UNIT NAME: Speaking and Listening
Grade level: 9-12 District-Approved Text: The EDGE, Cengage Learning
Unit : 5
Stage 1 – Desired Results
Enduring Understanding:
  • Comprehension is enhanced through a collaborative process of sharing and evaluating.

Essential Questions:
  • What makes collaboration meaningful?
  • Making meaning from a variety of sources: What will help

ESL Supports:
  • Make decision
  • Graphic Organizer: T-Chart, graphs, tables, websites ,speeches
  • Word Bank: textual evidence, analyze, inference, explicit, elaborate, integrate, warranted, justify, theme, central idea, summary, objective, narrative, question-answer relationships, literary evidence, infer, uncertain; content-based, grade-level vocabulary,
transition, point of view, plot line, transition, discrepancy
  • Modals (would, could, might), compound tenses (would have been), elements of quotations
  • Cooperative whole group/paired reading: Guided Reading, Anticipation Guide
  • Modeling: Teacher created mentor text (Presentation); Document Reader/Overhead Projector
Word Bank: Literary evidence, infer, uncertain; content-based, grade-level vocabulary
Standard / Student Learning Objectives
Content Objective (CO)
Language Objective (LO) / Suggested Instructional Scaffold Skills / Suggested
Assessments / Suggested
Cite strong and thorough textual evidence to support analysis of what the text says explicitly.
WIDA: 2-5
Speaking / SLO: 1
CO: Cite strong and thorough textual evidence to support analysis of what the text says explicitly.
LO: Read to cite and distinguish explicit, inferential and uncertain evidence using adapted text, T-Charts. / ELD1:Read to cite and distinguish explicit, inferential and uncertain evidence and/or by matching Phrase Citations from leveled text to visual representations of the text; then categorizing the citations as explicit, inferential or uncertain
ELD2: Read to cite and distinguish explicit, inferential and uncertain evidence and/or by matching phrase and sentence citations from leveled text to visual representations of the text; then categorizing the citations as explicit, inferential or uncertain.
ELD3: Read to cite and distinguish explicit, inferential, and uncertain evidence using adapted literature.
ELD4: Read to cite and distinguish explicit, inferential, and uncertain evidence from grade level literature.
ELD5: Read to cite and distinguish explicit, inferential, and uncertain evidence from grade level literature. / Formative
  • Read-Aloud
  • Choral Reading
  • Oral Summaries
  • Teacher Observations
  • Graphic Organizers
  • Response Journals
  • Quizzes
  • Cluster Tests
  • State assessments
  • District Benchmarks
  • Role Play/skits
  • Choral Recitation of Poems

Stage 2 – Assessment Evidence
Suggested Performance Tasks:
  • I can recognize when the text I am reading is too easy or too difficult for me.
  • I can analyze the information presented in diverse media and formats.
  • I can determine multiple pieces of textual evidence that strongly support explicit and inferential questions (right there answers).
  • I can review and/or research materials(s) to be discussed and determine key points and/or central ideas.
  • I can analyze an author’s words and determine multiple piecesof textual evidence that strongly and thoroughly support both explicit and inferential questions.
  • I can distinguish between literal language (it means exactly.
/ Other Evidence:
  • Exit/Admit Slips: Phrase and sentences citations
  • Reflective Journal Logs
  • Teacher Observations
  • Peer-Self Assessments

UNIT NAME: Speaking and Listening
Grade level: 9-12 District-Approved Text: The EDGE, Cengage Learning
Unit : 5
Stage 1 – Desired Results
Enduring Understanding:
  • Comprehension is enhanced through a collaborative process of sharing and evaluating

Essential Questions:
  • What makes collaboration meaningful?
  • Making meaning from a variety of sources: What will help?

ESL Supports:
  • Activate prior knowledge
  • Graphic Organizers: Story Map, T-Chart, graphs, tables, websites ,speeches
  • Word Detective, Fryer Model
  • Cooperative whole group/paired reading: Guided Reading, Anticipation Guide
Word Bank:Interact, complex, build on, central idea,textual evidence, analyze, inference, explicit, elaborate, integrate, warranted, justify, theme, summary, objective, narrative, question-answer relationships, literary evidence, infer, uncertain; content-based, transition, point of view, plot line, subject-verb agreement, clauses
Standard / Student Learning Objectives
Content Objective (CO)
Language Objective (LO) / Suggested Instructional Scaffold Skills / Suggested
Assessments / Suggested
RL. 11.2
Determine two or more themes or central ideas of a text and analyze their development over the course of the text.
WIDA: 2-5
Speaking / SLO: 2
CO:Determine two or more themes or central ideas of a text and analyze their development over the course of the text.
LO: Read to determine and summarize how themes develop to produce a complex account using adapted text, Cornell Notes, visual representations. / ELD1:Read to determine how themes develop and summarize the text and/or using leveled text, match phrase or sentence strips to visual representations of the theme and complete a summary with short phrases and Sentence Frame, using selected vocabulary words.
ELD2:Read to determine how themes develop and summarize the text and/or using leveled text, match phrase or sentence strips to visual representations of the theme and complete a summary with short phrases and Sentence Frame.
ELD3: Read to determine how themes develop using adapted literature and summarize the text using key vocabulary in simple, related sentences.
ELP4: Read to determine how themes develop in literature within grade-level band and summarize using key vocabulary in expanded sentences of emerging complexity.
ELD5: Read to determine how themes develop in grade level literature and summarize of the text using precise vocabulary in multiple, complex sentences. / Formative
  • Read- Aloud
  • Independent Reading
  • Choral Reading
  • Jigsaw
  • Literature/Discussion Circles
  • Graphic Organizers
  • Write a summary
  • Journals
  • Socratic Seminars
  • Interactive Practice
  • Inquiry Board
  • Quizzes
  • Cluster Tests
  • State assessments
  • District Benchmarks
  • Role Play/skits
  • Exhibitions( presentations)
/ EDGE 9-12
Writer’s Workout Practice Book

New York Times
Learning Network.com

Stage 2 – Assessment Evidence
Suggested Performance Tasks:
  • I can define theme (a central idea or lesson the author is revealing- Honesty is the best policy).
  • I can analyze plot (the events that happen) to determine two or more themes (author’s overall messages).
  • I can determine how multiple themes in a text develop and interact to build on one another and produce a complex account (e.g., The Old Man and The sea, Wuthering Heights, Jane Eyre).
  • I can define Summary ( a shortened version of the text that states key points.)
  • I can compose an objective summary stating the key points of the text without adding my own opinions or feelings.
/ Other Evidence:
  • Exit/Admit Slips: Phrase and sentences citations
  • Reflective Journal Logs
  • Teacher Observations
  • Peer-Self Assessments

UNIT NAME: Speaking and Listening
Grade level: 9-12 District-Approved Text: The EDGE, Cengage Learning
Unit : 5
Stage 1 – Desired Results
Enduring Understanding:
  • Analyze texts for structure, purpose, and viewpoint allows an effective reader to gain insight and strengthen understanding.
  • Analyze the structure of texts, including how specific sentences, paragraphs and larger portions of the text (e. g. a section, chapter, scene or stanza) relate to each other and the whole.

Essential Questions:
  • Author’s choice: Why does it matter?
  • What makes a story a “great story?

ESL Supports:
  • Activate prior knowledge
  • Cause and effect graphic organizers
  • Problem/solution graphic organizer
  • Venn Diagram graphic organizer
  • Clarify ideas
  • Gather and synthesize information
  • Literary device: Plot, theme, foreshadow
  • Analyze importance in sequential and chronological order
  • Use chronology/sequencing terms and concepts such as first, second, third, next, then, etc.
  • Cooperative whole group/paired reading: Guided Reading, Anticipation Guide, Reciprocal Teaching
  • Modeling: Teacher created mentor text (Personal informational); Document Reader/Overhead Projector
Word Bank: Textual evidence, analyze, inference, explicit, central ideas, figurative language, literal language, denotation meaning, connotation meaning, technical meaning, refine, point of view, purpose, rhetoric, integrate, multiple meanings of a key terms, idioms, collocations, noun phrases, exposition or argument, transitional words, warranted, justify, theme, summary, objective, informational, cause and effect, problem and solution, compare and contrast.
Standard / Student Learning Objectives
Content Objective (CO)
Language Objective (LO) / Suggested Instructional Scaffold Skills / Suggested
Assessments / Suggested
Analyze the impact of the author’s choices regarding how to develop and relate elements of a story or drama (e.g., where a story is set, how the action is ordered, how the characters are introduced and developed).
WIDA: 2-5
Speaking / SLO: 3
CO: Analyze the impact of the author’s choices regarding how to develop and relate elements of a story or drama (e.g., where a story is set, how the action is ordered, how the characters are introduced and developed).
LO:Read and analyzethe impact of the author’s choices on the development of a drama using Cause and Effect Graphic Organizers, adapted text. / ELD1: Read and analyze the impact of the author’s choices on the development of the story elements and/or using a leveled text, use a word or phrase to complete a Graphic Organizers.
ELD2:Read and analyze the impact of the author’s choices on the development of the story elements and/or using a leveled text, use a phrase to complete a Graphic Organizers.
ELD3: Read and analyze the impact of the author’s choices on the development of the story elements in an adapted drama using key vocabulary in simple, related sentences.
ELD4: Read and analyze the impact of the author’s choices on the development of the story elements in a drama within grade-level band using key vocabulary in expanded sentences with emerging complexity.
ELD5:Read and analyze the impact of the author’s choices on the development of the story elements in a grade- level drama using precise vocabulary in multiple, complex sentences. / Formative
  • Read- Aloud
  • Independent Reading
  • Choral Reading
  • Jigsaw
  • Literature/Discussion Circles
  • Graphic Organizer
  • Write a summary
  • Journals
  • Socratic Seminars
  • Interactive Practice
  • Inquiry Board
  • Quizzes
  • Cluster Tests
  • State assessments
  • District Benchmarks
  • Role Play/skits
  • Choral Recitation of Poems
/ EDGE 9-12
Writer’s Workout Practice Book

New York Times
Learning Network.com

Stage 2 – Assessment Evidence
Suggested Performance Tasks:
  • I can identify element of a story or drama(e. g., setting, events characters).
  • I can analyze how elements of a story or drama are developed and/or interrelated.
  • I can analyze the impact of an author’s in presenting elements of a story or drama.
/ Other Evidence:
  • Exit/Admit Slips: Phrase and sentences citations
  • Reflective Journal Logs
  • Teacher Observations
  • Peer-Self Assessments

UNIT NAME: Speaking and Listening
Grade level: 9-12 District-Approved Text: The EDGE, Cengage Learning
Unit : 5
Stage 1 – Desired Results
Enduring Understanding:
  • Analyze texts for structure, purpose, and viewpoint allows an effective reader to gain insight and strengthen understanding.
  • Analyze the structure of texts, including how specific sentences, paragraphs and larger portions of the text (e. g. a section, chapter, scene or stanza) relate to each other and the whole.

Essential Questions:
  • Author’s choice: Why does it matter?
  • What makes a story a “great story?

ESL Supports:
  • Adapted Text with Visuals
  • Graphic Organizer: Story Map, T-Chart
  • Cooperative whole group/paired reading: Guided Reading, Anticipation Guide
  • Figurative Language Chart
Word Bank: Textual evidence, analyze, inference, explicit, elaborate, integrate, warranted, justify, theme, central idea, summary, objective, narrative, question-answer relationships, literary evidence, infer, uncertain; content-based, grade-level vocabulary, transition, point of view, plot line, similes, metaphors, hyperboles; content-based, grade-level vocabulary
Standard / Student Learning Objectives
Content Objective (CO)
Language Objective (LO) / Suggested Instructional Scaffold Skills / Suggested
Assessments / Suggested
Determine the meaning of words and phrases as they are used in the text, including figurative and connotative meanings.(Include Shakespeare as well as other authors).
WIDA 2-5
Speaking / SLO:4
CO: Determine the meaning of words and phrases as they are used in the text, including figurative and connotative meanings. (Include Shakespeare as well as other authors.)
LO: Determine the meaning of words and phrases as they are used in the text, including figurative and connotative meanings. (Include Shakespeare as well as other authors.) / ELD1:.Read to understand word and phrase meaning and analyze the impact of word choice ; and/or using leveled text, match words and phrases with their visual representations.
ELD2: Read to understand word and phrase meaning and analyze the impact of word choice ; and/or using leveled text,match words and phrases with their definitions and match word and Phrase Citations to visual representations.
ELD3: Read to understand word and phrase meaning and analyze the impact of word choices in adapted literature using key vocabulary in a series of simple, related sentences.
ELD4: Read to understand word and phrase meaning and analyze the impact of word choice in literature within grade-level band using key vocabulary in expanded and some complex sentences.
ELD5:Read to understand word and phrase meaning and analyze the impact of word choice in grade level literature using precise vocabulary in multiple, complex sentences. / Formative
  • Read- Aloud
  • Independent Reading
  • Choral Reading
  • Jigsaw
  • Literature/Discussion Circles
  • Graphic Organizer
  • Write a summary
  • Journals
  • Socratic Seminars
  • Interactive Practice
  • Inquiry Board
  • Quizzes
  • Cluster Tests
  • State assessments
  • District Benchmarks
  • Role Play
  • Choral Recitation of Poems
/ EDGE 9-12
Writer’s Workout Practice Book

New York Times Learning Network.com
TOEFL Practice

Stage 2 – Assessment Evidence
Suggested Performance Tasks:
  • I candefine and identify various forms of figurative language (e. g, simile, metaphor, hyperbole, personification, alliteration, onomatopoeia).
  • I can distinguish between literal language ( it means exactly what you mean) and figurative language (sometimes what you say is not exactly what you mean).
  • I can recognize the differences denotative meanings ( all words have a dictionary definition) and connotative meaning (some words carry feelings).
  • I can recognize words that have technical meaning and understand their purpose in a specific text (e.g., “stem” in an article about flowers versus “stem” in an article about cell research).
  • I can analyze how a key term or terms are used and refined over the course of a text.
/ Other Evidence:
  • Exit/Admit Slips: Phrase and sentences citations
  • Reflective Journal Logs
  • Teacher Observations
  • Peer-Self Assessments
  • Feedback

UNIT NAME: Speaking and Listening
Grade level: 9-12 District-Approved Text: The EDGE, Cengage Learning
Unit : 5
Stage 1 – Desired Results
Enduring Understanding:
  • Writing should be purposely focused, detailed, organized, and sequenced in a way that clearly communicates the ideas to the reader.
  • Producing clear ideas as a writer involves selecting appropriate style and structure for an audience and is strengthened through revision and technology

Essential Questions:
  • What do good writers do?
  • What’s my purpose and how do I develop it?
  • What makes a difference in writing clearly?

ESL Support:
  • Four Corners
  • Graphic Organizers: Concept Maps, Chain of Events, Brainstorming Web
  • Clarify ideas, audience
  • Introduce precise , knowledgeable claims, gather information
  • Organize information from multiple sources
  • Online Resources
  • Thesaurus, Bilingual Dictionary, Translators
  • Student Model
Writing Mode:
  • Define
  • Explain
  • Graphic Organizers: Development of ideas; Traits, Persuasion map
  • Writing Process: Prewrite; draft; Revise for development of ideas, Edit, proofread, Publish and Present
  • Cloze sentences
Word Bank: Claim, counterclaim, syntax, plan, revise, edit, purpose, audience; content-based, grade-level vocabulary
Standard / Student Learning Objectives
Content Objective (CO)
Language Objective (LO) / Suggested Instructional Scaffold Skills / Suggested
Assessments / Suggested
W.11.4,11.5, 11.6
Develop and strengthen writing as needed by planning, revising, editing, rewriting, or trying a new approach, focusing on addressing what is most significant for a specific purpose and audience.
Writing / SLO: 11
CO: Develop and strengthen writing as needed by planning, revising, editing, rewriting, or trying a new approach.
LO: Write to develop writing through editing using a Checklist for editing.
SLO: 12
CO: Use technology, including the Internet, to produce, publish, and update individual or shared writing products in response to ongoing feedback including new arguments or information.
LO: Write to edit and publish individual and collaborative writing pieces using a checklist of steps. / ELD1:Write to develop writing through editing and/or by producing selected single words in key phrase patterns.
ELD2: Write to develop writing through editing and/or by producing selected single words in key phrase patterns, using selected vocabulary.
ELD3: Write to develop writing through editing by producing key vocabulary in a series of simple, related sentences.
ELD4:Write to develop writing through editing by producing key vocabulary in expanded and some complex sentences.
ELD5: Write to develop writing through editing and by producing clear and coherent writing using precise vocabulary in multiple, complex sentences. / Formative
  • Constructive Quizzes
  • Student Conferences
  • One Minute Essay
  • Learning Log
  • Anecdotal Note Cards/Notes
  • Journals
  • Write an argumentative essay
  • Argumentative Rubric
  • End-of-Unit Test
  • District Benchmarks or Interim Assessments
  • State Assessments
  • Writer’s Checklist
/ Writer’s Workout Practice Book

Checklist for editing