Regular Meeting

September 9, 2013

The Village of Ashton Board of Trustees met at 7:30 P.M. on September 9, 2013 in the Village Hall with President Ross presiding. Trustees in attendance were David Balch, Tom Balch, Susan Larson, Dean Meurer and Kevin O’Dell. Motion was made by Larson, seconded by D Balch to approve the August minutes. Voice votes, 5 ayes- D Balch, T Balch, Emmons, Larson, Meurer and O’Dell, 0 nays, 1 absent - Mike Emmons, motion carried.

Motion was made by T Balch, seconded by D Balch to draw upon the treasury to pay the monthly bills and payroll in the amount of $52,998.46. Voice votes, 5 ayes- D Balch, T Balch, Emmons, Larson, Meurer and O’Dell, 0 nays, 1 absent - Mike Emmons, motion carried.

Monetta Young informed the board that bikes were still being ridden on sidewalks and said she had brought it to the board’s attention several times before. Ross instructed Stover to stencil the sidewalks again.

Manheim told the board that the Zoning Board of Appeals had met on August 27, 2013 and voted to approve a variance request at 612 N 1st Street to reduce the setback from 25 feet to 6 feet but asked for the structure to blend in. T Balch made a motion, seconded by D Balch to accept the Facts and Findings as presented by the Zoning Board of Appeals. Roll call votes, 5 ayes- D Balch, T Balch, Emmons, Larson, Meurer and O’Dell, 0 nays, 1 absent - Mike Emmons, motion carried.

T Balch made a motion, seconded by Larson to approve the variance for 612 N 1st Street. Roll call votes, 5 ayes- D Balch, T Balch, Emmons, Larson, Meurer and O’Dell, 0 nays, 1 absent - Mike Emmons, motion carried.

Meurer scheduled a Community Economic Development meet for Monday, September 16, 2013 at 7 P.M. at the Village Hall.

David Balch reported the Streets & Alley Committee was waiting for sidewalk bids. O’Dell said they had contacted 5 contractors but they are all busy this time of year.

Tom Balch reported the water tower painting was done and that a smooth transaction had been made going from the portable water supply to the tower. Ross said they only thing left to do was to replace the screens at a cost of $350 per hour. T Balch reported that they would be doing some fire hydrant work.

Larson reported that the movie in the park had gone well and thanked Carol Goley and Dave Balch for getting the food together, Joe Gleissner for setting up the projector and sound system and Stilts the Clown. Larson said she has some bids on landscaping the area on the corner by Casey’s and that there are four more issues they are working on for the splash pad.

Chief Farringer monthly police report listed 220 hours worked, 97 gallons fuel, 1752 miles, 2-adult arrests, 0-juvenile detained, 8-criminal offense reports, 31-public services, 23-traffic enforcements, and no fines were not listed on the report. Farringer reported there was vandalism at the park. Farringer will be holding a disaster preparedness meeting Wednesday, September 11, 2013 at 6:00 PM at the village office at 810 Main Street.

Van Dam reported the FOIA Officer is the only one required to do the Open Meetings and FOIA training every year and for everyone else it’s just one time.

Tom Balch reported the cemetery would be meeting September 13, 2013 at 10:15 AM at 810 Main Street. Balch said because of the uncertainty of the water quality and by request of a family he would like to close the cemetery pump. Bartels recommended it be capped off and there were proper procedures to follow.

Tom Balch reported that the drainage issues on the west side of the Mills & Petrie building had been repaired, library books are being catalogued and blinds for the building were still being discussed.

Ross reported the Phase II Sewer project was on tract to go out for bids.

Bartels reported that there is a fiber optic line being ran through town.

T Balch made a motion, seconded by D Balch to adjourn. Voice votes, 5 ayes- D Balch, T Balch, Emmons, Larson, Meurer and O’Dell, 0 nays, 1 absent - Mike Emmons, motion carried. 8:10 P.M.

Dorthy S. Van Dam, Village Clerk