Classroom Management Plan

Achieve 3000 / Reading Assistant-- Mrs. Dobbs

Guidelines for Success:

·  Cooperate with others

·  Act responsibly

·  Treat others with respect

·  Show a positive attitude


·  No food or drink in computer lab

·  Be Respectful

·  Be on Time

·  Be Prepared

·  Raise Hand to Speak

·  Follow “Computer Use” as stated in agenda

Teaching Expectations:

·  7 Habits of Successful Students

·  “Daily Classroom Expectations…” handout

·  5 Step Literacy Routine (posted on wall and at each computer)

·  Create a fair and structured environment (consistency is the key)

·  Hold each student accountable for their own behavior

·  Attainable Expectations for all students

·  CHAMPs noise levels posted and updated per activity

Monitoring Procedures:

·  Proximity management

·  Conference with individual/groups

·  Remind students who are absent to check “We did this while you were out” folders for copies of missed assignments

·  Weekly update of teacher website

·  Weekly conduct record to monitor behavior

·  Weekly comments entered in specific columns via Infinite Campus

·  Infinite Campus parent email per due dates

Academic Insurance of Success:

·  5 Step Literacy Routine

·  8 Cycles of Bell Ringers (5 per cycle)

·  Differentiated instruction on all articles/activities

·  Student control of conduct grade (deductions taken for every week without a conduct mark)

·  Weekly updates on personal website (assignments/downloads available)

·  Daily focus on “big screen”

·  Daily Bell Work question on board (assessed in cycle of 5)

Encouragement Procedures:


·  Verbal feedback/appropriate praise

·  CATs Cards

·  Cooperative groupings---emphasize peer support and praise

·  RAT s Reward Day

·  Weekly comments entered on Infinite Campus

·  Personal notes/texts/emails home

·  Downloads available on website

Possible Corrective Consequences:

·  Verbal reminder/Follow-up with appropriate praise

·  Partial/full loss of related arts reward time

·  Modified seating

·  Proximity management

·  T 3 cards

·  Conduct mark recorded (could have an effect on conduct grade)

·  Parent note/call regarding behavior (signed/return)

·  Counseling session

·  T.I.P placement (only for non-compliant academics/behavior)

·  Office referral

“Most classroom discipline problems should be handled in the classroom by the teacher. In those instances where normal classroom discipline has been used, but proves unsuccessful, students may be referred to the office….”

---the FSMS Student Handbook

The following offenses will result in immediate office referrals per FSMS Student Handbook

·  Insubordination

·  Bullying

·  Texting/Use of cell phone

·  Fighting

·  Misuse of Computer

·  Use/possession of drugs/alcohol

Module 7: Corrective Procedures/Task 5: Attention-Seeking Misbehaviors found in the CHAMPs manual (pg. 311) will assess the following misbehaviors:

-Disrespect -Disruption -Inappropriate Language