Minister: I lift up my eyes to the hills — where does my help come from?

ALL: My help comes from the LORD, the Maker of heaven and earth.

Minister: He will not let your foot slip — he who watches over you will not slumber;

ALL: He who watches over Israel will neither slumber nor sleep.

Minister: The LORD watches over you — the LORD is your shade at your right hand;

ALL: The sun will not harm you by day, nor the moon by night.

MINISTER: The LORD will keep you from all harm — he will watch over your life;

ALL: The LORD will watch over your coming and going both now and forevermore.

Scripture Song: Paraphrase 54 (2 Tim. 1:12)

I’m not ashamed to name my Lord

Or to defend his cause,

Maintain the honour of his word,

The glory of his cross.

Jesus, my God! I know his Name,

His Name is all my trust;

Nor will he put my soul to shame,

Nor let my hope be lost.

Firm as his throne his promise stands,

And he can well secure

What I’ve committed to his hands

Until that final hour.

Then he'll make known my worthless name

Before his Father’s face,

And in the new Jerusalem

Appoint to me a place.

Updated version - adapted from Isaac Watts. CM.

Morning Praise Evening Praise

9a:7-11* (p. 9) 121:1-8 (p. 416)

130:1-8* (p. 173) 67:1-7* (p. 84)

32:1-6* (p. 38) 126:1-6* (p. 171)

Paraphrase 54 (see above) (* = Sing Psalms version)


Welcome Team: Malcolm Fraser, Finlay MacKenzie, Sandra MacDonald & Julia Reid.

Crèche: 7th Nov. Maureen MacKenzie & Rosemary Skinner. 14th - Christine MacAskill & Joan Tripp.

Bus Drivers: 7th – A Stirling (865324); 14th – D MacRae (865998); 21st – J MacAskill (863410); 28th – H Reid (863746).

Nursing Homes: Fodderty House at 1.45 pm, 7th Nov. - A MacRae; 21st Nov. – TBA.

To Contact the Minister – Rev Angus MacRae: Free Church Manse, Firth View, Dingwall. ' 01349 862183. (Email: ).

CD / Tape Orders: ' Sina (01349 865998) or Fred (01349 864297)

Disabled Access is via a ramp and internal lift at the back door of the church.

Website: Sermons and newsletters are available at

Dingwall & Strathpeffer Free Church is a Designated Scottish Charity: SC011143

welcome to



free church

God calls us to delight in Christ and to share His Hope.

Sunday 7th November 2010

‘“He himself bore our sins” in his body on the cross, so that we might die to sins and live for righteousness; “by his wounds you have been healed.”’ 1 Peter 2:24

Led by God, we join together in joyful and reverent worship, seeking unity and maturity in Christ, preparing every believer to share and show God’s Hope as revealed in His Word.

Welcome! We meet for worship in Dingwall at 11.00 am and 6 pm. On this day many churches remember in prayer the needs of the Persecuted Church. We are delighted to welcome to our morning service Brigadier Ian Dobbie, and Major Iain MacDonald of SASRA. Brigadier Dobbie will preach this morning on “The Three Crosses” and help us to remember in prayer Her Majesty’s armed forces and the important work of SASRA bringing the gospel to soldiers and airmen.

We wish Finlay More a very happy 10th birthday today! Children go out to Sunday School and Bible Class after the second singing this morning. A crèche is also available in the church hall.

Tea and coffee is served after morning service in the foyer.

Planning for Christmas & Youth Work: There is a cup of tea and a short meeting after church tonight to plan for Christmas events and to plan for our youth and children’s work. Could you help with small groups mentoring young people, doing Bible Study and fun activities? Can you sing or play an instrument at special events? Do you have ideas for parties and social events? Would you just like to help? If the answer is yes to any of these questions, please come along!


Next Sunday, 14th November, the beginning of our morning service will be postponed to 11.30 am, to allow people to participate in the parade and wreath-laying which takes place in the High Street at the war memorial. Rev John de la Haye will conduct the services next Sunday as the minister will be away taking three evangelistic meetings for the Church of Scotland and Free Church in Carloway, Isle of Lewis.


Volunteers are required to start sorting and packing shoeboxes staring in our Church hall at 9 am this Tuesday. Sorting will continue on weekdays (9 am - 4.30 pm) for the coming weeks. We would now welcome donations of Christmas Shoeboxes, which can be left on the tables in the front porch of the church. Leaflets with instructions and a checklist of suggested items are available. Please return your shoebox as soon as possible.


Church leaders meet for Presbytery in Greyfriars Free Church on Monday at 7 pm.

Mini Marvels parent and toddler group meets in the foyer each Tuesday at 10.30 am – apart from school holidays. To get involved please talk to Anna Stirling, Erin Maston or Ishbel MacArthur.

Women’s Bible Study: A Bible study on The Sermon on the Mount is held at Rhoda MacDonald’s home, 1 Eastbank (862473). Next at 10.30 am this Tuesday 9th November and then every two weeks.

Our Elders and Deacons meet for training, prayer and planning at Donnie Macrae’s home, 24 Telford Gardens, on Tuesday 8th November at 7.30 pm. Please read Chapter 7 (Good Personal Relationships) in Derek Prime’s A Christian’s Guide to Leadership for the Whole Church.

Prayer & Bible Study: All are welcome to Dingwall Free Church hall this Wednesday at 7.30 pm for a time of prayer and study.

Road to Recovery: A support group is available in the church hall for folk living with addiction. The group meets every Thursday from 7.30 pm. Those directly affected by addiction including carers and family members are all most welcome.

Ian White Concert: Ian will lead worship and perform his songs at Inshes Church on Friday 12th November at 7.30 pm. Tickets (£5; £15 for a family of 4) are available from or from the CLC and Living Oasis bookshops.


Women for Mission: Women are welcome to the Dingwall Church hall on Tuesday 16th November, when Eilidh Wilkinson will give a talk on: To Malawi and Back! Contact Wendy (864440) if a lift is required. There will be the usual Sales Table.

Dundee-based Solas Centre for Public Christianity hold a conference on Saturday 20th November, titled Out of the Silent Church. Speakers include Ravi Zacharias, John Lennox, Stuart McAllister and David Robertson. The price is £10. A bus from the north costs £10. You can sign up at the tea-bar.

The Inverness & North Mission Support Group run a Coffee Morning in the Free North Church hall, on Saturday 20th November from 10.30 am. Donations of baking and bric-a-brac are welcome.

Future Youth Fellowship dates are: 21st November (with Rev Calum MacMillan speaking), and 5th December.

Monthly Home Groups: Home groups meet on Wednesday 24th November. Each group will arrange a social and fellowship evening on or around the 15th December.


Murdo MacArthur was recently appointed as our new Session Clerk. Murdo has also been appointed as our Child Protection Coordinator while Murdo Mackay is unwell. Any matter of concern, referral or question regarding safeguarding of children or adults at risk should be directed to Murdo in the meantime. (01349 861250).


Pray for God’s blessing on our worship – that we may grow in faith, hope and love. Pray for God to protect us from discouragement and the work of Satan.

Remember those who are unwell, struggling with addictions or other health problems and the recently bereaved. Ken Humphries is recovering after a nasty fall.

Pray for all the leaders of our congregation and their families, and for all in our church family to walk with God closely. Remember the minister as he takes special meetings in Carloway next Saturday and Sunday, and pray for John preaching here.

Pray for the pastors Calum Iain MacLeod and Donnie MacSween and their congregations in our neighbouring village of Evanton, and for the ongoing vacancies in Maryburgh Free Church and in the Strathpeffer Parish Church.

Ken Murray has moved from Dingwall to London seeking employment. His email address is . Remember him in your prayers and remember others seeking employment or anxious about job security.

Please pray for the work of Osamu and Mairi Nakahashi and the church fellowship in Japan, and for blessing to follow recent outreach events.

Remember Neil & Rachel and Ben and Lucie Rae (Calapan, Philippines) as they prepare for their home assignment next June. Give thanks that two more Bible Studies have become house-churches. Jane Caine from the Birmingham is helping with the home-schooling of Ben and Lucie for three weeks. Neil’s mum, Joey, will visit from 9th to 28th December. OMF UK is facing a difficult time at present, particularly over finance and policy. Pray for wisdom and God’s gracious care.

Pray for God to use the Road to Recovery groups throughout the Highlands.

OMF: The local prayer group meet on the second Friday of the month at 10.30 am at Christine Craig’s home, Fourways, 8 Gladstone Avenue, Dingwall (Tel: 864511).

Remember Carolyn Kemp in her work with the Asian Diaspora ministry of OMF.