits upon imports from EU member states and from third countries. The county administrative boards are regionally responsible in the county for coordination and certain inspections. Municipalities and thepolice are locally responsible for the immediate supervision of the trade in tobacco products. The police’s primary task is to intervene against crimes committed, while the municipality’s task is proactive and should ensure compliance to the regulatory system in the future.

Translation of section 12 c of the Tobacco Act (1993:581)

A business operator may not provide tobacco products for sale to consumers without first registering the sales with the municipality in which sales are to be conducted.

The business operator must exercise special supervision (self-regulation) of sales and assume responsibility for the operation having an appropriate self-regulation programme.

The business operator must append the self-regulation programme and the other information necessary for the municipality’s supervision to the registration in accordance with the first paragraph. If this information changes, it must be registered with the municipality without delay.

More information

For more information on the Tobacco Act (1993: 581) and related legislation, refer to the municipality’s orcounty administrative board’s website and the following websites: the Swedish National Institute of PublicHealth www.fhi.se, the Swedish Consumer Agency www.konsumentverket.se, Swedish Customs www.tullverket.se, the Swedish Tax Agency www.skatteverket.se and the Swedish Police www.polisen.se.

Plats för kommunens logotyp / Plats för kommunens adress

Appendix 2

Information to personnel

It is important that your personnel know what rules apply when selling tobacco and why. It is therefore appropriate for you to inform the personnel at least once a year. A new hire should also receive a review when heor she is hired. Remember to both tell them what the law says and describe what your procedures look like.

In order to remember when you provided information to your employees, it may be advisable to enter the names of the employees in a table; see the example below. The employees should themselves enter the date that they last participated in an informational or training meeting.

Name / Date 1 / Date 2 / Date 3 / Date 4